
Updates and info on escorts in Tijuana


Feliz Dia de amor y amistad.  Pamela decided to be on our site last night.  Kika has left our site.


Another Football season has passed.   Had therapy this morning and just made it back. I believe I am making progress.  


Lots of available chicas today.


Going to meet a couple of ladies today for interviews.   Had several doctor appointments this week.  I am getting warned down but feel good. Looking at dates in May for our first fiesta in  over a year.



Pamela left as she was hearing about her side job of being an escort in her regular job.


Lorena is available now.


Sandra has asked to be removed from our site. She is welcome back if she wants to come back.


Our hears and prayers go our to those guys living in SoCal and we have even had clients from out of State not able to come as their flights we canceled because of the Wild Fires. We will be here when you can come.


Been struggling with my computer but we are working every day.  Even when going to therapy twice a week I answer my e-mails and call folks back when I cannot answer the phone.  I have therapy scheduled until March.  Currently I have therapy every Monday and Wednesday at 8am until March.   Interviewing tomorrow at 9am.


Nirvana is back.  Maybe some ladies could work overnight tonight.


Very little scheduled today.  If you have not read the FAQ page please do so.


Today is the last day for Charlette.  She has a full day scheduled.


Finally got new pics for Alexa.   Did interview a new chica that should be posted next week.


The ladies will be available at 5pm.  But you can request them earlier.  Happy New Year.


Have a doctors appointment today,   Should be back in Tijuana around 2pm.  E-mails will be answered and Calls will be forwarded to me.  If I don’t answer just call back as maybe I am with the doctor. 


Hope you had a Merry Christmas.   On 12-31 no one will work after 5pm.


Today is Jessy’s last day but she will be back in February .Charlotte will leave early in January and she is an absolute Superstar.  We will be closed on Tuesday but most will work on Christmas day during the afternoon and evening. Please have a nice Holiday and when you are ready we will be her.







Back from the US now.  Charlotte is back until January 6. Already has been scheduled a few times.  Will make her page live again. 


Jessy is back and I have great reviews so far. Calendar is busy the next few days.


Hoping to have someone new by tomorrow.  Jessy is here and their are ladies available the entire weekend.


I am sorry I cannot write much here.  Truth is I have Multiple Drs.s appointments and I am staying in the US at least twice a week.   I do answer my calls and e-mails when I am away. For whatever it is worth just a little scheduled this weekend but I am sure that will change.


Farrah let me know she will not be returning on the 13th as previously promised.  Sorry for any confusion. She will be back in Febuary and Jessy will be back on December 13. Jessy has cancelled sall her overnight dates


Pretty busy for a Monday, but there are lots of availability for overnight.


Happy December folks. Still ladies available in the afternoon and evening.


I have therapy tomorrow morning and a Dr. appointment on Wednesday morning as well.   Things are looking better and I will have some more appointments in December.  We do have ladies available everyday so look forward to hearing from you.





back from therapy today.  Do not return until 11-26.


I screwed up the posting of Jessy.   Her pics are posed right now but they are not here.  Thank you for your patience.  Right now I am in therapy and getting better a little at a time.  Hope to have a fiesta in late spring.  


Farrah and Jessy will be back sometime December. Not much scheduled today.  People if you are thinking about scheduling a lady check the FAQ page as many people do not understand how to schedule and we waist a lot of time.


Been Very busy.  Arantza is back and will have a new lady soon.


Plenty of chicas available tonight. Sophia now has new pics.



Lots of ladies available in the afternoon and for overnight today.


Happy November folks.  Still ladies available.


Going to San Diego.  Should be back by noon.  Will answer E-mails and phone calls but have therapy in the US at 8am.


Been having lots of doctor appointments.  Still more to come.  Lots of ladies available this afternoon and evening.



Lots of availability today,


Lots of availability today. Have a dr’s appointment tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon.


Dulce is doing overnights for a short while  Sadly Nicole M asked to be taken off the site.


Been so busy the last few days and Money is still pretty busy.


Happy Monday!  Nothing scheduled until tonight.  


Still ladies available this afternoon and evening.


Ladies available in the afternoon and evening.


lots of ladies available today and tonight.



Things are back to normal.  Karina is back.  lots of guys been asking about her.    Will have a new lady Montserrat soon and new pics of Venus and Sandra are on the way,


Folks it is not a good night to visit Tijuana.   It is like NYE and is better to stay home


Charlotte has dates cancel today.  Kind of a light day so far.   She will be gone of the 16th in the evening.


Today is busy but Saturday is not to much scheduled yet.   Remember Sunday night will be crazy.


Lots of dates these next few days,  Sunday is not a good night to  visit,   It will be like NYE and when people tend to shoot their guns late in the evening.


Busy Thursday but maybe could squeezr in more overnighs.


The weekend appears to end Tuesday.


Busy Holiday weekend,


Charlotte will be back 9-12-16.  Busy night.  Today it is busy in the afternoon, but lots of ladies available for overnight.



not much today


Very busy today


Not much scheduled today


Not much today so far.


Busy day today.


Happy Monday.



Kelly had her overnight date tonight cancelled.


Big weekend starting today.  



Not much scheduled yet today.


Kya has left the agency  She will be missed and we wish her the best.



Things are picking up for us.


Katherine is now available every day and night.



looks good today with lot of dates scheduled today.


Another nice day on our calendar.


8-2-24 part b

I have head from some of or chicas that we are closed but I have assured them I am still working.


Busy weekend coming up.  


Getting better

Angeles is coming back

7-24 psrt b

no raon t belive i will be going bavk to the hospital today


I again went to the hospital today but am home now.I hope to answer your questions today.



I am having problems typing but will answer them


My health problems have continued but I’m back in Tijuana as of today.  If you have a date today, please call or email me to confirm your date as I lost a few emails over the past few days.


Happy Monday

I have an interview  this morning. Looks like I may go back to the hospital Tuesday.


Happy Saturday.   Lots of ladies available all day.



Again today multiple morning dates and minimal evening dates.


Happy Fourth of July. Lots this morning but the night has had cancellations and wide open,


Having problems with my computer.   Finally got it running this afternoon

7-2-24 10pm

I have been a couple days in the hospital, but I am home now.  Will cross tomorrow to fill new prescriptions. I am going to sleep well tonight.


Still many ladies available.  


Happy  Friday.   Dates start in the morning and a few overnights.  Sill lots of ladies available.  I am having a problem on the site.  Brisa is posted on our site again.


Only have a few overnight dates today so the afternoon has many opportunities as well as the evening.


Going to the US this morning.  Should be back by noon.  Lorena is back.


Busy morning but not many in the evening.


Survived a very busy night.  Looks like a busy night tonight.


Busy day but still ladies that are available.  


Looks like the weekend is starting early.  


Tokyo is not working right now.  She has been one of the top providers in Tijuana for a couple of years and we will miss her.  Hoping she comes back after a break.


Happy Monday. Lots of ladies available tonight.


Happy Father’s Day.


Huge night last night.    Lots of ladies available tonight.


Big day but still lot of ladies have availability tonight. 


Not to busy today.  Make sure you request your overnight dates before 5pm


Lots of availability today. 


Got a quick appointment in the US.  Will be back by 2pm.   All appointments will be honored and e-mails will be answered.


Not real busy today so some ladies may be available in the afternoon or evening.  


Rose is back. Paola is back.   Not much scheduled today so lots of opportunities.   


Not much this weekend.  You know that will change and we have some new choices.  Paola is back as well.


There has been several chicas added in the last 10 days. Hopefully we will know more about them soon.


Happy Monday.  I believe we has a new secretary of police Starting soon.  


Added Nirvana yesterday.    Had a big night last night.  Lots of chicas availabe this afternoon and evening. Paola will be back to work on Monday.


Feliz Junio!  Time is passing quickly.  I did hire a tiny girl that is 105lbs.  Hopefully I will have new pics next week.


So far it is a mild day. Most likely many lady are available in the night.


Busy again today.  Hopefully more new chicas will be added soon.


Going to the US today.  Will have my phone calls forwarded to me and will answer e-mails.


Huge weekend.  Adding photos de Alin a little later today.


Another interview today.  I am still hoping for pics of a new lady I interviewed on the 14th. Please get your reservations in now for your hotel and this in going to be a very busy weekend. 


Will be in the US this morning.  Hoping to get new pics this afternoon for a new lady.


Have 3 interviews this morning.


We don’t have any overnights  yet tonight.   Posted Myra yesterday and new pics of Katia.


I have to doctor appointments and should be back by 1pm.  All calls and e-mails will be answered. Made it back before 1pm.


Be interviewing ladies today until 1pm.  I have more availability as I put 4 girls on my calendar today that are actually scheduled on the 14th of June.


Spent the morning in the US.  Got back around noon.  Paola is out for a while.  Big day Tuesday.    I have 4 interviews tomorrow as well.


Nothing this morning, but you can schedule or request after 2pm or later in the morning.


Happy Friday.  Remember that it is Mother’s Day today.


Tomorrow 5-10-24 is Mother’s Day in Mexico.  I have had about 10 ladies turn down work tomorrow.    We all can have our opinions on Mother’s Day, but I feel it is a day appreciated on both sides of the border.  I think that it is a bigger Holiday.   I may  have one chica that will work tomorrow.   I personally think every day is Mother’s Day.


Happy Cinco de Mayo…not really a Holiday here. A little busier today.


Kind of slow this morning and there are ladies not scheduled tonight.


Many dates this evening. Afternoon is kind of light.


Been going a lot to the US.  Should be in Tijuana until Monday now.


Busy today.  Tomorrow I have a Doctors appointment but will be available to answer calls and e-mails after 10am.


Still a few ladies available tonight as long as  you have an approved hotel and not a love hotel.


Going to the US today, should be back by 3pm.  All dates will be honored and your phone calls and e-mails will be answered.   Looks like a pretty good weekend so far.


Been very busy the last days. Busy day again today.


Had issues with our drivers yesterday, but everyone got where they were going.   Not  much today. but the last 7 days have been great.  


Feels good to have the internet back.  Busy again today but not many TLN so far.  Charley has a date tomorrow but not sure when she will have pics.  


My internet was restored at 10am today. Has been out several days.  I think I have everything but if you have a date scheduled it would be best to  call or send an e-mail and see if I have it on my calendar.


Charley will be returning soon. Busy day but nothing for overnight today.


Have to visit the US this morning.  Will be back at 3 or 4pm.  All e-mails will be answered and phone calls as well.


Happy Sunday.  Not much scheduled today.


Busy day today.  Weekend does not have much scheduled.  Kelly is asking to work more.   She is one of our most popular chicas, but normally does not accept same day requests.   If you schedule her 3 days or more in advance you will get better results. 


I am going to the US this morning. Expect to be back by 2pm.   Will answer e-mails and calls will be forwarded.  Please remember that Patricia is available for overnight now. 


Quite busy Monday.  Don’t get April fooled.


Very busy day today.  New pics posted today for Valentina.


Patricia is no available for overnights and any date after 8pm.


Busy night tonight.   Back after a long night.   


I am going to be gone today and e-mails will be answered and calls will be forwarded.   I will not take calls after 5pm.  I will be back around midnight.


Happy Sunday. Not much scheduled today. 


Busy morning but surprisingly the night is very slow. Saturday does not have much, but that will change.


Have to visit the US today.  Hope to be back by 2pm. Phone calls will be forwarded and e-mails will be answered. Expect it to be business as usual.


Busy day today.  The weekend may be slow but the weekdays have been quite busy this week.


Yesterday was slow, but the next 5 days look good on paper. I will be making quick trips to the US but my calls will be forwarded.   E-mails will be answered.  


Very busy yesterday, but kind of slow today. 


Very busy yesterday and busy today as well.  Saturday is very slow so far, but that most likely will change.


Roxana will be back until 3-18-24.    Very busy day today but nothing for overnight yet.


I am back and things should be normal.


Remember I will be at the doctors and not available between 11am and 2pm.  All dates will be honored and we hope to add some late afternoon and evening dates.  Charlotte will be leaving Sunday for 4 or 5 months. Saturday will be  her last day.


I will be in the US today until around 3 or 4pm. Calls will be forwarded and e-mails will be monitored.   Tuesday I will be working but having a procedure done and will be unavailable until before 11am or after 2pm.  Those of you that have scheduled will be ok and your chicas will be on time during my visit to the US.


Some morning dates today but afternoon and evening has many openings.  Moved the clocks up an hour this morning.


Happy Friday.  Looking forward to a good weekend.


Arleth arrived today and her friend Atenea is with her.  Hopefully will have new pics soon.


Took Amaya off the site as I cannot reach her.  She could be back shortly.  


Well the last week was great.   Can’t expect another week like that but Charlotte and Kelly both got lots of attention. 


Happy March!  Another big day.  Somehow not as much on Saturday so far.  Isabella C and Valeria C are back.  Will have new pics soon.


Tonight Paola can work overnight(Scheduled already)  but after tonight it will be back to normal.  Kelly was added this morning.


Looks like we are starting a great week.  Not much scheduled today.  Paola just called and said she could do overnight tonight and tomorrow night.


Slow today.   Looks busy tomorrow.  Think I will take Jr. to the movies.


New chica Charlotte is getting some attention.  Looks like a good weekend ahead.


Should have a new lady on the site today.  


Not much this evening, so many ladies could be available. Saturday has a lot more scheduled. AlexSandra sent new pics last night.  She and her sister Sandra do work together.


Happy Valentine’s Day.   Remember the love hotels are not really a good option today and they will be very busy.


Happy Monday.  Lot of openings tonight.  I enjoyed the game even though I had the wrong team.


Happy Super Bowl Sunday.  Lost control of my e-mail last night but all is good now.  Have fun today and there should be some ladies that would like to work today.


Very busy today.  


Happy Friday!  Big weekend scheduled.  


Hopefully the hard rain is behind us.  Please understand I am no weather man.  I am crossing at 11am but calls will be forwarded and e-mails will be answered.  Thanks to those few that used our service yesterday.


May be lots of rain today.  Not sure if it will be a problem for us but I hear tomorrow may be worse.  At 8:30am it has not started.   Today is a Holiday in Mexico but most everything will be the same as most Mondays.


Little busier today.  Katherine will work weekends only.


Quiet at 9am this morning.  Not much today or tomorrow.  


Happy February!   Looks like we are going to have a really bad rain for the next few days.  If you are coming down be careful and leave lots of extra time.    If you are planning on using our service this weekend make sure you can get a room at an approved hotel.


Afternoon is pretty busy today, but the evening is wide open. Abby is back but waiting for current information. 


More clients visiting this afternoon.  Should be a busy evening.   New lady will be added by the weekend.


Only a few scheduled today.   Should be a good week and no Football this weekend.


Not much scheduled today.  Good day to watch football


After a very busy week the weekend is not so busy.  Strange when that happens but there will be ladies available both Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings if you have a room this weekend.  No Love Motels on weekends.   


Busy day today.  There is neighborhoods where some ladies still can not get out but most of our ladies were able to work yesterday.  Moving around Tijuana is back to normal to our approved hotels.  


Things are better today but some ladies cannot get out of their house as they have their entire neighborhood under water.   Aisha is going to get new pics and start working again. I am taking Odayls off the site today.  She says she will be back but is not sure when,


Super busy Monday.  Would not be surprised that many end up canceled.   As hard as it has been raining this morning I don’t think it is a good idea to visit.  Maybe tonight will be different but not sure.


Still chicas available in the afternoon and evening.


Most dates are in the daytime and we most likely have ladies that are willing to work at night.  Tomorrow is light, maybe because of expected rain. Added Glenda and Elizabeth today. Odalys is leaving Tuesday and not sure when she will be back.


Pretty busy today and Friday but strangely not much Saturday.  Should have a couple of new ladies next week.


Moved a few chicas off the site. Maybe some will be back.  Pretty busy today and tomorrow.


Very sorry that some of my daily entries did not post.  Have gone to the US both today and yesterday morning.  Dropped my oldest boy at the airport in San Diego and his 6 week stay is complete and it is back to normal.  The border has been easier to cross with small lines at both Ped West and Ped East.  Ped West is open to cross into the US daily from 6am to 2pm and to cross into Mexico daily 3pm-11pm. Should have interviews this week.


My boys 6 week visit to Mexico is entering his last weekend.  Should be a good weekend and I will start interviewing again next week.


Today is my older boys birthday.   He is here visiting and I think the last time I was with him for his birthday was more than 20 years ago.  


Not much scheduled this morning and not much in the afternoon and evening as well.


Things are back to normal.    Jessica has new pics.



Patricia is back.  Another busy day today


Business as usual and I did cross at Ped West early today.  Less than 5 minutes and did not notice a line at Ped East when I returned at 10:30am.


Ped West opened today.  6am to 2pm daily to return to the US or 3pm-11pm to enter Mexico.  San Ysidro is open in both directions 24 hours.   Today people are reporting short wait lines in the mid morning today.


