Is it hot? Man I don’t know when we will get some relief, but hopefully soon. Monday and Tuesday the phone started ringing off the wall after 8pm. We don’t normally do much more than overnights after 8pm, but this week has been different so far. I think guys are so uncomfortable that many guys don’t think about seeing a chica until it cools down.
I was watching fires in San Diego yesterday, and that was nothing nice. Last I heard no homes were lost and I hope that is still true. I’m afraid we are ripe for more fires and maybe a couple of days of rain would do us all some good.
So I get a call a few days ago while riding with Pancho. Guy says he is on our site and wants the pricing. After going over the prices he asks if the chicas bring their own cleaning supplies. Now I am wondering if this is some type of code word or what, but he proceeds to tell me he has a lady that use to come by on Thursdays but he often had to go to Target or Walmart to buy cleaning supplies, because his girl sometimes did not have them. At this point I am wondering if I am the victim of a prank on the radio. I keep it clean and tell the guy maybe he should call someone else. I’m guessing it was not a radio prank.
Going to turn 55 if a few months. It makes me feel like it is time to write the book. Have no clue how to publish it (well a friend says he will help), but I guess I need to sit down and write a little every day. Problem is that the story is not complete and I do not want to retire. I will work on that problem. I look forward to having the work completed.
I am not a fan of the NBA, but I do feel for the Clippers and wish Don Sterling would just disappear. It is a shame the big story is not about the game. It is also a shame that they can milk these playoffs into June. Hope you are enjoying the baseball season.
Was reading some comments about pricing chicas by their appearance etc. I would never do that as it is just not fair to the most popular chicas. They may lose work because the price of someone else is lower. Now I do have different prices for overnights, but that is by the chicas design. Some just will not work for $300. That has nothing to do with pricing or tier but by a chicas desire. When I get a new chica I don’t even mention the $400 8 hour overnights as I don’t want that to be the norm. I also never mention covering the face, but sometimes another chica suggests it. Of course I have to respect the chicas decision, but I don’t want to put that in her mind. It would be interesting to see which chicas would be top tier and by who’s account. They all get work so people are willing to pay for everyone of them. Our team is so rich in talent now and I am quite happy with the way things are going. Business is better than ever, but now the work is split up where as in 2005 and 2006 about 2 or 3 chicas would dominate the calendar. In the first 3 days of this week 23 different chicas have worked with only Jennifer doing multiple dates. There are so many choices in escorting today that you just never know who is going to be requested.
Hope it gets cooler out there for you. Have a great weekend, and as always be safe.