Pricing and Specials

Current date prices are below. In addition to the fees for the chicas, the client pays the hotel  (if you are not in the taxi, you do not pay for a taxi). Hotels (La Mansion and La Premier) generally run less than $40. Taxi from the border most likely would be $10 one way, and that has too be negotiated with the taxi.

Clients pay the hotel when arriving and the chica at the conclusion of the date, but please pay her in the room. It is best not to be handling money in front of the drivers and hotel staff.

We recommend that you carry small bills for the taxi drivers, as they often will not have change. The hotel can make change for the room rental but please have exact change for the chicas. Tipping is appreciated, but never requested, and should be when you feel the service is exceptional. Prices are for GFE (girlfriend experience) services and the price to the right is for bi-sexual dates (per chica) and Greek for those few chicas that provide that service.

Please be advised these prices are in US currency. If you must pay in pesos, please call the agency before your date to get a conversion.

These are our prices as of July 1, 2022.

Girlfriend Experience

GFE w/Greek

(per chica)

One hour




Two hours




Three hours




Four hours




Six hours




Eight hours**




Twelve hours




24 hours




** Overnight Special $400/500

(8/10 hrs)

**8-hour Overnight Special

We have several chicas now offering overnight 8 hours dates for $400. The client still pays the hotel and taxi. Our regular hotels are available for overnight on Friday and Saturdays but they charge every 4 hours.  Other approved hotels can be found for around $69 to $120 dollars on the weekends.  The overnight special runs from 10pm to 6am. Please understand there is no pro-rated price. If you cannot stay the entire 8 hours, you are still responsible for the full $400. This is a great price and the service is not compromised.  View our current lineup of chicas offering this here.

Some of the chicas also offer 10 hours from 8pm to 6am for $500.

Tag Team Dating:  This fun and popular date is available as well.  You and a friend can schedule two chicas at the same time.  You must use different rooms and after 1.5 hours, the chicas change rooms.  Each chica receives $400 and payment is made to the chica you are with at the end.  La Mansion is a good venue for these dates.