Back to normal today.  Please if you are wanting to schedule for the first time read the FAQ.


Remember any date today must be over by 5pm.  Be careful tonight is is armature night. We will be back to work tomorrow afternoon. 


Had some cancelations today, but still lots of dates scheduled.  It has been raining today here.


Very busy today.  Remember that any dates on Saturday must be finished by 5pm.   We will begin working Monday in the afternoon.  E-mails and phone calls will be answered even when we are not working.


Angie has decided to start working overnight.  We will not work overnights on 12-31.


Merry Christmas!  We will be working this afternoon.


We are a lot busier than I anticipated after a fiesta.  Sisters Sandra and Alexsandra will work together but no bi-sexual. Pamela is leaving the site, but says she will accept dates with people I know.   Not sure if or when she will be on the site again.


Very busy Today and Thursday.  We will not work on Sunday 12-24 but will accept dates on Monday 12-25 in the afternoon and evening. 


Thanks for the busy day yesterday and today is busy as well.   


Just got back for visiting family in the US.  The border has been backed up the last several days.  If you do not have Sentri or Global Entry you may want to hold off your visits until Ped West opens again or just cross at 11pm or 12am when there is no line.  We want you to come, but these last few days have been brutal.


Will be traveling tomorrow, however my calls will be forwarded and I will get my e-mails. All dates will be honored tomorrow.


There is always issues at our parties, however I believe everyone managed to have fun.  Thanks everyone for the great week and great final.  And a big thank you for those that donated to Amigos de Santa. 


Very busy today, but no dates will be scheduled after 2pm so the ladies can be fresh for the party.  There will be ladies available at the party for dates at 10pm. Phone will be answered until about 5pm.   I may look at an e-mail while at the party, but I may not. It has been a great weekend so far and lots is planned for tonight.


Looks like Katia’s date will cancel for the party.  Trying to figure out who asked for her recently, so if it was you let me know.  She still has Friday booked but Saturday is open now.


Looks like we will have a nice turnout for the fiesta weekend.


Busy two days but not much tomorrow.   Should be a big week with a HUGE weekend.  


Happy December!   I hope you have your room reservations for next weekend.  I am ready.  Lets have some fun.


Weekend is starting today.  Lorena says she will be back in January.  Remember you can donate to Amigos de Santa from our main page and thanks to those that have already and one of our clients send $1000 so big shout out to him.


Light schedule again today but yesterday ended up good.  Still doing things for our fiesta.  Hope you have your room reserved.


Happy Sunday.  Pretty light schedule, the weekend schedule is looking good.  


Busy day today.  Weekend looks pretty good.  


Seems like lots of guys are spending the Holiday in Tijuana.   If you follow our website but have not pulled the trigger make sure you look at the FAQ before requesting your chica.   Happy Thanksgiving to all and please be careful on your way to Grandma’s house.


Added Mia D last night.   Today is not a busy day.


Today is a Holiday in Mexico.  Some businesses will close but most places are open.  Rose is now available for the night of the fiesta. 


Happy Sunday. Ladies available this evening.  Tokyo sent a couple of new pics and Grecia is hoping to work.


New pictures for Venus, Tammy and Nicole M.   Added Aetena and Arleth and Valeria MILF.   There should be more coming soon.


Happy Thursday.  I am going to the US this morning.   Should be back by 2pm. 

11-15-23 B

I forgot to mention Ped West opens again tomorrow at 6am to 2pm.   It will only for people entering the US.   


Looks like the party will be busy this year as many have scheduled that weekend.   Just please get your hotel reservations in.   Nicole M should have new pics on Friday and will be available to work immediately


Light day today.  Waiting for pictures of new ladies. Madison is taking the week off.


Somy, Primavera, and Yoani have been taken off the site.   They may return but I need to talk to them first.   Madison comes back this afternoon.  Lorena is back now.


Very little today after to big days.  Might have come at the right time.  Even the drivers are exhausted.  Remember to get your room reservations in for the fiesta weekend.


Looking forward to a big weekend.   Make sure you are able to get a room that is listed on our site.


Still have availability in the evening today.  Cannot find Patricia, but it may be a lost phone.   She will be back on the site as soon as I hear from her.  


I have interviews in the morning, and very little is scheduled today, but some in the evening.


Very busy weekend and nothing this morning.  Maybe someone able to work in the evening. More interviews tomorrow and many ladies have interviewed but waiting for pictures.   Remember NO La Mansion or La Premier on weekends.  Review the FAQ page before requesting a lady.


Having more interviews today.  Rose is getting lots of attention and she may be our most popular.   I have to admit I did not see that coming.  Getting ready for a big weekend.   Don’t forget to book your room for the fiesta weekend.                 


Happy  November! Dulce is back after a two year absence and new pics are up. More interviews today.   Have interviewed good ladies recently and just waiting on their pictures.


Just go back from the US.   Just a little tonight.  Renata asked to be taken off the site.  I have interviews in the morning.


Happy Friday.   First few dates were early this morning and have a busy afternoon.  I am sure more ladies can work this evening if you have a reservation in an approved hotel.


Have another interview this morning.  Not much today but it is early.


Halloween is only a week away.  Going to an interview this morning.  Thought yesterday would be a slow day but it was pretty good. I will be back in the afternoon to the office.   I will have calls forwarded and of course and answer e-mails.  


Have to cross the border this morning but hope to be back around noon.  Not much scheduled today after a very busy weekend.  


Quite busy today.   Debra is back and will only see clients that have used our service previously.  


Some dates were canceled today leaving us with lots of ladies available to work today.   


Great weekend but a busy Monday.   Please refer to the FAQ page when requesting a lady.  Paola is back today.


Crazy day Saturday, but only a few dates today.  Monday looks good as well.


Happy Friday folks.     Looks like a very busy weekend.  Alejandra R has new pics.


Today is not very busy but the rest of the week looks quite busy.


Busy day yesterday and appears to be a very busy week.  


Busy today and have interviews in the morning.


Just added Rose.  Big weekend scheduled and I hope you have your hotel reservations.


Griselda is back. 4 dates cancelled for today so there are some ladies that would like to work.  Fiesta info is posted.


Not too much scheduled today but the rest of the week will be busy.


Happy October.  Thank you for the great week and weekend.  Some new ladies added the last few days and more coming.  Remember the fiesta on December 9.


Very busy morning today but only have one scheduled in the evening.  Lots of ladies should be available this evening, but please schedule before 5pm


Have 3 interviews this morning.  Busy night Monday and Tuesday is looking busy as well. 


Have another interview today.  Looks like a busy weekend.


Light day today.  Should have a new T-girl next week.  


Will be in the US until about noon.  Should be business as usual for the morning dates.


Ariana is back.  Tijuana was crazy with huge celebrations and roads closed but all is normal now.


Posted Candy’s photos last night.  Today is Independence day in Mexico, which means it will be very quite around the city today and will come to life in the afternoon.  


Lots of drinking and partying today in Tijuana in celebration of Mexico’s Independence Day.  Holiday is actually tomorrow however the party atmosphere will be tonight.


Quite a bit today.  Will have an interview tomorrows morning. Tomorrow will be a festive night in Mexico almost like New Year Eve.  Saturday is the Holiday and people will sleep late and lot of businesses will be closed.  Bars will be open as will most if not all restaurants will be open.


More interviews this morning.  Not much scheduled today.  I should be back in the office by noon.


Real Busy last night.   I having interviews this morning, but should be back in the office around 1pm.   I will be monitoring e-mails and my calls will be forwarded.  Nicole is hoping to get a couple of dates this week.


Renata asked me to take her off the site.  She may be back later.  Lots of new ladies and we are very busy.


Lots of NCAA football today.  Have nothing scheduled until the evening.


Quite busy yesterday.  Appears to be less work today and tomorrow. Added Danna yesterday. 


3 interviews scheduled this morning.  Light schedule this evening.


Added April today and have interviews tomorrow.   Been quite busy the last several days.  


Very busy Holiday weekend. Looks like the party is continuing  into the week.


Morning is very busy but most evening dates have cancelled.  Have a great weekend.


Two interviews this morning.  Looks like a good Holiday weekend, as people just keep scheduling.


Lot of dates today.  Posting new pics of Gabriella in about 30 minutes.


Has been quite busy today.  Hope to see you soon.  New pics of Jacklyn and AlexSandra posted last night.


Dates start early today.   I am sure many would like to work in the evening tomorrow. 


Jacklyn is back.  I have a doctor’s appointment this morning but should be back by 1pm.  


Great day and looks like the rest of the week will be busy.


Monica S is back on our page today.   


Electricity has been turning off and coming back several times since 6am.  Not raining very hard currently.  Still come chicas may not be able to leave home. I will continue to monitor and post more reports as long as I have power.


Very much appreciate  your visit during “Storm weekend” but please be safe. Much more scheduled than I would have guessed.  Monica is back and will take new pics soon. She will be posted as Monica S.


Not much on the calendar today.  Very busy yesterday and Tuesday.   Sophia C has left Tijuana.  She may be back in a few months. Jessica is back.  Lorena has left and should be back around the 10th of September.


Quite busy today.   Still ladies available in the afternoon and evening.


Light schedule today.  Just added Somy to our site this morning.  Monica is back today.  Not sure if she will be pictured on the site or not.



Divina is ready for work, but should have new pics soon.


Lia will start working our overnight special but needs two days notice. Busy day today.


Several morning dates today.  Still ladies available today if you have a room at an approved hotel.  I have lost contact with Keyla so she is off our site until I can talk to her. I think she may have lost her phone.


This is a big weekend in Baja California because of a big event in Rosarito (Baja Fest)   Line can be difficult at time for entering Mexico by car, and leaving all weekend by car.  The pedestrian lines can be lengthy during the weekend but Should be a lot less busy after 8pm each night for pedestrians. 


Busy again today but still lots of ladies available.  Katia is back on our site and ready to work.


All dates are in the morning and early afternoon today.   Sure someone would be available tonight.


Great weekend so far.  Not much tonight however.


Happy Friday.


Not very busy today, but the week has been great so far.  


Busy day today.  Antonella is back. 


Zulema is now on the site.  Her friend has left Tijuana for awhile.  


Not much scheduled after Tuesday this week until Friday. 



You may remember Zulema who has been on our site.  I have to meet with her and her friend Danna Monday so I can get their info. Zulema in red and Danna in black.  I believe they are both MILFS.


Lots of availability this afternoon and evening.  


Busy morning and afternoon but the evening is wide open.  Paola will be off the site for awhile.


Keyla is ready to work. Busy again today but not too much in the evening. 


Took Antonella off the site.  She may be back soon.  So far it has been a busy week and looks like a busy weekend.


Mostly morning dates today so the evenings are open and only a few in the  evenings.   Debra is taking a month off and Nicole M may be on our site soon and she will have new pics.


Only a few dates today.  Lot of ladies available in the evening.  Violetta has asked to be taken of our our site, and plans to come back by September with new pictures.


Busy morning today but the evening is only a few overnights.   Lorena is back and has taken new pictures.


Busy night. All todays dates are in the afternoon, but many ladies  available in the evening.  


Very busy this evening.  Not too many dates in the afternoon but a lot after 8pm. Paola for the time being will not work overnight.


Happy Saturday people.  There are ladies available today but schedule early as you will not have much luck if you try to call at the last minute. 


I got back around midnight.   Looks like a lite weekend, but time will tell.


Happy Monday.  Am getting ready to fly out in a few hours and Sophia C is available as is Lia.   Will be back in our office Friday morning.


Not much today.   Will be leaving tonight but will return late Thursday night.  Will not be updating the news but will respond to e-mails and calls.  


Giselle had her overnight date cancel tonight so if you are interested let me know.  


Added Paola and Lia last night.  Already both have been scheduled.  I am leaving Monday for 4 days and will return late Thursday night.  I hope that the dates will go as scheduled and will have my calls forwarded and answer e-mails while gone.  This week has been crazy busy and today is no exception.  


Very busy on the Holiday.  Lots of dates scheduled today as well and have a couple of interviews scheduled today.


Happy 4th of July!  Jennifer TJ had new pictures added last night.  Quite busy today.  I do have an interview scheduled this morning.


Happy Monday!  Katia will get new pics and be posted again on the site. Will have an interview Wednesday.


Busy today and the next couple of days.  Still ladies available.  


Looks like Saturday will be busy but there are still ladies available in the afternoon and evening if you are staying at an approved hotel. 


Roxana L has updated her pics.  Still not too busy today but tomorrow has many dates on our calendar.  


Wide open today.   


Happy Sunday.  Really busy all weekend but not much today.  Angie, Gabriellla and Antonella are getting lots of attention.  Denise is gone.  


Forgot to mentioned Giselle is now rated #3 in the Tijuana market.  Of course we are quite happy, but we feel she is #1.  Busy schedule tonight and all weekend but there should be ladies avaialbe.  


Another busy day yesterday.   Today after the morning dates is pretty wide open.  Got a good report back on Jenny’s service.   


Very busy last night.  A little lighter tonight Valeria has left, Added Jenny yesterday. Divina will be off the site for awhile. Sophia C is back.


Very busty today, but there is still time to schedule.  Sofia C will be back on the page soon.


Lots of ladies available in the evening.  


Jessica is back.  Pamela is back.   Hope to have some new ladies on the site by the weekend or early next week. 


Light day so far.  Had a couple of interviews yesterday.


Have some interviews this morning.  Katherine will be back soon.   Still busy today.   


The weekend has been very good and will continue today and Monday.  I am going to interview more ladies tomorrow morning.


Super busy today and for the next 3 days.   


Very busy last night. Pamela will be back to work on Tuesday June 13.  Kay had new posted this afternoon and Lorena is off the page.  Lorena should be back in August.


Busy today.  Cielo is leaving the site.  We wish her well.


Very busy today, Tuesday and Wednesday.   This weekend is starting to shape up, so may be quite busy all week.   Had interviews scheduled this morning so we will see.


Debra says she will have new pics soon.   A few dates this morning and more the afternoon but the night does not have many overnights yet. 


Happy June.! Kind of light until the late afternoon today.   Took Barbie off of our site, but she indicated she will be back later.  


Busy again last night and after a busy morning not much scheduled for tonight.


Busy afternoon but only 2 overnights scheduled.


Have added Gabriella over the weekend.  Have interviewed a nice looking 20 year old that I hope will have her pics soon.  Accidentally left Marriott  and Pueblo Amigo off the list of approved hotels. Should be updated soon. 


Our webmaster has added a few approved hotels and it still will be update more.   We do have more new ladies, and Sofia has left the page.  Hopefully she will be back in a few months.


Isabella worked overnight last night on her first night.  She may be very popular.  Not too busy today but it is early yet.


Valeria is back.  Her friend should be on the site soon.  Busy again today.  


Have 3 interviews today.  A kittle busy today, but there are ladies that would like to work than have not been scheduled.


Dulce C and Crystal C are gone.  Most likely will return in August of September.  Busy night but there are some popular chicas available.  Carolina is back. 


Carolina is coming back.  New pics soon.  Busy night today but not much in the afternoon.


Been a busy week so far.   Have another interview tomorrow.


Been very busy so far this week.  Going to the US this morning, but should be back before 10am and I will answer e-mails and phone calls when I am out. Catalina is available now and should be for a few months.


Have one interview today.  Busy day also but so far the rest of the week is slower.  Brittany and Alex are back and Brittany will take new pics soon. 


Happy Mother’s Day.   Have added Kayla to the site, and Daisy has returned home but promises to be back in August. Looks busy the next few days.


Alexis is now on board.  Remember that overnight dates must be requested before 5pm.   We will be updating our list of approved hotels soon. I believe we have found some less expensive hotels we can use without compromising our standard of location and security.   


When I went to the doctor for my 8:30 appointment I was told it was cancelled.  Got out of my bed at 4:45am for nothing. Back in the office before 10am.


I will be in the States this morning.  Should be back in my office by 1pm.  I will be able to answer calls and e-mails while I am out.  


Today is Mother’s Day here.  Maybe be difficult to get ladies to work but I believe most will work tonight.


Good start to the week.  Thanks for everyone that attended our fiesta.   Next one should be December 9.


Not much on our calendar for today.  Fiesta was fun last night.  Lots of the ladies stayed about an hour after the fiesta to help finish the beer.


Busy day today leading up to the fiesta.  Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Still ladies available tonight.  Not sure if any hotels are available for this weekend as several guys waited to late to book and are looking for a room in an approved hotel.   Should have 3 new ladies that I do not have pictures for yet.  Have got everything together for the party.   Looks like Daisy is leaving Wednesday.   Get your flower orders in as soon as possible. 


I realized that I was a week ahead on Mother’s Day, and it is always May 10 in Mexico.  At least you have more time to order your flowers.


Mother’s Day is May 10 in Mexico.    Some ladies may work but most prefer to spend it with family. 


Today is Labor day in Mexico.  Nearly everything is open though.


Fiesta is May 6th.  Light day on our schedule today.   Will have a doctors appointment Monday am an may not be in the office until noon or 1pm. 


Not too busy for a Saturday.  Yesterday was very busy.  Tomorrow is “kids day” which not everyone participates in or maybe just celebrate with a favorite meal of their kids.


Not much scheduled today, but yesterday was the same but many ending up scheduling.   Today is the NFL Draft, so I will be paying close attention, but working. 🙂


Interviewed a few ladies today.  Not sure how soon I will have their pics but they know about the party.  So far tomorrow is a light day.  Remember the fiesta on the 6th of May.


Happy Monday.  Busy day schedule today.  Great weekend. 


I is a beautiful day today.  Hope the cold days are gone.  Lots of ladies available.  New chica Barbie should be on the site soon.  Remember your  hotel reservations for the party weekend. 


Took Andrea off the site.  She may be back later on but she just does not have good communication with me at the present time.


Added Liliana yesterday.  Don’t forget our fiesta on May 6th and get your  hotel reservations in.  


A little slow today.  Did interview a new girl that will go by Barbie.   She is 24 with no children and looks like a doll.  She thinks she will have pics by Monday.


Only a few dates today after a busy week.  2 interviews tomorrow morning. 


Griselda is back on the site with old pics.  Daisy was added last night.  Not much scheduled yet for our May 6 party.   Get your hotel reservations in as they do go fast for our fiestas.  Dania left our page today.  She is a very good chica and we hope some day she will be back.


Super busy day yesterday and looks good going into the weekend.  Chloe may be back soon, and I will be interviewing a few chicas this morning. Griselda is back, should have new pics soon.  


Very busy today.  Had a great day yesterday,   Kya is still doing overnights for about a week more.


Very busy today.  Looks like Griselda will be back soon.


Great weekend.  Happy Monday and it looks busy with the early confirmations.   At least it should be busy going into the weekend. Odalys has decided she no longer wants to work.  We wish her the very best.


Kay should be taking new pics today.  Seems like it may be a slower weekend than others with Easter this Sunday.  A few ladies have dates on Sunday and I think most would work.  


Sorry to say I released Joyce last night as she did not demonstrate the ability to respect her scheduled dates.   Light day today and the night is wide open.


Pretty busy today.  Still ladies available this evening. 


Best of luck to you San Diego State fans and alumni.  Hopefully no rain today.  A few dates this afternoon and evening but still ladies available.  Interviews today and tomorrow.  Tokyo has new pics posted this afternoon.


Not much scheduled so far today.  Should have Alice back in about a week.  Looks like Dulce should be back as well. 


Happy Fools day.  A few dates cancelled tonight so we still have some superstars available.


Hoping for a rain free Friday.  Have a few dates scheduled but there are lots of ladies available this afternoon or evening. Jade had new pics posted today.


Went to the US late morning and got rained on.  Returned at 1pm and looks like the rain will not effect the chicas.  No one has cancelled which is good. 


Very light schedule today.   Brisa should be back working by the end of the week.  


Light schedule today with no rain.  


Added some new pics of Jackelyn last night.  She will be taking new pics very soon. 


Lots of ladies are available today.  Only a few dates scheduled after 7pm.


Happy Friday.  I don’t think it is suppose to rain.   Busy night for the afternoon has lots of availability.   Brittany may be back on the site at the end of next week.  Lisa has decided to leave and of course we wish her the best.  Starting Monday the 27th Kya will be available for overnight until Friday the 21 of April.  This is a real treat as she is in the running for top chica on our site.


Alexis is taking some time off.  We wish her well.  New pics added for Giselle and Renata.


Remember to get your r00m reservations in for our fiesta on May 6.   Looks like our December fiesta will be on December 9th this year.


Been raining most of the day today.   Did not slow the clients any.


Dulce from Mexico is waiting another week before returning.  Very little on our calendar today.


Happy Sunday.  Many dates cancelled today, but many ladies are available. 


Have several scheduled today but there is room for more.  Happy Saturday.  Zulma has new pics today.


Happy St Patrick’s Day.  Not much is scheduled during the day, but the night is pretty busy.


Busy tonight but many ladies are available this afternoon.  Andrea’s pics will be added shortly.   Dulce from Mexico may be back next week.


Put Dania on the site last night.  Maria Jose has a couple of new pics.  Rained last night all night and just stopped around 8:40am.   Hope it clears up today.  Nicole M is going on vacation and expects to be back in December.  Hired 18 year old Andrea today she looks a lot like Kay.


Day time is wide open today, have a few overnights scheduled.  Nice weather yesterday, hoping it continues.


Light schedule today.  Sunday was maybe the warmest day of this new year.  Hoping for nice weather this week.


Still ladies available for overnight or night time dates.


Lots of ladies available this afternoon and evening.  Weekend is slower than most.  


AlexSandra had new pics posted last night.  Lots of ladies available the next 3 days.


Jasmin is son location.   I will put her back on the site when she returns.  Light schedule today.


Not much so far today.   


Quite busy tonight with overnights.  Many are available for 8 or 9pm however.  


Was really cold last night but everyone was on time.  Ladies are available tonight. 


Happy March.   I did put Lorena back on the site last night.  Been raining the last few days but the clients have still managed to be on time for every date as well as the ladies.  


Not much scheduled today.  Lots of ladies available this evening.  


Many ladies available in the evening.


Busy weekend scheduled but the afternoon is a bit light today.  May have a new lady later today.  The fiesta page has been updated.   It will be on May 6, 2023.


Very busy the next few days.  Will try and get the fiesta page up tonight.


Back in the office.  Will be putting the fiesta on the site soon.


Busy Sunday.   I am leaving in the morning for a few days.  Will be back Wednesday evening sometime.  I will work with Jade answering e-mails and calls while I am away.  Thursday is back to normal, and all of you scheduled this week it will be business as usual. 


Looks like another busy Saturday.   Sunday has a lot of date now as well.  Looks like our next party will be on Saturday May 6.   Should be something on the fiesta link in about a week.


Very busy day today and tomorrow.  Starting to get requests for Sunday now.   Lisa is back on the site now and hope to have new pictures of her soon.  She looks the same as I just saw her this morning. Kay is coming back as well.


Been quite busy this week.  Weekend is not so busy but there is still time.  Looks like Lisa is coming back to the site.  


Happy Valentines Day. 


Added Sofia today.  Very busy today and tomorrow.  Just want to remind folks to book your room early. 


Sorry as I have my son visiting and business has been quite brisk and we have a lot scheduled this weekend.  Will add Joyce today as well as new pics of Jessica and Cielo.


Lots of overnight dates today but only one afternoon date scheduled so far.  Renata can work overnight this week 2-7-23 to 2-12-23.


Lots of ladies available all week.  


Today is a Mexican Holiday and it will be celebrated tomorrow 2-6, but will not effect our business.  Business as usual.  Banks and some restaurants will be closed. Venus has new pics added today.


Not much scheduled for a Saturday.   


Happy Friday.  Lots of ladies available this afternoon and evening.


Happy February!  Had a couple of interviews this morning.


Nothing in the day scheduled so far.  Many overnight dates tonight.


Happy Monday.  Most of the week is some what slow but today is a bit busier.  Isabella is back.


Giselle and Irina submitted new pics.  Roxana L is back and ready.  


Not much today after a couple of busy days.   Big day tomorrow but nothing overnight yet, which is very unusual.  Triana has been very busy since coming aboard.  Roxana L comes back to Tijuana today and could be available this evening. 


A little slow today but had a good interview with Triana.   She is pretty cute with  no children and almost no experience.  Has been on a site for a few months but the site does not have that many clients.  


Have only a few scheduled for today.  


Have a lot of ladies not scheduled this evening.  


Busy evening today.  Not many overnight dates but lots of guys here in the afternoon and evening. 


Busy night tonight.   Weekend looks light now.


Had some interviews with pretty good results.  Pics coming soon and met Dulce’s friend Crystal, who is quite attractive.  


Happy Matin Luther King Day!   Only a few ladies scheduled at night tonight.  Do not have any interviews scheduled this week, but that could change.  Dulce C is back today.


Very quiet day today.   Gisselle is able to work tonight.


Happy Saturday.   Lots of ladies available this afternoon and evening. BTW we are starting our 26th year in Tijuana,


Jacklyn is back to work.  Pretty busy day, but Saturday have more ladies available.


Very busy day yesterday but today their are lots of ladies with nothing scheduled.  Remember Ped West is now open daily from 6am to 2pm, but only to enter the US.  Will update if the hours are expanded or if it will be open to enter Mexico.  Have taken Valeria off the site.  She did not show up for her dates yesterday and may be gone as I was unable to reach her the entire day. 

1-10-23 part 2

Got a few guys visiting tonight.  My interview was going well until she told me that she must use condoms for oral.   I wished her the best life has to offer. 


A bit quiet today.  Very busy day Wednesday and am going to an interview shortly.  Ped West open yesterday but only to cross into the US and the hours are 6pm to 2pm.   Have crossed twice with no line at all.


Some people were worried about cartel violence in Tijuana, however the cartel that is taking action in South Mexico does not work in Baja and there has been no violence.   


Things are picking up today.   Lots of ladies available tonight.  Jade will be back to work on Friday.


Lots of ladies available tomorrow and Wednesday.


Happy New Year!  Chicas are available today and tonight.


A good night to stay home.  If you must go out be careful.  We will be taking the rest of today off and it will be business as usual on Sunday.  Happy New Year!


Still lots of lades available this afternoon and night.


Quite busy today.   Looks like the weekend is starting early.


Very busy today.  Tiffany has left our site.  She is welcome back.


Hope everyone had a nice Christmas.   Pretty busy day tomorrow and we did a lot today.  


Most dates today are in the morning and afternoon.  Will be some ladies available tonight.  Remember Saturday is the Holiday here and by Sunday afternoon it will be a usual work day.  


Been very busy the last few days.  Struggling with many water outages in home around Tijuana.   This does not effect bars or restaurants.  


Am expecting a light end of the week this week.  We will not be working on 12-24 as that is when we celebrate the Holiday in Mexico Many of the ladies will be happy to work on the 25th.  Today so far looks like a normal Sunday and there are ladies available in the afternoon and evening.


Busy day again but not much in the night. Getting ready for Christmas. 


Had computer problems with my VPN this morning but all is good.  Very busy day and night tonight, but tomorrow is minimal.  New pics of Renata and Karla is leaving our page.  


The earlier message about a pregnant lady did not come true.  Appears to be heading into a busy weekend with lots of guys scheduling today for the weekend.


Valeria is ready to work.  I thought she had gone back home but she just said a message that she is back in Tijuana.


Happy Monday.  Was a busy day of administration but not many dates.  Will be crossing into the US in the morning and should be back by noon.  Calls and e-mails should be entered.


Busy today, but the week looks slow so far.  I may have a pregnant lady very soon. 


Ready for a big weekend.  Hope you have room reservations.


Looks like another busy weekend.  Put Guendoebeba on the site yesterday.


It is fiesta night!   There are plenty of ladies available and many opted to see ladies last night and may be looking for that special someone at the party.   It is free to attend and starts at 7pm al El Torito.    Hope to see you there.


Lots on the calendar today and tomorrow.   Should be a fun weekend.


Happy December!  I am so excited about the fiesta this year.  Remember you can come with no obligation to spend money at drink beer, soda or water and eat tacos.  These next 3 days are very busy but let me know if you want to schedule and I will work on it.  


Carolina and Bridget asked to be taken off the site.  We with the both the best. 


Busy day today, but there is always room for more.  Denise is on our site now and she had a pretty friend that will get pics soon.


Fiesta week is here.  If you don’t have your hotel reservations in make sure you get it in and join the phone.  Meeting with Denise this morning and she should be on our site tomorrow again.

11-26-26 3pm

Flor has new pics.  Denise is ready to come back.  Mayson finally took pics.


Plenty of ladies available this afternoon and evening.   Get your request in early.  Flor took new pics yesterday and I hope to have them later today.


Bit busier today that yesterday.  Chicas available in the evening if you are in a hotel that is approved and not La Mansion or La Premier.


Happy Thanksgiving.  We are working today and have a busy day but not much in the evening.   Get your room reservation in for next weekend as the hotels will be sold to capacity.  


Lots of dates scheduled today and I have interviews this morning.  Not sure about room reservations on Wednesday as normally a lot of guys like overnights the day before Thanksgiving, but right now we only have a few on Wednesday. 


Crazy day today.   Plenty scheduled tomorrow and looks like we will have another good week.  Will have a couple of interviews tomorrow.  Karla has new pics taken a day ago and posted today. Valeria is back working again.


Been a busy morning but the afternoon is slow today and only a few overnights scheduled, however some of our top ladies are not scheduled yet today. 


Not much today,  A few on the books for tomorrow night and then a lot of Friday. More ladies were scheduled for the fiesta.  Went to the US to buy more Christmas gifts today and came home beat.   Feel good for getting some things done.


Lots of ladies available this afternoon and evening.  Flor is back on the site.


Benn busy today.  Looks like an average day tomorrow so lots of ladies still available.   Should have interviews tomorrow morning.


Only 3 weeks to the fiesta.  Make your room reservations soon as they always fill up quickly.  Busy day today, but we would like it to be even busier.   Start of next week is quite busy also.   Sarahi, Gisselle and Patricia are not scheduled tonight just showing how deep  our team is to be so busy without our stars even on the calendar.   


Happy Veteran’s Day and thank you all for your service.  Strangely enough it is very slow today for a Friday, however Saturday is quite busy.  


Very busy day today.  New pics added of Pamela and Karime this morning.


Not much scheduled today after busy last 4 days.  Getting ready for the fiesta.   

11-6-22 3:40pm

Jennifer TJ is back.


Put Abby V on the site yesterday and she had to go back to Veracruz and as always she will be back someday. Was a really good week but their are many dates already scheduled this week.  Lots of openings today both in the day and night.  Please refer to our FAQ page before asking for a date.   Our fiesta is less than 1 month away so make your plans and get your room reservations in.  


Lots of ladies available all weekend. Have interviewed many chicas and hope to have new chicas pictured soon.


More interviews today.  Should be back in our office by noon today.  


Happy November.   Crazy last night for Halloween but things should go back to normal quicky.  The Christmas party is coming on December 3rd. Get your room reservations in soon. 


Happy Halloween.  Not too much today and I will be out of the office in the early evening to help on our Halloween event.  All dates will be  honored today but I may be slow to answer e-mails in the afternoon and evening.  Karla and Odalys are back now. 


Plenty of ladies available today.  Will be out of the office tomorrow later afternoon as I will be at a Halloween event.


Bit busy today but not to many overnights.  See people dressing up for Halloween in the streets last  night. 


Been very busy.  Will post Catalina later today.  I had Mina posted, took her down and now she is back on the page.  Long story but I made a mistake and the truth is I am getting older.  


Had some interviews today.   May go back to the United States this afternoon, but all dates have confirmed for today.  Calls will be answered or returned while I am in the US.  New pics of Lorena look good.


Have been out all day in the US and got back around 7:30pm.  Happy to know that everyone made it on time today and I have interviews scheduled tomorrow moring 


Happy Monday.  Thanks everyone for being on time the last few days.   It was a great weekend and today looks good and should be a good week.   Maybe some new ladies coming soon as I am just waiting for pictures.


Light day today.  Was busy last night.  Did post Jessica yesterday afternoon.   


Busy day but there are chicas available in the evening.


Lots of availability today in the evening.


Slow day today.  Just a few afternoon dates.  Lots of chicas available in the evening.   Had some mistakes on the site but I think we are good now.  Monica is going to leave the page for awhile, but plans to attend the party on December 3.


Added Coco last night and have new pics of Tokyo and Irina.    Slow day so far today.


Not much scheduled today.  Please schedule a few hours earlier than your date. 


Happy Sunday. Lots of ladies are available this evening.


Happy Saturday.  Tequila fest is on Revolution this weekend.  Not much in the day today and there are ladies available in the evening.


Kind of busy today but still have chicas available tonight. 


Was out of the office nearly all day, but we have done well.  More dates scheduled tomorrow.  Sarahi had to cancel 3 dates last week, when her days came earlier than expected, but she really hopes to work this week as she is ready.



Not much scheduled today after a very busy weekend.  Have interviews again tomorrow.  


Busy night tonight.  Afternoon has lots of openings.   


On the 4th after reporting the violence has calmed down, there were shootings in various parts of town.  The Zona Norte has a couple of dope peddlers shot but in other parts of the city there were murders.  Not really sure what is happening, but thought it was worth mentioning.  Maybe it happened as I jixed the break…


Making plans for our fiesta on December 4 today.  Couple of ladies are scheduled for that night already.  I thought Karla was on vacation but she is her and leaving on Monday, so keep her in mind if you are looking to book a date this week.  Seems like the violence has taken a break for some time and we can only hope it continues to be quiet.


Crazy busy the last 5 days, but looks like on a few dates tomorrow starting at 8am.   I am sure some of the ladies would like to work tomorrow.  I will be conducting interviews a couple of days this week. 


Lots of overnights last night. Nothing much today until the evening.


Happy October.  Busy night and Jackelyn finally got her first date, and the client asked for more time, so that is always a good sign.  Busy day that starts very early this morning. 


Lots of ladies available this evening.  Violetta will not be working overnight for awhile.  


Very busy week this week.  I have one interview today.   


Busy last night and have lots of morning dates, but in the afternoon it is wide open.  Next week has quite a bit scheduled every day.


Bus night last night.  Not as busy today but   the day is still young.  Jackelyn, Tessa, Melani and Sophia C were recently added to the site.


Busy last night and today looks busy as well.   There are still ladies available for tonight.


Happy Monday. Lots of ladies available today and tonight. 


Still some ladies available tonight.  Was a really busy Saturday.


Not much scheduled today but the next 3 days are quite busy.  Irina did her first date today and she is getting a lot of attention.  


I do have two interviews scheduled today.  Both Odalys and Jade decided to leave the page for awhile.   Neither are in trouble they just felt they needed to take a break and both said that they will return.  Lots of overnight dates scheduled Friday and Saturday this weekend.  May still be time to make your hotel reservations.  


Added Irina yesterday.  Moderate schedule today.  Weekend should be good but get your room reservations in early.  Karla will start doing overnights tonight.


Saturday is Mexican Independence Day and that is a big deal here.  Friday night will be very much like New Year’s Eve with lots of drinking and partying.  


Busy night last night.  Not too much today.


Seems like the rain was not as bad as we thought, however some ladies had to cancel because the roads were not passable in their neighborhoods.   I will be watching this closely and from all indications looks like all the scheduled ladies will make their dates.


Looks like we will have a rainy day today.  Roads can get flooded here easily, so I would say to leave home early as travel in Tijuana could be delayed today.   


Lots of availability this afternoon.  Roxanne L is leaving for vacation.  Pamela is back from vacation.


Not much in the morning, but a lot in the evening. Hopefully will get pics soon of some new chicas. 


Sorry spent most of the day outside the office, but back in the office at 6pm.   Kind of busy tonight, but you can still schedule dates for tomorrow or next week. 


Have a big day scheduled today for our Holiday weekend.   Laura has decided to take a break and will let me know when she is ready to come back.  Had an interview with someone that I think will do well, but let’s see if she gets her pictures.  Maria Jose and Denise are working again, Laura has left for awhile.   Should have new pics soon of both Maria Jose and Dulce. 


Busy day today as the Holiday weekend started yesterday.  I do have 3 interviews this morning. 


Have 3 interviews tomorrow and added new pics of Kendall this afternoon.


Happy September everyone.   Been real busy and have not had time to post much.  Looks like a really busy weekend is ahead.    Added new pics of Tiffany.   


Will have an interview today.   Not much scheduled.   


Pretty decent Sunday.  Will be at least one interview on Tuesday.  Ximena is back.


Everyone made it with 10 minutes to spare today.  We do have availability today if you order with enough time. Please read the FAQ on the site so you don’t make any mistakes and no who you want, what time and how many hours as well as the hotel you will be using. 


Got a busy morning but not too busy in the evening.  Gisselle and Valeria has dates cancel this weekend so they should be available.


Sorry I thought I wrote something earlier.   Appears things have been normal since the night of the 12th.  We do have a busy weekend scheduled.


Not much scheduled tonight.  Thursday and the weekend is very busy.


Have added Tiffany back to the site and two Jennifer’s, one labeled Jennifer TJ.  Also Kya has expanded her hours of availability on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Two more interviews scheduled tomorrow. 


Happy Sunday.  Still ladies available in the afternoon and evening.   Still quiet in the city.  

8-20-22 10pm

Great day today.  Tomorrow is good also and happy to announce no violence.     Will update in the morning.   Divina is on the site again.  Hopefully will have some new ladies later next week.


Quiet night, and a bit busier tonight with Isabella have her first TLN.  I will still be monitoring the sites to see if there is any more violence throughout the day.  On the 12 of August I must have had 30 different messages and nothing this weekend.   Hope it remains calm.   Will be posting Divina’s new pics today.

8-19-22 10pm

All chicas made it tonight with no issues. This does not mean it will be quite tomorrow but it is a good start.  Will post in the morning again as usual. 


Pretty busy today.  Had a couple of cancelations in the night.   Hoping we have a quite weekend.  I understand the President of Mexico will be visiting Tijuana tomorrow.  


Not real busy yesterday but a lot busier today.  Lot of hotels (maybe all) are booked for the weekend, but the following weekend should be busy for Labor Day, and you should get those reservations in quickly.  Been very calm, but will post if we hear anything.  


It is still quiet , but I am hesitant to tell you it is safe.   I don’t know and I just don’t want to be wrong.  Many of you have called and asked what my opinion is, and all I can really say is that we are working and it appears to be normal, but things can change at a drop of a hat.  I would hate for anyone to be involved in violence  whether it would be one of our chicas, one of our drivers or one of our clients.  I have always been honest with you guys when you write or call and I am hesitant to say it is back to normal.  One thing for sure is traffic has been lighter than normal which tells me that everyone is not convinced.  If you choose to come we will do what we can do to keep you safe, and want you to enjoy your self.  If you are not comfortable then wait until you feel better about it.  I am going to post updates more often throughout the weekend.  Strangely enough I walked in the US at 4pm with no line at all.  School I believe for most kids here starts on Monday the 29th.  Keep tuned in and those that came yesterday and Monday made it back safely.  Our drivers seem to be comfortable and I am constantly talking to them. 


Seems seem to be normal now.  I am cautiously optimistic.   Will report any changes as always. 

8-15-22 7:45pm

Tokyo is leaving for a couple of months.  I will put her back on the site when she comes back to TJ.


Everything is going smooth today.  Only a few overnights tonight so if you want to see someone put in your request before 5pm.

8-14-22 10:20pm

17 were arrested after the fires set in Tijuana on Friday and the suspects have been sent to Mexico city were they will be locked up until their fate is determined by the court system.  Could be why there were no more problems after Friday night. 

8-14-22 2  11:30am

Plan on working tomorrow.  Will start booking dates again, and those that have dates scheduled tomorrow will be honored.  With all that said things may change and I will post again later today.  

8-13-22 9pm PST

It seems to be quiet today, but most of the nonsense happened after 10pm last night, and I am cautiously optimistic. Many of you have sent encuraging words today and it is very much appreciated.  Jennifer is coming back and in all the turmoil I forgot to activate her page, but will do that shortly.   Keep checking the news section for updates and I most likely have something to post tomorrow.


We are going to be closed today and Sunday because of the threats of violence.   I cannot put our chicas, our drivers, or our clients in harms way and will revisit this on Sunday evening before announcing if we will re-open on Monday.  I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but cannot live with thinking that I could be responsible for the lives of others.   You can check this news update for updates as usual. 


Put CaSandra back on the site.  Melissa should have new pictures later today.


Had two interviews cancel today.   Not too busy tonight.


Great weekend but it is busy again today.  Not much yet for Tuesday, but I do have interviews that I am hopeful will go well. 


Very busy Friday and today and Sunday looks good.  I have some interviews coming up on Tuesday morning. 


Not too much this morning and afternoon, but the night is busy. Angelica is now the number 2 rated escort in the Tijuana market and Carolina is rated 1.  Sarahi and Gisselle don’t quite qualify but both should be at the top of the ratings by the years end. Brittany is again back on the site.  Alejandra R has new pictures.  Odalys is making lots of friends, and has been a great asset to our team. 


Busy day yesterday.  Today the afternoon is busy and only a couple of overnights.  Brittany left again.   Monica will be ready tomorrow.  Ariana says she is leaving for 4 or 5 months.  


Have mostly morning dates today, do have very little in the evening today.  Sarahi is back.  Hotels are booking very quickly for the rest of this month for Baja Fest.  La Mansion and La Premier are good options for morning and daytime dates.  


Happy August.  Looks like the weekend continues as we have a lot of dates today.  Monica is going to be gone for 3 weeks.  Miriam is on vacation for awhile, and could be back the middle of August.   Naomy should be back with new pics when she is ready to work again.  Tuesday is a slower day with most dates in the morning.   Camila has new pics posted today.


Happy Thursday folks.   Busy morning but not much in the evening today.


Angelica is back!   I had no idea she left town and took her picture off the site when I could not reach her 4 days in a row.   Busy weekend scheduled. 


Last 2 days are crazy busy, but for some reason not much today.  Evelyn has her new pics on the site.  


Happy Monday.  Lots of dates scheduled today.  Remember two things:

1: you need a hotel reservation in advance on weekends at an approved hotel

2.  Schedule you overnight no later than 5pm on the day of the date

A few guys got shut out as they tried to late.  


Busy day today.   Should surpass both Friday and Saturday.  


Still some openings tonight.  Gisselle has her date canceled as well. 


Have pulled Miriam and Angelica from the site.   Miriam is on vacation.  Angelica has disappeared and is welcome back, but her phone has been turned off for the last week. Added new pics of Sandra.  Will be interviewing this morning.    


Remember to make your hotel reservations for the weekend.  


Light schedule today.  Looked like a light schedule yesterday but ended up being a busy night.  Some guys were shut out as they did not schedule in time.  


Not much day time today but the evening is busy.  


Jade is taking some time off to vacation and should be back on August 12.  Posted Gisselle’s new pics this morning.  Only a few dates tomorrow so you may have luck today, but call ahead as our ladies live far away from the hotels we use. 


Not much scheduled today.  New pics available for Gisselle, that I can send by e-mail.


Very busy last night.  So far today not much scheduled.  Only day time dates so the night could be wide open.  Denise has left Tijuana, Katia and Evelyn are back on our site and ready for work. Please make your weekend hotel reservations today. 


Even busier today.  Please schedule early as a couple of guys have already been disappointed when the chica they requested was already scheduled. 


Renata will do overnights 7-11 through 7-16.  Busy day today. 


Busy evening but not much day time activity.  Do have some more interviews lined up for Tuesday.  Evelyn will be back to work on Friday. 


Looks like another busy weekend.  Be safe. 


Looks like the weekend is starting early this week.  Odalys has new pics now.


Added Roxana L yesterday.  Also had an interview with another lady.  Seems like the Holiday has been extended by some of our clients.  


Happy 4th of July.  Have a busy day scheduled but there are still chicas available.



Ladies available tonight.  Carolina is no longer available for overnights.


Monica will be leaving soon.  Gisselle had her overnight date cancel so she may be able to work tonight.  Jupiter was added to the site last night. 


Happy July and a Friday of a 4 day weekend. Looks like it will be a busy one with many people scheduling early.  


Happy Thursday.  Looks like another busy weekend scheduled.  Remember the prices change tomorrow.


Brisa is gone for awhile.  Most likely will be back in August or September.  Have another interview this morning.  


Happy Monday. Hope you had a good weekend.  Ours was huge.  Evelyn returns today.


Big weekend scheduled so far. The entire week has been good.  Dulce is leaving tomorrow and wants to thank everyone and promises to be back in the Fall. 


Looks like the rest of the week and the weekend are going to be very busy.  Jasmin decided to show her face on our site.


Busy today.  Interviews cancelled today.  


This entire week is quite busy.  Should have interviews tomorrow.   Never no who will show up.  Got another booster shot today. 🙂


Happy Juneteenth!  Very busy day today but you can always try.   Remember to schedule before you come to Tijuana.


Happy Father’s Day.  Several dates scheduled in the evening but not much in the afternoon.  


Has been many cancelations today.  If you want someone today please make your request as soon as possible.


Pulling Denise off the site.  She is welcome to come back but I have not been able to reach her in a few days. 


Still staying busy. I believe Katherine will be back soon.  Still waiting for pics of Odalys and Gisselle should have new pictures this week.


Huge day yesterday.   Looks like today will be a good day as well.  I cannot believe how many people wait until they are in Tijuana to schedule only to find out the ladies they want are busy or they are in some dump that we do not go to.  If you are a new client, please check the FAQ page and the approved hotels and save yourself some time. 


Another big day yesterday.  The weekend looks good as well.  Added new pics of Carolina today


Evelyn has left Tijuana.  Hopefully she will be back some day.  Every day seems to be busier than the day before. 


Today and tomorrow are quite busy.  So far the middle of the week is slower. 


Busy today and tomorrow.    Nice weather today. 


Appears to be a busy night tonight.  May have some availability for afternoon dates today.  Remember their is new pricing starting July 1.



Hope you all had a nice Holiday!  Not much on the calendar today.


Happy Memorial Day!  Lots of lady available today.  


Busy day on this Memorial day weekend.  Sunday and Monday is good also.  Violetta and Melissa took new pics this morning and are now posted. Odalys is now a proven star.  


Took 2  hours to cross at 7:20 this morning at Ped East.  Busy day scheduled today, but I am sure we can do more.   


Busy day today.  Zulma has left the site.  Did have 2 interviews yesterday and may have pics by the end of the week.


Odalys is starting today.  Busy day already and the weekend looks good as well.


Today may be busy than the weekend days but it sometimes happens like that.  Having an interview or two on Tuesday.  Hope to have more info on Odalys this week. 


Strangely enough at this moment more dates scheduled for Sunday than Saturday, but I am sure that will change.  Nice to see so many of you last week and will work on improving things for the December 3rd fiesta.   


Not as busy today as a normal Friday. Odalys is getting lots of attention and I may have photos later today. She will start sometime next week. 


I will have an interview  this morning but no clue who she is or how she looks.   Been busy the last two days and looks good today as well.  Weekend has plenty of openings.  Lorena is back.


Brittany has new pictures now.  


Valeria is leaving Tijuana today but promises to come back by the end of the year.  Pricing page reflects our new prices which will take effect on July 1.


Quite busy on Sunday.  May be a quiet day with only a few scheduled so far.  


Had a good turnout but I know we can do better.  Will re-evaluate the party and try to make the next one better.  Prices will be going up starting on July 1, so they should be posted on Monday.  But you will have about 45 days with the old prices.  


There will be ladies available after the fiesta for anyone that is at the party.   Our party will start at 7pm at El Torito on Revolucion between 2nd and third street in a private room near the owner’s office.   It should end at 10pm or a few minutes later.  Kary has  new pics added to the site today


Super busy last night and today is already busy with several morning and afternoon dates with I believe 6 overnight dates at this time.   Even if you do not want to schedule a lady you are welcome to attend the party tomorrow night.


Slow day today.  Maybe the calm before the storm.


Suppose to interview today.  It is Mother’s day today.   Getting ready for the fiesta.  


Busy day today and tomorrow is Mother’s Day here.  Renata just got her new pictures.


Tuesday is Mother’s day in Tijuana.  Still time to order your flowers.  Please get your hotel reservations in now for this weekend. 


We do have ladies available today if you have a room in an approved room.  Sunday is busy also and the party just keeps looking better.  


Cinco de Mayo is just another day but the American beer companies want you to believe it is a big drinking holiday.   Busy day scheduled today though.


Hard to imagine it is only Wednesday as busy as we are.  Should have interviews tomorrow morning. Get your reservations in for the fiesta weekend soon.


Busy day today.  More interviews Thursday morning.


Light day today. 


Happy May.   Very busy last two days and today looks to be busy as well.   


Crazy day yesterday.  Another busy day scheduled today.  Cannot emphasize enough to schedule early.   Should have at least one more chica on our site next week.  Abby is leaving on vacation today.  


Happy Friday.  We have ladies available today and all weekend.


Brisa is gone.  Should be back in about a month.  Miriam is back.  Interviews this morning as they were cancelled on Tuesday.


Miriam is back as she had lost her phone but is ready to work again.  Been super busy this week and the weekend looks good so far.   


Not sure how I keep losing entries on this page but did post Sunday and Monday.    Will be out of the office until around 1pm today as I have some interviews.  I did make a blog post this morning as well.


Happy Saturday.   Lots of ladies available this afternoon and evening.  


Light day for a Friday today.   Have a nice weekend.  Renata returns today. 


Back to the office after having a doctor appointment this morning in the US.  Will be adding pics of Monica, Joan and hopefully Venus.  


Happy 4-20.     Although that is just another day to me I understand it is a day celebrated by Charley and Dulce C.   Probably others as well, but those are two I am aware of.


Veronica just contacted me with a new number and Valeria is back.   I have taken Lorena and Maria Jose off the site as they are out of town.  Should be back in May I would guess. Karla took new pics yesterday and they are posted now.


Happy Monday!  There are ladies available all week. 


Happy Easter.  Alex and Monica called to ask to come back to the site.  I told them to get current pictures and we will see if they do.  Alex has asked a few times but never gets her picture as requested.  Monica has come back once or twice so I would expect her to.  Even though Monica was not working last year she did attend the Xmas fiesta and I do expect her at our next fiesta.  


Light day today.  Lots of ladies available.  


Today is Good Friday and lots of Tijuana businesses will be closed.  The bars will be open and we have ladies working today. 


Added Valentina last night.  


Having another interview this morning.  Busy night tonight. Not much in the afternoon. 


Did have 2 interviews today.  I believe we have someone that is pretty and may be popular.   Just hope she does go to get her pics and may have them before the weekend.  


Happy Monday.  Please get your weekend hotel reservations in as we are getting a lot of dates already,  


Many chicas still available today.


Happy Friday.  Please remember we don’t go to La Mansion or La Premier on Friday or Saturday afternoon.  


Just added new pics of  Laura


Looks like we have a few warm days coming.  Will have interviews next week also.

4-5-22 part 2

Jennifer is back.  There was a near MILF that I thing may be popular.  To enlighten those that thinks that means a MILF is a mother in this business it refers to a lady that is 35 even if she has no children.  For example Charley is a MILF although she has no children.  


Pretty busy night.  Have 3 interviews this morning.  Hopefully will find another superstar.  Evelyn has her date cancelled tonight.  3 guys had asked for her and were denied because she was scheduled earlier, but all have dates scheduled tonight but she would most likely do a date tonight if she gets requested in the early afternoon.

4-4 22

Lots of dates tonight but the afternoon has very few.  2 interviews scheduled tomorrow.  


Some dates scheduled today but next week looks busier.  Do have interviews scheduled on Tuesday.


Very light schedule for a Saturday.  However no dates at La Mansion or La Premier on weekend nights.


Added Kary last night.  Added Dulce C this morning as she just returned.   Had cancelled a few of Miriam’s dates as I lost contract as she lost her phone.  I now have that new number and she is good to go. Remember no dates Friday or Saturday at La Mansion or La Premier.   Naomy will start again on April 7 but not work overnights for awhile.


New pics added for Alexis.  Have several interviews scheduled this morning.  Hope to be back in the office around 1pm.


Happy Monday.  The next few days look pretty busy but so far next weekend is slow.  



Several dates scheduled today.  Still are ladies available.  


Have a few interviews Tuesday. May have some new ladies next week.  Remember no love hotels on the weekends.  


Lines have been very short all day for pedestrians the last few weeks.  I guess there are more lines open and more agents working.  Yesterday we had more dates than today and Saturday, but that is always subject to change.  


Little slower today.  Should be ladies available this afternoon and evening.  Brittany has new pictures.



Have an early doctor’s appointment this morning but will be back in the office after noon.  Will respond to e-mails at that time.


Thanks for a huge weekend.  Tokyo was our most popular chica this week.  She has always done well.  Nicole came back last week.  Abby is ready to work again and I believe Evelyn will back Tuesday as she was in a recent car accident and spent a night in the hospital this week.   Zulma has worked a little now and seems to be quite good. 


Lots of openings today.  Remember No La Mansion or La Premier on weekend nights.


Yesterday and Wednesday were crazy busy.   I am going to the US for a doctor appointment.  Probably will not be back until about noon so please be patient if you e-mail or call.


Happy St Patrick’s Day.  


Thanks for the weekend guys.  First of the week looks busy so far.   I believe we will have 70 degrees or more every day this week.  


Looks like a good week ahead with warm weather.  Several dates today but should have ladies available.  

3-11 22

Some guys scheduled today, and then found out all the hotels were booked up.  I say this every week, get your hotel reservations in by Wednesday for weekend dates.  No La Mansion or La Premier on Fridays or Saturdays.   Tokyo is back from her short vacation.  Weather was nice today and expected to be over 70 tomorrow as well. 


So far a slow day today, but the weekend is busy.  


Bit warmer today. Going to be warmer next week as well but will get into the 50’s in the nights.  Schedule is starting to fill up.  May not be able to get hotel reservations tomorrow as it appears to be a busy weekend. 


Today is the day of the women in many parts of the World including Mexico.  All businesses will be open and we have several dates scheduled today.


Happy Monday.  Week starts out ok but not much on the weekend at this time. 


Great day yesterday.   Busy day today.   Cannot emphasize enough, how important it is to plan ahead. All hotels were booked early and a few guys got shut out.    Should be able to get rooms today.  


The dollar gained today against the peso and the true value is nearly 21-1 but I believe you can get about 20.6 at the casa de cambios on San Ysidro Boulevard.  Had a very busy day today and the line to cross as a pedestrian was short the entire day.   I suppose some of that was because of the early morning rain.   Although I have crossed in less than 20 minutes 3 times this past week.  


Crossed yesterday at 8am at San Ysdiro Pedestrian crossing and only took 20 minutes.  Going again today and hope for the same result.  


Well Happy last day of the month.  We had a great weekend and Sunday was really good but many people were shut out as the ladies they wanted were not available.  Please book early especially for the weekends.  Remember we have no interest in using La Mansion and La Premier on weekend nights.  It can be hard to get a room there on weekdays as well.  Will be having a meeting this morning to  try to add someone to our site.  


Added Miriam today and Maria Jose is back.  Busy dat today for a Sunday.   I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to schedule early.  


Happy Saturday!  If you have a room already in an approved hotel there are ladies available today.


Happy Friday folks. Hopefully the rain has stopped and expected 70 degree weather and sunshine on Saturday and Sunday.


Seems like the weekend has started with lots of dates this weekend.    Lots of ladies are still available and many are working today. 


Lots of dates today and the rain has appeared to stop. 


Lots of openings today.  Tuesday is very busy.


Nice day yesterday and modest amount of visitors today. Still no news on Ped West but hope to see it open some time in March. 


Morning is busier than the evening today. Still time to schedule someone. 


Light schedule today.  Set up some interviews for Tuesday.


Quiet busy today but still chicas available.


Rainy day today. Brought out the construction workers.


Happy Valentines Day!  Just confirmed May 14 for our next fiesta.


Have removed Karla and Pamela.  They both could be back very soon.  


Light schedule for a Saturday although I already have requests in.  


Busy day today.  Not much scheduled yet for Sunday.  


Looking at Saturday May 14th for our next fiesta.  Will post about it when it is confirmed.   


Please get your flower order in for Monday delivery.   Not so busy this weekend yet, but the week has been brisk so far.  


Lorena is back today.  Jennifer has left our site.   No interviews this week.   


Next Monday is Valentine’s Day.   Not a good day for a date, but a few have already ordered their flowers.  You can order by e-mail or call me.   Don’t anticipate anyone new this week, but I may be surprised.  


Added TS Tiffany yesterday.   Lots of dates today and Saturday.  Remember no La Mansion or La Premier on weekend nights and honestly those hotels have been a challenge on weekdays as well.   


Well the weekend looked like it would be slow at the start of the day. but lots scheduled yesterday.


Happy February.  Week is slowing down right now.   Lots of ladies available this week. 


Lots on the schedule today.  Should be at least one interview tomorrow.  Forgot to mention that Angelica is now rated the #1 escort in the Tijuana market for about a week now by TER.  


Have some openings today.  Monday and Tuesday are much busier.   Actually had someone that got a room at Hyatt Place last  night.   Not sure if someone just cancelled their reservation or what but it sometimes may pay off if you check for rooms on a Saturday.  


It appears that many folks are sending off January with a bang.  Lots of dates the next 3 days.  


Added Bridget yesterday.  Megan is going to be gone for awhile but she will be back.


Off to the doctor this morning.  Will be back by noon I believe. 


Hope to have more interviews this morning.   Tomorrow (Wednesday) I should be out of our office until the afternoon with a doctors appointment. Please be patient if I can not answer calls or e-mails.  


Abby is back from vacation. Pamela will be back I believe on Thursday.  Looks like Veronica and Samy could be super stars.  


Lots of ladies available today.  More interviews on Tuesday.   



Samy and Veronica already have multiple dates on the calendar.   I think we will know real soon how good they are.


Added Brittany and Veronica and Dulce is back.   Busy day today but the weekend looks to be a little slow.  Did cross the border last night and was no line around 7:30pm.  (short line)


Thank you for a great weekend. Today is busy in the morning, but the night is wide open. Have posted pics of Samy and Zulma and new pics of Melissa. 4 interviews scheduled for tomorrow morning. Denise will be available for work again on 1-21-22.


Received pics yesterday for a couple of new ladies and Melissa. Will try to have them on the site by noon. Not too many dates today but the night is busy.


May be some ladies available this afternoon and evening as lots of dates have been cancelled.  


It has been quite busy today and looks like another good weekend. 


Looks like another busy week this week.  Make sure you get your hotel reservations in early.  Abby is leaving today for vacation.  Not rue when she will be back but it should be later this month.


Had an interview today with a nice lady. She works a regular job and can work at 11pm only.  


Last night the Ticuan quit asking for proof of Vaccination.  Lots of ladies available today.


Lots of ladies available tomorrow.  Brittany will be coming back soon.  Pamela is on vacation and should be back on the 26th.


Hotel Ticuan is requiring proof of vaccine or a negative test within 5 days for their guests. 

1-6-22 12:50 pm

So far it appears to be business as usual at hotels and have yet to hear of anyone being refused service in a restaurant yet


Many restaurants posted notice yesterday that their clients will be required to have proof of vaccination or a negative test within 5 days to eat at their restaurants.  I can only guess this will hold true for hotels as well however I did talk to the people at Ticuan last night and they have not heard of any thing different.  I will monitor this often and post any findings here. 


Interviewed a couple of ladies today.  Salma will be returning soon.    


Hope you had a good Holiday season.  I removed Denise from the site as she has been trying to find a baby sitter.  When she is ready to work again I will put her back on our site.


Busy day yesterday.  Some ladies available still today.  


Happy new Year!   Will take dates that start at 4pm or later today.


New ladies on the site soon.  Will not be scheduling dates tomorrow night but the afternoon will be ok.


Messy day but so far everyone has made their appointments.  I do have 3 interviews scheduled on Wednesday.  Have removed Barbara and Samantha from the site.


By the look of our schedule it appears that many people have this entire week off.


Merry Christmas. Lots of dates this evening but many ladies available.


A few ladies are scheduled today.   We won’t be working on the 24th, but calls and e-mails will be answered. Please be safe and I wish you all a nice Holiday weekend. 


Remember that Christmas is celebrated on the 24th her.  By the afternoon of the 25th the city is pretty much normal. Several ladies have dates scheduled on the 25th.  The next couple of days have very little scheduled.  


Pretty quiet this morning.  A few are scheduled in the evening.  Hope everyone is ready for Christmas!


Today was busier than I expected.  Tuesday looks pretty good.  Doubt we will have much on Wednesday.  If you do plan to visit expect to be required to buy a permit to enter.


Not much scheduled today.  Remember that the Holiday is celebrated on the 24th here and that chicas normally work the 25th.   NYE is normally not a good time to see and escort as the ladies often have someone they would like to spend that night with.


Been busy today, but not much scheduled for Sunday yet.


Little busier today but lots of lady have time available.


Has been only a few dates every day this week.  Today looks about the same.  


Looks a little slow this week.  Only a few dates each day so far.  Denise is still looking for a baby sitter.  Should have a new lady on the site tomorrow.


Renata has announced that she wil do our overnight special.    She will start right away.


Have more dates scheduled today but still ladies available.  Just two weeks until Christmas.


Big day today but the weekend is not so busy Saturday and Sunday.   I am crossing this morning to get my booster shot.  I should be back in the office by noon.


I have removed a few ladies but it is not punishment.  I will be interviewing today and tomorrow.


Looking forward to fiesta night.  Posted pics of Naomy who is pregnant.  I expect Chloe to be at the party and hopefully she will be page on the site.  


Moved all the gifts to the venue.   Trying to be as ready as possible.    Today is the busiest Friday this year and Saturday is good also a we are not working Saturday afternoon so everyone can be ready for the fiesta.  Feel free to come if you are on the fence.  Everyone is welcome.  


Light day today.  Really exited about the fiesta.  Gringo Clause will be there.

12-1 21

Happy December! Lot of dates scheduled today.  Valeria is now available after the fiesta.


Still some great chicas available for the fiesta weekend.  I would strongly encourage any one coming to make their hotel reservations today. 


Busy week. I may not interview this week so I can get everything done.  Still top chicas available the party weekend. Naomy is pregnant and will work and will have new pics when she is a bit bigger.


Not much scheduled today.  Renata is now on the site with pic taken a few days ago.  Melissa is on the site as well. 


Not as much today scheduled as Friday, but sill lots of dates today.  Just one week to the fiesta.  


Been quite busy today.  If you have your reservation you may be able to schedule someone tomorrow.  Looks busy for the next week. Violetta will be taking time off.  


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.   Day is kind of slow today but lots of dates in the evening and for the next few days.  Getting close to the fiesta weekend.  There may still be hotels with availability. 


Will be interviewing all morning today.  Light daytime schedule but busy night so far on our calendar.  Keep checking the fiesta page as ladies are getting scheduled and others are getting cancelled.   Should be lots of fun. 


Lots of dates today but no overnight dates.  3 interviews set for Tuesday.  Still excited about the party.  Abby, Samantha and Ariana have good early reviews and our team gets stronger every week.  Valeria and Dulce should be back on Tuesday or Wednesday.  I will update you here in the news section.   There have been many changes to our Fiesta weekend overnight options as some guys have had to cancel, so please check to see if a lady who was not available is now available. 


Light schedule today.   Couple of interviews set for Tuesday.


Crossed last night around 8:30 as a pedestrian at Ped East and took less than 5 minutes. Added Brisa last night. Maria has moved South.  Valeria and Dulce and going to be gone for a few days.  Should be able to work again on the 23rd.  Sofia has not had her pics taken, but hoping soon.  Charley submitted new pics today.


Maria has left our page.  I did cross last night as a pedestrian around 7:30 in 5 minutes.  Lines were 30 minutes or less for pedestrians after 2pm.  Interviewed a personal trainer that should be on the site by Friday with the name Brisa.  Will report more on the border crossing as I hear more.


Seems like the pedestrian line at Ped East ran about 45 minutes to an hour all day today. May cross today or tomorrow.  


Happy Monday.  I understand that more lines were available for pedestrians at San Ysidro and hopefully helps expediate things.  As I know more I will report it.  I believe Sophia is going to take new pics today.  


No border news yet.  Busy day yesterday and there are openings tomorrow.  


I did cross around 7:30 last night as a pedestrian and it took 10 minutes.  Car lines appeared to be long and more than 1 hour, but not sure about that.  Vanessa , who was Valeria before has joined the team again.  The weekend of the fiesta is getting more and more dates so get your requests in and make your hotel reservation.  


Reports of longer lines in the morning but by noon was less than 30 minutes yesterday.  Maria Jose is back.   Valeria from a couple years ago is ready to come back.  I will meet with her on Friday to discuss a new name.  Yesterday was really busy and it appears that today will be also.


Pedestrian lines were short all day yesterday.  Gisselle now has new pics.  Ariana is on our site and should be lots of fun.  Sophia is coming back and will be on the site soon.  


The border crossing was pretty short today and we expected long waits. Many people reported 20 minutes in the early morning yesterday and around noon 10 minutes.  I really don’t know but it seems to be the opinion of many that the border was staffed with more agents and that made it more efficient.  I will continue to monitor and report here. Now Monica asked to be off the site yesterday so we will see if she comes back. I did interview  a lady today that I thought was quite attractive and her name will be Ariana.  She may have taken pictures yesterday and I believe she could be a popular choice.  I believe Gisselle with have new pics taken today.  


Last two days were very busy.  Today there is a lot on the schedule as well, but not too much on Monday. If you did not move your clocks back last night you should have.   Added Crystal last night and I do have interviews on Tuesday of this week.  Remember that the border most likely will be very busy for folks crossing back to the US as it is the first day in over a year and a half that Mexican Nationals can cross with a tourist visa.  I will be monitoring the border for the next couple of weeks. 


Great day yesterday. Another big day on the books today. Hope you made your hotel reservations.  Monday is when Mexican Nationals with Tourist Visas can start crossing into the US.  They will need to have their vaccinations and I will report daily on how the lines are being handled.  Hopefully Ped West will open up soon.


Gisselle TJ is now back but will call herself Samantha to avoid confusion.  Teresa will now work overnights. Have some interviews coming up next week and hope to have a few more beauties on our site soon.  Very busy again last night and the next 5 days are quite busy now.  Evelyn left for vacation today.  Not sure when she will return, but she wanted to thank everyone for their support and promises to be back.  Dulce and Valeria will now do the overnight dates for $400.


Lots of concerns about the border crossing on November 8 and I will be posting daily about how it is going.  It has been very busy the last 10 days and can only hope that the border crossing issues will be at a minimum and will just report as each day passes.


Meeting with Gisselle TJ this morning as she would like to come back , but most likely will give her a new name.  Team has never been so deep with so many chicas getting called often every week










Nicole M




In addition we have the #1 rated escort in Carolina still doing well. 


Happy Halloween.  Don’t have much scheduled today yet as some ladies want the day off to attend parties or spend time with their children.  However many are available to work. 


Has been no slow days this week.  Strangely enough not much scheduled today and tomorrow.  Hope you have your hotel reservations already. I believe Gisselle TJ that was on our site only a short while will be coming back soon. 


Another really busy day and we have  4 new chicas added last night Jennifer, Laura, Abby and Brianna.  Divina now has new pics.  Carolina will do overnight dates for $450 for a limited time.


Super busy Monday and the weekend looks light at this time.  Do though make your hotel reservations early if you plan to visit this weekend.  New pics of Valeria and Dulce and more interviews today.  I am waiting on pics of very pretty lady that I interviewed a couple of months ago.   She sent a message that she will have pics soon.


Well looks like the week is going to start busy.   Hopefully I will have pics of Dulce and Valeria later today.  Interviews tomorrow.   


Gisselle believe she can work all week now.  Dulce and Valeria are back now.   Big day yesterday and there are some ladies available today.


Busy night last night and huge day today.  Going to start concentrating on our fiesta.  Things are coming around and 3 interviews Tuesday.  


Yesterday was like a Saturday.  Today looks busy also.   Hope you have your hotel reservations for the weekend.


Teresa is back.  Happy Birthday to Jade.  


Dulce and Valeria had to go out of town for some personal matter to attend to.  Should be back by the weekend and then will get new pics.  Kay asked for her photos to be removed until she takes new ones later this week.  


Kay is back.  New pics this week,  Hopefully will have pics of Dulce and Valeria on Monday afternoon. Make you plans for our Xmas party now.


Waiting for pics of Dulce and I believe Valeria took new pics today and I should have them tomorrow.  The day the Mexican Nationals can cross with their Visa and proof of an approved vaccine is November 8.   


Valeria and Dulce should be on the site later today.   Just waiting for pics. 


Had one interview yesterday.  Looks like the travel ban for Mexican Nationals with Visas will be lifted in early November 21. Hopefully that will mean Ped West is re-opened and things will be smoother on the crossing.   I will keep an eye on that and post my findings here.  


I do have a couple of interviews this morning.  Never know what I will see but of course if they decide to work I will post their pics when I get them.


Hope you all had a good weekend.  Doing more interviews on Monday.


Added Raquel this evening.   


Removed Lorena and Maria Jose. They are not being punished but will be back soon. 


Had an interview yesterday and hope to have pics soon.  Been busy with things related to Halloween and Christmas these last couple of days. 


Thank you for a great weekend.  I believe we made some new friends.  Already making plans for the fiesta, so don’t get stuck without a room for the first weekend of December. 


A few guys have scheduled for the fiesta already in December.  I would think that it is more important to get your room reservations as the rooms around town book quick for the weekend of our Fiestas.  


Busy day yesterday and we do have openings today if you have a room in one of our approved hotels.  Sandra had new pictures posted last night. 


Monica will start back on Monday the 4th.   Katia is now working overnights again.  I updated the fiesta page for our December 4th Christmas/End of the year party.   Remember to reserve your rooms early.  We will not be using La Mansion or La Premier on weekends as usual, so you must have a room at one of our approved hotels listed on this site.  Everyone is invited.  


Getting ready for a big weekend.  Hope you have your rooms booked.  


Christine has been retired, and I just want to wish her the best.  Lot of people scheduling for this weekend.  Try to get your rooms now as they will be sold out soon.  


Busy day yesterday.  Planning for our Xmas party on December 4th.   Should be a big one this year.


Happy Friday.  Lorena is back today and ready to work.  


Looks like the weekend will be a busy one again.  Hope you have your hotel reservations in. 


Alice has left but will be on our site when she returns.  She has gone back home for awhile.  Have a very busy morning today and some night dates as well.  


Many guys are reporting that they are not being forced into buying the 180 day permit when crossing on foot.  I would still prepare for that, but you may get by without it.  


Took Chloe and Coco off the site today.   Chloe is welcome back when she gets pics from our photographer.  Coco should be back in Mid October.  Early week looks busy but the weekend so far does not have much.


Light schedule today.  Border is open as normal and there are no covid tests needed to cross in either direction.  


Lots of chicas still available today 


Today is Independence Day.   The city will sleep until afternoon and then it will be back to a normal day.   Very few businesses will be closed, but the hotels, bars and nearly every restaurant will be open. We have a lot scheduled today, but I am sure some of the other ladies will want to work as well.  


Tonight is a night very similar to NYE as tomorrow is Mexican Independence Day, and many people party all night long.  Lots of people shooting guns in the air all night and more than a few drunk drivers.   Not a really good night to be in the streets.  Thursday will be very quite in the morning, and some businesses will be closed (like banks) but for tourists in the afternoon it will be pretty normal.   


Had a few interviews this morning. 


Happy Monday.  Looks like the weekend is going to last all week as the agency has a lot early in the week.  Wednesday night is probably not ideal to come as it is the night of “El Grito” and it is close to NYE as far as craziness goes.  Lots of guns shot in the air late at night in celebration.  Thursday morning will be pretty quiet and the town will come to life again early afternoon on Thursday. 


Still openings today and I am sure some hotels will have vacancies today.   Have interviews coming up tomorrow and Tuesday.  


Not as busy as the last few weekends, so if you can find a room at an approved hotel, there are ladies available.



Getting ready of the weekend.  Just a reminder that next Wednesday is always a big party night similar to NYE….many locals drink heavy as the following day is Mexican Independence day… Wednesday night is crazy, Thursday morning most sleep it off and the city comes back to life after noon.  


Daana posted last night and Coco is back on our site.  Lots of availability the rest of this week. 


Put Angelica C on the site last night.   People have asking about face pictures, so you won’t have to ask any longer.  There should be another young lady getting pictures this week.  Been quite busy, but still lots of people have scheduled today but there will be some openings.  


Have some availability today.  Looks like not much so far for Tuesday and Wednesday.  Hopefully people will start to understand they need their room reservations early as a lot of guys were shut out this weekend again. 


Busy day yesterday and have another busy day today.  We may have pictures of Angelica C by the evening but maybe not until Sunday. Another quite attractive young lady is scheduled for pics  this morning.   


Many guys could not find rooms for this weekend.  I believe there maybe some still available on Sunday.  Interviewing one more chica this morning.  May have pics of Angelica C on Saturday.  


Happy September. Gisselle TJ and Violetta are now on the site.  Two more interviews tomorrow.   Next several days will be very busy.


Have 2 interviews today.  Lots of availability today and tomorrow.  


Lots of ladies available today and tomorrow.  If you are coming this weekend make your reservation right now so you do not get shut out like many did these last 3 weekends.   


Last night had a chica denied entry in B My hotel because the guest already had a chica earlier in the day.   Would advise to pass if you intend to see multiple chicas on the same day.  Hotels were very hard to book this weekend and will be very hard this weekend as it is Labor day weekend.  Fortunately many have booked and scheduled in advance.  Still waiting for pics of new ladies.  Megan is back.


Just added Angela and Maria.  Should have more in a few days.  Have a lot on our calendar the next 10 days, but we will have some available every day.   


Still have a lot of guys getting shut out because they did not make hotel reservations early.   I am afraid you had better get your weekend reservation by Tuesday.  Should have new ladies soon as I did interviews Tuesday and Thursday of this week. 


Ana Lucia is not working any longer, as her days started early.  She hopes to be back in December.


Busy day already today.  Have 3 interviews tomorrow morning.  Please get your room reservations in early as the last two weekends many guys have not been able to get reservations when they asked on Wednesday. 


Well rooms are easier to come by today.  Feel free to try and schedule today, but give plenty of notice as well. 


Busy Friday, and we have ladies available today but remember no La Mansion and no La Premier on Saturday nights.  


Denise was added last night and Coco is leaving for awhile, but should be available in the fall.  There are still new ladies coming so keep checking our site.  Ana Lucia is getting lots of attention in her last week for awhile, and Patricia and Monica are still getting lots of work and good reviews.


Have been off line for 2 days but service is restored.  Have to make a couple of changes to the website and will have a new lady on site later tonight.


Ana Lucia had a date cancel for Sunday the 22.  She can work that night, but that is the only night available now.   Should be more new ladies this week.


Pedestrian line was reported to be 3.5 hours much of the day yesterday.  I expect easier crossing today and the rest of the week, and will report.  Have interviews scheduled later this morning. Jade is going to be leaving but will honor all dates on our calendar.  It is uncertain if she will return or not but she has been in our top 5 for quite awhile and is welcome to come back if she chooses to.  


Not a big weekend, but Sunday was good.  Lots of dates scheduled Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so far.  Please remember to schedule your hotel early in the week for weekend dates.


Many guys got shut out because they thought they could get a room this week.  Other guys got lucky as they had rooms and had some luck with same day bookings.  Today there should be rooms available as a few scheduled yesterday.  Next week should be good. 


Lots of guys thought they could scheduled a hotel on a busy weekend.  Thanks for those that have scheduled in advance.  We have a lot scheduled in advance for early next week.  


Busy yesterday.  Heard one of our new ladies took pics today so expect them tomorrow.  


Put Evelyn on the site yesterday.  Hotels are quickly booking up for the weekend because of an event in Rosarito, so book now as we will NOT go to La Premier or La Mansion on Friday or Saturday nights.  


Have interviews the next two days.  Still waiting for pics from some other new chicas. 


Busy day yesterday.  Naomy has new pics.  Monica begins work on Thursday.  Some new ladies were going to take pics but have not seen them yet. 


Still ladies available today.  Remember no La Mansions or La Premier this evening. 


Huge day yesterday.   Had an interview with a nice lady and have another one Tuesday.   A couple of ladies have friends that want to work.  I do hear Monica is back in town, but has family here, but it maybe another week or so before she comes back to work. 


The border seems to have long lines in the morning again.  I have an interview later today.  Looks like the rest of the week will continue to be busy.

Today is the 3rd anniversary of Big Lou passing. 


Lyly has taken new pics. Chloe should have new pictures very soon.  Very busy week and please schedule early as some folks found out that the ladies they wanted were scheduled last week. Also remember that our site is blocked in Mexico. 


Just finished a big weekend and hoping to take the momentum into this week.  Hoping Monica will be back soon.   


Happy August.  Have a busier than usual Sunday scheduled but there are still ladies available. 


Lot of availability today.  Remember no interest in going to La Mansion or La Premier on Friday or Saturday night.  Big week next week on our calendar. 


Had a huge week and hoping it roles into the weekend.   Ximena is gone and  looks like Abby will not be coming back any time soon.  Monica will be back soon.


Looks like a busy weekend however Saturday is a little light. Ximena is leaving after her date today for maybe a few months. Ana Lucia is available and will be taking off at the end of August for at least a few months. She will be available after 8pm each night and will work Saturdays in August. Probably will be fined around the 26th and may return in December.



Have another busy day today. Ximena is leaving for awhile, but will honor her dates this week, but not take any more. Have more interviews today and looks like Ana Lucia could be ready on Thursday night this week. Monica keeps saying she will be back soon.


Interviewed today and an optimistic. Pamela says she will not be available on Thursday as mother nature has taken its course. Maybe Monday she will be ready. Irene and Vanessa are gone but should be back in mid-August. Very busy week so far.


Karla is back now. Pamela is on site and will be available on Thursday July 29th. Lots of dates scheduled already for this week.


Lots of ladies scheduled today and tonight.  The start of the week is busy as well.  Interviews Tuesday and Wednesday.  


Very light Saturday scheduled.  Hoping to have Abby and Monica back soon.  I am very happy with our new site, and thanks everyone for your patience. 


I have removed Karla and Pamela.  Both are having some issues with family and may be back soon.  


Hey thanks for checking back.  We have had some technical difficulties but looks like things are back to normal.  First thanks to everyone that called and sent e-mails and helped me realize there was a problem.  Thanks to our webmaster for getting everything in working order. Thanks also for all the guys that schedule while we were down.  

Now I heard from Abby today and she may be back soon.  Hard to imagine if Abby and Monica are back in August with Patricia, Jade,  Pamela, and Alejandra R.   Ana Lucia was poised and ready to enter the top 5 on our site, and it may still happen.   Never have we had such a deep depth chart.  Carolina is rated #1 in Tijuana but yet is not even in our top 10.  


Happy Monday.  Teresa now lives in Tijuana and will work all hours and overnights.  Update after accepting a date tonight she told me she can not kiss with her tongue so she is now off our site.


Seems as if the weekend started early.  Wednesday and Thursday were outstanding.  I did walk across the border in less than 5 minutes at 5pm Thursday.


Crossed very quickly into the US at Ped East.  Was a little tougher on Monday.  Hopefully the line will be more manageable the rest of the week.  


Busy day yesterday and a lot scheduled tomorrow early but kind of quite in the evening.  Will be interviewing again Tuesday.


Great night last night, and we even got last minute dates when some dates had cancelled.  This morning is busy but we should have ladies that are wanting to work in the evening.  


Happy Friday. Remember we do not want to use La Mansion or La Premier on weekend nights.  


Did cross into the US last night around 7pm as a pedestrian at Ped East.  There was no line at that time and most of the day the lines were short.  Some people have reported that they were not required to buy the 180 day permit when entering Mexico. Most people have not had that experience but that is great if you can cross without a permit. I am planning a small vacation in about a month and I will have someone answering calls and scheduling while I am gone. 


Back to normal.  Expect long lines today during the morning to cross back into the US both driving and walking. 


Hope you had a fun 4th.  Back to normal but expect longer lines today going home but most likely more normal Tuesday.  


Happy 4th of July.  Lines have been short all day today.  Expect long lines until tomorrow afternoon.  Been quite busy. 


Busy day yesterday and lots of dates on the calendar on the weekend. Seems like there are a ton of people visiting and many got here on Wednesday.


Happy July.  Please be careful out there.  Town is full already and it will be a big weekend. Katia is back starting today!


Lots of folk are taking off tomorrow so please be safe on the roads.  Maybe some folks are very eager to be out of the pandemic.  


Busy night last night and looking to be again tonight. Please try to schedule early.


Cannot emphasize enough how important it is to reserve your room early this week.  Last couple of weekends had people shut out at our approved hotels.  We do not want to use La Mansion or La Premier on a Friday or  Saturday night.  


Hope you have your rooms booked for next weekend.  Lots of guys have booked their dates and looks like the entire week will be busy.  


Have had a couple of guys get across without being forced to buy the 180 day permit recently.  Had a client that was able to book a room at Hyatt Place  on Thursday night for tonight.

Aaron and Ximena are back.  Still waiting for pics from other chicas.  


Crossed as a pedestrian at about 7pm and took less than 10 minutes to cross.  Some people have reported that they did not have to buy a permit to enter and others have reported they did have to buy it. I guess it depends on who is working the line.  Am crossing again this morning but should be back by 10am and will take calls while I am out of the office and answer e-mails also.  


Monica is going home to take care of a few things and should be back in late August.  Have several interviews tomorrow.  Looks like Patricia will grab the number 1 position again as Monica had been challenging her.  Still waiting for pics of ladies that interviewed last week.      


Happy Father’s Day. 


Busy night last night. Should be good today as well but we will have chicas available.



Busy day scheduled today.  Did cross as a pedestrian at San Ysidro around 5:30 and there was no line.


Marla has gone home but asked that I say thank you, to the nice men that did see her.  She will be back in July and hopes to see more nice guys. I did a few interviews this morning, so could have ladies on the site before the weekend. Heard the line to enter the US was quite short this morning.  Yesterday had lines of over an hour before 3pm. 


Weekend was a little slower than usual but Sunday was good.  4th of July weekend is coming up so get your hotel reservations in early as Memorial day many waited to long.  We do not want to use La Premier or La Mansion on Friday or Saturday night as they are problematic.  Two interviews tomorrow morning. 


We do have ladies available today and tomorrow.  


Monica’s friend Marla is on the site.  She will leave TJ on the 18th, but hopes to come back from time to time.  Lots of ladies available for the weekend.


Busy day today.  I did reserve El Torito for our party on December 4th.   Will be promoting it in October.   Baja California is in level green, but folks are still wearing face masks.   Our professional baseball team is playing in front of fans now.


Every one made it on time, but just barely as we had one that made it at the hour scheduled last night.   Vanessa and Irene are on the site and Roxy has gained weight but should be on the site this week.  Nor sure when Renata will be on the site but she does not show her face.  Ana Lucia is only working nights for awhile, and Patricia and Monica are still battling for number 1.  Katty is still working and most likely will drop out of the top 5 until she is back on the site.   Jade is still busy and Ana Lucia and Alejandra R will battle it out for number 5 on our site. 


Irene is back.  One of her friends is back but will have to check her name but she was here before.  Renata will be back soon.  Interviewing another chica today as well.  Could have 4 new or returning ladies on the site later this week. Also Roxy the nympho is coming back.  Sure you will see lots of changes on our site this week .


Will have interviews again tomorrow. The 4th of July is coming up and people are making their hotel reservations already.  Many people were shut out as the hotels were booked the week before Memorial day.  Should be quite busy here in Tijuana.  For those of you that have not crossed this last year, the Mexican officials are requiring tourists to buy a 180 day permit to enter Mexico and they sell for $30. They are no requiring it when entering by car.  


Monica has a friend that will work for one week only.  I should know more this week.  Kya will not be on the site but work 9am to 10pm but not work on Thursdays.  

When crossing the border the Mexican border agents are still requiring visitors to buy a permit for $30 good for 180 days.   No one is asking about essential reasons to cross in either direction. 


Crossed at 6pm and again at 8:30pm on foot at Ped East and less than 10 minutes on both crossings. 


Actually crossed twice last night. Once at 6pm and again at 9pm.  Was less than 10 minutes both times to enter the US but during the day was an hour to 1.5 hours.  I believe Daniella will work Monday and Tuesday this week.   Not sure about after that.  


Slowed down a little after the busy weekend, but remaining steady. 


Have tweaked the site a bit.  Probably will redo the site in the next few months.   


Happy May!  Getting closer to normal now.  


Weekend went so smooth and 10 overnight dates last night and each was on time or early.  We do have openings today so call and schedule your favorite Team Juanita lady.


Somehow despite the heavy traffic we were on time for every date yesterday.   Still have chicas available today and tomorrow.


Happy Saturday on a holiday weekend.  Still ladies available Saturday and Sunday, but I believe hotels are booked solid.  Be work checking if someone has to cancel though.



Be safe on the streets.  There will be plenty of traffic today, but get here safely please.  Lots of dates scheduled but we will have chicas available.   Daniella is getting lots of attention.  She may break into our top 5 right away.   


Interviews went well yesterday.  Crossed last night into the US as a pedestrian and it took me 10 mnutes.


This entire week is very busy.  Took me about 1 hour to cross at San Ysidro as a pedestrian at 8pm last night. I will have interviews this morning.


This week is very busy already and the weekend will be hard to get room so make your room reservations now.  


Many dates scheduled today.  Busier than a usual Sunday.


Busy weekend scheduled.  Still chicas available.


Flor is back and Yezka took new pics .  Both should be on our site later today.  Did cross to teh US at 7:30 last night and took 10 minutes to get across.  Coming back to Mexico with no issue. 


Most of the day there were long lines to walk back into the US at Ped West.   I made it in 10 minutes at 7;30pm.   Should be two new chica by the end of the week. 


Everything is good at the border in both directions.  The lines to return to the US can be long however. 


Happy Monday.  Things are much closer to normal in Tijuana.   I think the problem still is very much alive but hopefully you have your vaccination and will be safe.  I have interviews tomorrow.


Have some interviews coming up this week.  Jade will be gone this week but should be back on the 24th.  Mia has been added to our site. 


Busy day and night yesterday. Already had a couple of dates cancel today.  Patricia is available for overnight tonight.


Went to visit the US around 5pm yesterday and it took he about 20 minutes to cross at Ped East.  Alejandra is back on the site after being gone for a few years. 


I went across at Ped East about 4:45am yesterday and there was n line.  I may cross again tonight but am unsure.  Fabiola is now on the site.


Am visiting the US early this morning and will give a report on the line. 


Pedestrian lines were 20 to 30 minutes most of the day yesterday which is really short for a Monday.  I hope that becomes a pattern however I am not very optimistic.  Will continue to update each day.


Today is Mother’s day  in Mexico.  Many ladies may not work but the rest of the week should be good.  Having some interviews on Tuesday.



Lots of ladies available today.



Busy weekend busy there are still chicas available.   


Thania, Linda, and Alexis have been added.  Monica has new pics now and the battle for number one in Tijuana is in contention now.  The hotels are boking to capacity every weekend now and please make your reservations early. 


Business continues to pick up.  Whenever you are ready, we will be here.


We have ladies available today.  Thania is now on the site. 


Happy May.  Each day is getting close to normal. 


Busy weekend coming up.  It is no longer essential travel only into Mexico, but as mentioned before that was  not enforced anyway.


I am crossing into the United States this morning, and should be back by noon.  


More interviews this week.  Have removed Oriana from our site as she is out of town.  Will post again when she comes back.


Had a great weekend.  May be ladies available today.   


I understand the Mexican government has lifted the essential travel ban,  They were not enforcing it anyway, but maybe now the agents will not require visitors to buy the 180 day FMM.  Most likely they will require it but time will tell. 


Very busy yesterday and looks like more of the same today.   Will be crossing again tomorrow morning but back in the office in the early afternoon


Remember when walking across the border entering Tijuana the agents will require you to buy a permit that is good for 180 days and sells for $30.  


Many reports of quick crossing at Ped East for pedestrians yesterday.  I went across around 4pm and there was no one in front of me.  Not sure today will be the same.  Lots of ladies available this weekend.


Crossed by car last night around 7pm.  Took about 45 minutes in the San Ysidro Ready Lane.  Should be a good weekend.


Did cross into the US as a pedestrian at Ped East last night around 6pm.  Was gong pretty well and when I was 10 people away from the front of the line the agent just left.   Took and extra 20 minutes to cross and in total 35 minutes. 


I did walk across to the United State about 12:30 yesterday afternoon at Ped East and it took 30 minutes.  Ped West is still closed.  People are scheduling their hotels for Memorial day weekend already so it would be best to reserve your room early. 


Will be interviewing today.  Very busy this weekend.


Border is the same.  Lots of ladies available today and tomorrow.


Remember you will be forced to buy a 180 day FMM permit when crossing on foot.  They sell for $30.   Busy day today, looks like the rest of the week will be pretty busy also. 


Crossed last night around 7pm into the US as a pedestrian and it took about an hour.  Been busy so far this week.  


Did interview and English speaking lady today.  Should be on the site by the weekend.


No changes at the border.   Lots of chicas available all week.


Very busy last night and more dates on the schedule today.  Sunday so far is a light schedule. Teresa will start Monday as she wanted the week of Easter off from work.  


Happy Friday!.  Seems like lots of hotels are busy this weekend.  Weather is nice so lots of folks are visiting Tijuana.  


Did cross the border today at 2pm as a pedestrian and it took about 30 minutes.   Crossed last night and took just over an hour at 9pm in a carl    Teresa is on our page now and Nicole finally got her pics updated today.  


Put Becky on the site.  Was expecting a return on a superstar but it did not  happen.  Hope it will but maybe she had a change of heart. Week has been busy so hoping to keep the momentum.  


Will be interviewing  this week.  Never know who will show up but I am optimistic.  Very busy weekend and hope to keep the momentum going.


Busy Friday but still some openings for today and tomorrow.


Happy Friday.  I should have 3 interviews this Tuesday and one returning superstar from about 5 years ago.   Now I am not going to mention any names as that always seems to jinx me.  Expect some additions by nest Friday and see for yourself. 


Remember when crossing as a pedestrian you will be required to buy a 180 day permit and show your passport.  


Many reports of long lines all day yesterday to return to the US as a pedestrain at Ped East.  I did cross around 7pm last night and although the line itself was not long the wait was 30 minutes and it should have been much less.  More agents were just standing around and only 4 were working the line.  Seems that many people were going into secondary also.  


Very busy yesterday.  Lots of dates scheduled this week, so please schedule early as folks found out last week when chicas were scheduled when they wanted to request a date.

Boder waits were long, but may have been due to it being Monday.  Will monitor the line tomorrow and may try to cross tomorrow.


Nothing has really changed other than when crossing on foot you must buy a $30 permit to enter.  That permit is good for 180 days.  Things are heating up here with more and more first time clients using our service.  We are trying to keep up with demand, but many seem to think it is a good idea to call us while hear in a hotel.  They find out that the ladies they want are already busy and cannot access our site since it is blocked in Mexico.  Please schedule from the comfort of your home so you can see the chica you want.


Remember when walking across the Mexican agents are requiring a 180 day permit. They cost $30.  No one is asking for them when driving across.  Stil have ladies available today.


Really busy day yesterday.  Have lots of chicas avaialble today and tomorrow.  People reported no wait in the afternoon for pedestrians going to the US at San Ysidro.   I did not leave the office and watched baskeball all day.


Crossed last night into the US as a pedestrian at San Ysidro and it took 20 minutes.   No problem coming back in.  Interviews tomorrrow and Friday.   There has been people asking if Mexico is closing their border, but just like the last year they have renewed the crossing to “essential”.  Another words there is no change.


Happy St Patrick’s Day.  Crossed yesterday at 2:30 pm at San Ysidro as a pedestrian, and there was no line at all. Came back into Mexico at about 7pm and just waved through.  May go across one more time this week and will report my experience.  


Hope to cross into the US this afternoon and will report. Crossed yesterday about noon and it took 20 minutes but it was raining so could have been a longer crossing in better weather.


Hope you had a good weekend.   We have ladies available all week and Monica starts back on Saturday the 20th.


Hope you remembered to push you watches up on hour.  Many of us rely on phones and computers that do it for us.   Have added Kenia and Kendra a couple of days ago and Monica is back on the 20th.    She was our most popular chica when she left and Patricia is currently #1 but may fall back to number #2 after Monica establishes herself again. Jade, Katty and Ana Lucia round out the top 5.  Have not heard from Abby but I am sure she will battle it out with Monica when she does come back.  Seems like nearly everything is open in Tijuana now and most places following the pandemic protocol except the Zona Norte Bars who think they own the city.  Border seems to be manning more lines and a bit more efficient but the Ped West is still closed.  


Seems like the border waits have been shorter this week in the afternoons.   Lots of ladies still available today and tomorrow.

3-11 21

Should be two new chicas tonight on our website. Did cross yesterday at 5:30pm and had a 30 minute wait to get into the US.  No questions when returning to Mexico.


Well I crossed into the US last night around 5pm and there was no line and no questions other that “do you have anything to declare”   Entered back into Mexico at 8:30pm and no questions from them at all. I do think that they do ask questions for guys that do not have a permit, but everyone should buy one anyway.  Did take a taxi though the Zona Norte and was a lot of movement around that area.  


Many reports of the bars being open in the Zona.   Having an interview this morning. Charley is back and her pics were added last night.


Believe bars will open today and restaurants can hold up to 50% of capacity starting today.  Will report what I find tomorrow.


I am still hearing that the city is opening up tomorrow and will be reporting my finding.  It would be great if Ped West would open back, but I don’t expect that for a few months. 


I understand that many closed businesses will open on Monday and restaurants will have less restrictions on how many people can eat at the same time.  I will of course uptate this section daily.  More interviews next week. 


Ana Lucia is back working now after a few weeks away.  Still waiting for pics of Kayla.   Everyone made it back and forth across the border without issues and we do have chicas avaiable through the weekend.  I believe more things (bars) may open on Monday.   


Happy Thursday.  Waiting for pictuires of English speaking MILF Kayla.  Oriana does have face pictures now.  Border is still easy to cross, but going back to the US the line get long during the morning and sometimes early afaternoon as well.


The MILF speaks English well.  Hope to have her on the site by Friday.  Her name will be Kayla, and she has never worked before.    


Interviewing a MILF today.  Busy week scheduled but still lots of ladies available.


Happy March.  Should be doing some more interviews this week.  Got my first vaccine on Saturday. 🙂


Lots of chicas available today. No changes at the border.


No changes at the border.  Sill waiting on face pics of Oriana.  Lots of ladies available today and tomorrow.


Crossed around 7pm as a pedestrian last night and there was no line.  Game back around 8pm and was not qestioned by the Mexican officials. It is important to note, I have a FMM permit good for 180 days. 


Crossed around 6:30 last night as a pedestrian and it took me about an hour. Couldf have a new lady by this weekend.


Crossed at Ped East at 7pm and it took me an hour to get across.  Will be interviewing this morning. Have added Romeo to the site. 


Everything is still the same at the border.   They will require you to buy a $30 permit to enter Mexico.  The permit called an “FMM” permit is good for 180 days.  If crossing by car you do not get requested to purchase the permit.   


Everything is the same at the border.


Have a great Sunday.  Border is still the same. 


Lots of openings this afternoon and evening.  Chloe is taking some time off and unsure of when she will return.  We do wish her the best.  


Lots of available chicas this weekend.  

2-18-21 noon

Long line at 7am this morning.  Took an hour to cross, but nothing new.


No changes at the border.  Will cross this morning as a pedestrian at San Ysidro and report back. 


No changes at the border.


Crossed by car last night at San Ysidro Ready Lane at 7:30 and got across in 2 hours.  



Happy Valentine’s Day.  It has been a busy week.   Border is the same. 


Very busy yesterday and today. No changes at the border. Natasha has new pics. 


They are still telling everyone they need to buy the permit to enter Mexico.  I expect this to continue until things get back to normal. Maybe July or August, but who knows?


Took 30 minutes to cross into the US on foot at 8pm.   Coming back at 10pm was easy.  Interviewing a new lady this morning and put Lucia’s new pics yesterday


I did cross into the US and Ped East last inight at 8pm and there was no line.  Came back at 10pm with no issue.   I understand Lucia is set to get pics today and hopefully I will get them on Wednesday or Thursday.


Surprised it took 30 minutes to cross into the US at 8pm last night at Ped East.  Came back to Mexico at 10:30 with no issues.  


Nothing new at the border.


Have a happy Super Bowl.  If you would rather see a chica we do have many available today. 


Crossed again at 8pm last nigth and no line. Crossed back to Mexico at 9pm with no issue.  Rebecca has new photos now.  Lucia will interview on Monday so I can get all her info and there is another interviewed scheduled Monday as well. 


Carolina has new pics posted.  English speaking Lucia will be back soon as she has been gone 2 years now.  Reports of shorter waiting times yesterday at the border. Karen is back and ready to work. 




Took me an hour to coss into the US at 8am yesterday.  No problem returning to Mexico.


Going to cross into the US this morning as a pedestrian.  Will be back by mid afternoon to report.


Crossed last night into the US  at 7pm and was no line at Ped East.  Coming back was no issue either.


Nothing has changed at the border. 


Took me about and hour at 8:30 am to cross into the US as a pedestrian at Ped East.  No questions from either side. 


Will cross tomorrow morning and report. 


Nothing new at the border and the lines although long for pedestrians have been moving quickly.  Yesterday it was less than 30 minutes at noon to cross.  Want to remind folks to get their hotel reservations and chicas scheduled early for the weekend.  


No changes at the border


Many questions about new restrictions, but there are none for pedestrians.


Nothing new at the border.  Hopefully we will have some new faces soon on our site.  Just waiting for pictures.


Did cross trhe pedestrian line at 8:30 last night and it took less than 5 minutes.  Came back to Mexico by 10pm with no issue.


Will be interviewing this morning. Nothing has changed at the border.


Nothing new at the border.

1-19-21 (part 2)

Took me 25 minutes to cross in Ped East this morning at 6:20.   No issue entering Mexico.


Will cross this morning and report later today.  


Did cross last night around 7pm and there was no line to enter the US as a pedestrian.  Will cross again on Tuesday morning.  


Still reports of long morning and early afternoon lines to enter the US.  Ana Lucia is back today.


Brittany has left for awhile.  She says she will be returning.  May have a returning Superstar next week.  


Still reports of long lines in the mornings and early afternoons to cross at San Ydiro as a pedestrian into the United States.


I did not cross yesterday as we were very busy.  Will cross next week instead.  With Abby and Moncica leaving and Ana Lucia off this week, I would never have guessed that we would have the best day of business since March of 2020.   Ana Lucia comes back Sunday  and may have a surprise next week.   


No changes at the border.  Will give my report later today about my crossing.



Some reports of long lines crossing yesterday.  I will be crossing Wednesday morning and will report my experience. Abby is taking some time off to go Souch.  She thinks she will ba back in 2 months. 


Interviews tomorrow.  No changes at the border. 


Ana Lucia needs to leave today but will be back on Sunday 1-17-21.   Border has no changes. 


No changes at the border.


All is good for this weekend.  As always make your hotel reservations early as the approved hotels fill up quickly. 


Busy day today.   Make sure you scheduled ahead. 


Many children receive their presents in Mexico today. It appears like a normal day to visitors and pretty much is a local day.  Have quite a few dates on our calendar for the rest of the week, but sill chicas available.



Doing and interview this morning.  Border has no changes. 


Nothing new at the border but will be monitoring the wait times.  Probably not crossing until Wednesday.   Hopefully things will open back up after everyone has the vaccine.  It most likely will be more open and maybe by June or July will no longer need masks.   


Nothing new at the border.  Please remember to schedule in advance.  


Monica has decided to leave the business.  She is not on suspension and is welcome back anytime.  Tiffany is now off suspension and available.   No one reported any problem crossing or returning back to the US this weekend. We have plenty of ladies available today and tomorrow.   


Happy New Year everyone.  Lots of dates scheduled these next 3 days but still ladies available.   Make sure you schedule your hotel early as always.  Border should be short lines the next couple of days.


Did cross this morning at 8am with no issue.  About a 30 minute line and was back in Mexico by 8:40.   We have a few afternoon dates scheduled tomorrow but I would not expect anyone to work after 5pm.   As always  if you want a date before 2pm, schedule it by 8pm the day before.  Will start interviewing again next week.  


Lines crossing as a pedestrian were very short yesterday.  I crossed at 3:30pm with no line.  Reports all day were less than 20 minutes.  


Lots of chicas available this week.


Nothing new at the border in either direction.


No problems crossing in either direction the last 3 days.  Lot of women available today and tomorrow.


No changes at the border.  Our visitors got back and forth with no issues.


Crossed the border around 9pm last night as a pedestrian.  No line and no trouble returning to Mexico around 10:30pm.  Clients have been having no issues other than needing to buy the 180 day permit.  Lots of ladies available this week.


Border is still open but you should buy a 180 day permit when crossing. Those are $30.  We are working every day, but most likely no one will work on the 24th.


Border still open with no issues.  Angel took new pics yesterday and they should be posted this evening.


Crossed twice yesterday as a pedestrian at San Ysidro.  At 6am took about 45 minutes and at 7pm no line.  Only basic questions asked like do you have anything to declare.  Entering Mexico was no issue either time.  I do have the 190 day permit though which makes things much easier.  Added Natalia and Juliette yesterday.  

Remember in Mexico the Holiday is during the night of the 24th.   The 25th is like a regular day except the party goes all night on the 24th so not many chicas will want morning dates on the 25th.  


Nothing different at the border.  Will be crossing about 7am today.


All is the same at the border. Karina and Lyly want dates this week as both are off their day jobs.  Karen is not back.  That was a mistake.   Rebecca is back and ready to work.


So far no changes at the border.  Will be interviewing on Tuesday.  Angel is back and Karen is available again.


Everyone made it to and from Mexico without issues this week.


Many reports of people crossing the border with no issues both by foot and by car.  


Border has no changes.  Bars are closed in Tijuana but most restaurants have limited dine in capabilities. I believe up to 30% capacity.  


Crossed into the US as a pedestrian at 6:15am and was in the US by 6:30.  Nothing has changed and everyone made it on time today and I know we have a big weekend and want everyone to understand the border is the same.  Divina has new pics posted.


Well everyone made it just fine yesterday.  No reports of anything different at the border.   Karina, who has turned down many opportunities recently, is now not working her factory job and will be more available.   Katia is ready to come back and should be on our site soon.


Baja California has returned to red light.  Bars are suppose to be closed today.  Restaurants are back to 30% maximum occupancy.  The hotels are open.  People are worried about how the border will be handled.  I do not believe much will be different but will continue to report my findings. I would expect to be charged a 30 dollar 180 day permit fee when entering as a pedestrian.  


No changes


Nothing new at the border.  Here are some pics from our party.


We had our private party last night and many of the ladies commented on missing you guys but we hope to have a fiesta soon like in March or April…..Covid permitting.  I will continue to update in regards to the border, but nothing has changed. 


Happy December! Peaches is now on the site with updated pics.  No changes at the border but I did cross at 5pm last night with no line. 


No changes at the border.   One interview this morning.


Nothing new to report


Nothing new at the border however the Mexican officials are pushing people hard to buy the 180 day permit.  It is $30.


Some nutcase posted a video on You Tube that said the border is closed for people returning to the US after 10pm.  It is open for crossing 24 hours a day even during this “curfew”


Happy Thanksgiving.

Crossed in 10 minutes yesterday at 5:30am. Should be easy to cross today.  

Added Bridget yesterday.  Seems like everyone is asking for face pictures but I have none and that is why it is published on the site.  Vanessa changed her hair color.

Should have someone return this weekend.   Will know more later.


One thing that has been constant the last couple of weeks is the Mexican officials at the border are wanting you to buy the 180 day permit to enter Mexico.  It is $30.  I believe the officials are pocketing the money but you do get the permit and that eliminates the part where they ask why you are crossing.  The American officials usually just ask if you have anything to declare.  These are for the pedestrians and if you drive in you normally have no conversation with the Mexican officials.  


More interviews tomorrow morning


Nothing new at the border.  Abby is back sooner than expected.  Rentata, Aaron, Irene,Valeria, and Sara have been added recently.  Kendall updated her pics.  Ana Lucia had her overnight canceled tonight so she may be available.


Crossed yesterday as a pedestrian around 1pm and took about 20 minutes.  Sara, Aaron and Irene are now on the site but not working overnights.   Valeria should be on the site soon.   


Nothing has changed at the border.  Starting Thursday afternoon Irene, Aaron, and a couple of other ladies will be available.


Alice is back. Abby is vacationing.  Two more interviews tomorrow.  No changes at the border. 


No changes at the border.


Nothing new at the border, however it does seem like the Mexican agents are really pushing the 180 day permit.  


No changes at the border.  


No change at the border.  3 interviews today.


Nothing has changed.   Will update daily.


Nothing to report at the border. More interviews scheduled Monday. 


Took 1 hour and 5 minutes to enter the US at San Ysidro Blvd at 12:30 yesterday.  Lines were shorter as the day progressed.  No questions other than if I had anything to declare.  Coming back into Mexico, no line and no questions. 


Should cross later this morning.  Will report later.


People were reporting short crossings yesterday.  I crossed around 9pm and there was no line.   


No changes at the border recently.    Actually there have been reports of shorter lines gong back to the US.  Will continue to monitor and report. 


Happy November.  No changes at the border and I have an interview tomorrow morning.


Happy Halloween.  No changes at the border.  Remember to move you clock’s forward and hour tonight.  8 hour overnight dates will run for 10-5


Nothing has changed. 


Took 20 minutes to cross at 1pm yesterday as a pedestrian at San Ysidro Port of Entri (Ped East).  Coming back to Mexico was easy with no line.  


Zona clubs were open yesterday.   Did cross at San Ysidro at 9pm as a pedestrian and was no line.  Will keep on this.


Have found no changes yet, but will keep checking and reporting.


The US government has restricted travel to Mexico.  It should remain essential service.  Mexico is returning to level Orange on Monday.  None of that means much, but the border will still be easy to cross and you may be asked why you are crossing.  If you have a 180 day permit you should not be questioned.

Little light today but more evening dates.  


No changes at the border.


Vanessa is on the site now.  Border is the same.  Looks like the border will be closed to Mexican Nationals until 2021, but currently the date is November 21.  Ana Lucia, Monica and Gisselle has some availability over the weekend. 


long lines in the morning yesterday, 30 minutes today at 9am.  No line at 7pm yesterday when I crossed. Stephany joined our site yesterday.   Still waiting for new chicas but maybe they decided not to work?   Sometimes chicas interview but do not take pictures and do not work. 


Took 50 minutes to cross at 6:15am into the US yesterday.  A vendor at the border told me there was no line at all before 5:15.  Should have new chicas soon. 


Border is still easy to cross.  Seems like the Mexicans are starting to ask questions about why you are crossing and hell the city is open, not sure why they care.  Americans have not asked me in about 2 weeks when I returned anything other than do you have anything to delcare.


No changes at the border. 


Crossed twice yesterday after 5pm and was less than 5 minutes both times.   Just put Alejandra on the site and should be a couple of others very soon.  Looks like another busy weekend.  


No changes at the border.  


Border pedestrian line has been short this morning.  No issues in either direction.  Interviewed a couple of nice chicas yesterday.  It is getting crowded at the top of our site with Abby, Monica, Gisselle, Ana Lucia, and Karla with many other ladies getting attention as well.



Almost everything is open in Tijuana now, but the virus is still very much alive.  Border lines are short this morning but expect longer lines as the day progresses until maybe 5pm.  I am doing more interviews this morning. 


Border crossing into the US is quick at 8am today.  Will be harder later.   Two interviews tomorrow.


Long lines in the morning to return to the US as a pedestrian yesterday but by the late afternoon the lines were short. Pamela is not on the site. 


Took two hours to cross into the US at 7am this morning.  Ana Lucia starts back tomorrow as does Gisselle.  Should have a new lady on the site this afternoon.


Only had a ten minute wait today at 6am to get into the US at San Ysidro.  Lines seem to be about an hour in the late morning and afternoon. 


Crossed into the US this morning at 5am at San Ysidro crossing and there was no line.  Will be crossing Thursday and Friday as well.


No change at the border.  Gisselle will be here and ready for work on Saturday.  


Nothing new at the border.  Many businesses including bars are open since the 2nd.  I have some interviews today.  


Nothing new at the border.  


No changes at the border.  Many bars in the Zona Norte opened yesterday.  I am not clear if they had permission.  The group that owns Hong Kong and other bars remained closed.  


No changes at the border.  I do hear that some bars will be opening tonight but I am not sure it is true.  More restaurants are open as well. 


Border has been pretty easy to cross back into the US.  I went this morning at 6am and it took about 45 minutes. Karla is back.  I have more interviews Thursday.


Crossed into the US last night at 7pm.  Crossing took about 30 minutes.  No questions and just as easy when I came back to Mexico around 11pm.  Having more interview today. Great reports on Katty after her first dates.  


No changes at the border.  Vehicle crossings are fast early but get very long as the day progresses.  


Wait time to enter the US has been short so far today at San Ysidro.  Patty and Salma are now on our site.


Crossed at 7am this morning in 45 minutes.   No questions leaving or entering.  Salma is on our site today.  Should be others very soon.  

9-23-30 1pm

Just got news that a client of ours has passed away from Covid -19

He had scheduled a date for July 20th but cancelled and died 3 weeks later. He was a super nice guy and I have no clue abut his family and of course I don’t want a wife or kids to know that he used our service. I wonder how many others may have fallen. He was in his 40’s when he passed.  RIP amigo


Crossed into the US at Ped East at 6am  in less than 5 minutes this morning.  That is quite unusual.  Entered Mexico at 9:30am with no issues.  Should have several new ladies by the weekend.



Crossed last night at 7:30pm and again this morning at 9am.  Took about 45 minutes both times to get back to the US.

Interviewed 4 chicas that seemed to be fine yesterday.  Marena is getting new pics this week.  Alex will be back soon.


No changes at the border.  3 interviews this morning.


Nothing new at the border.  


Should be short lines today.  I could be wrong.  Busy night last night, but everyone made it early to their dates.


Tomorrow is a Holiday (Independence Day) ant people celebrate tonight very much like NYE but you will see people driving around with huge flags handing outside their vehicles.  Lost of traffic accidents and it is a good night to stay inside.  Border should be easy to cross into the US today later afternoon and evening. 


Border seems to have short lines to enter the US early this morning.  Not sure that will be true all day.  Busy morning scheduled and all week looks good.


Did not check out the line today since we were so busy, but I expect the line to be short to cross in the morning as a pedestrian at San Ysidro.  Looks like Gisselle changed her mine.   She is welcome back any time.   


Was long lines crossing during the day but very short at 7pm yesterday.  I expect tomorrow and Sunday to be fast crossings in the mornings before 9am both days. 


No changes at the border.  Gisselle may be back working soon.  


Reports of crossing in 30 minutes or less nearly all day.  I crossed last night at 9pm and was asked if I had anything to declare and where was I going.  


Nothing new at the border.  Jade is available for dates now.  I have another interview tomorrow.  


Lines were shorter than I would have guessed at 8am this morning.  I would guess after 5pm the pedestrian line will be 15 minutes and tomorrow will be back to normal.   Have another interview on Thursday morning.  


Expect longer lines this afternoon and tomorrow morning for pedestrian crossing. Should be back to normal on Wednesday.


Wait times at the border have been short this morning.   May have some availability in the approved hotels today as most have been filled up this weekend.  


No changes at the border.  Very busy this weekend with many hotels filled to capacity.  Kytanna will be coming back soon and may have a friend that wants to work.


I expect the pedestrian line to be easy to manage over the weekend especially in the mornings.  Monday and Tuesday could be longer with so many people crossing over the Holiday weekend. 


Crossed  yesterday morning at 7 and again at 7:30pm.  Nearly aan hour at 7am and no questions about essential travel.  At 7:30pm it took 5 minutes and again no questions about essential travel.  No issues entering Mexico on either crossing.  

Delmy is on our site now and Angelica is back. 


The border had short lines nearly all day yesterday.  Should have pics of new girl Delmy this afternoon.


Well the border has changed in the last week as far as enforcement of “essential travel”.  This is only my opinion but it appears that more lines are open and returning to the US is faster both for vehicles and pedestrians.   Now the agents are making determinations on whether the travelers are crossing for non essential reasons and they may not tell you what they are doing, but please do not tell the American agents you were visiting friends.  Say that you are seeing a doctor, a dentist or bringing food to family that live here in Mexico.  Many doctors and dentists do work evenings and weekends in Mexico.

Expecting a couple of new ladies to be on the site within a week.  Get your hotel reservations soon for this weekend as many people are visiting.  


The lines were very short yesterday in the morning to go back into the US.  Not sure but at 7am the pedestrian line is reported at 30 minutes and car traffic is reporting 15 minutes for ready line and 20 minutes.  I have 2 interviews this morning.  


All border reports are saying the lines back into Mexico are very short and efficient.  We have a lot scheduled this week and just want to remind people to schedule your escorts and book you rooms before you leave home. 


Border going back to the US was easy for both cars and pedestrians.  Hope it stays like that.  Karla will be back soon. Yovanna is back on the site as is CaSandra. 


Lines returning to the US were short and efficient for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic yesterday. I will be monitoring the lines all weekend.   I have an interview at 10am this morning. 


crossed into the US at 7:30 last night.  No wait at all.  All day the lines were short for cars and pedestrians.  I think our government is staffing the lines again like they should have all along.  Yovanna is suppose to take pics today and I will be interviewing again on Friday. 


This morning the pedestrian line at San Ysidro reports 5 minutes to cross into the US as opposed to nearly 2 hours the last month on weekdays at that hour.  Seems like our Government has softened their stand but all the same I will be checking daily. All reports have mentioned no questioning about “essential travel”.

8-25-20  8pm

Reports from last night and all day today have been saying both the pedestrian line and car traffic is much better than in recent.weeks. At 7pm 5 minutes to cross as a pedestrian and 30 for ready lane traffic.  Sentri lines were 5 minutes by car or for pedestrians. 


Border has no changes but wanted to emphasize I saw do difference with the border agents entering Mexico and leaving Mexico yesterday.  Yovanna is coming back and should be on the site with new pics soon.  Ana Lucia is not responding to messages and I have pulled her pics but of course hope she returns soon.  

8-24-2 9;30pm

Took 20 minutes to enter the US at 7:30pm tonight. No questions leaving Mexico or entering when I came back about an hour later. 


The Americans at the border are making it more difficult to cross by car.  Not sure what there strategy is in regards to pedestrian traffic but of course will post as I learn more. Apparently an elderly American women died to day while waiting to cross in the auto crossing at San Ysidro Blvd.   Now the line was around 6 hours to cross today and some people reported two hours in the Sentri line.  After this lady passed the CBP open up 5 more sentri lines for a total of 7.   Not sure what those agents were doing earlier.  


I understand that the American officials are asking questions about “essential travel” and even handing out flyers about the dangers of Corona Virus.   Medical reasons are probably the best and understand that doctors and dentists off work in the evening and on weekends in Mexico. I think that it is a good idea to tell an agent that you have a dental appointment the next morning and are spending the night at a hotel so you will make the appointment on time and rested.  I will add more when I get more information. 


No changes at the border.  I crossed last night around 7pm and it took about 20 minutes and when I came back to Mexico around 9pm the Mexican officials just waved me through.


Had internet issues which are now corrected.  Did cross yesterday at 4am and made it to the US by 5:20am.   Entering Mexico was quite easy.  


No changes at the border.  Things going pretty smoothly for us. I will cross early tomorrow morning and report back. 


no changes at the border


Crossed late last night and there was no line but today reports have said an hour or more all day.  No changes when entering Mexico. 


No changes at the border. 


No changes at the border but 5 minute wait after 7pm last night. Saturday mornings are generally easy.  


No changes at the border.  Please understand that I am updating this daily for your information and I totally can respect that you do not want to visit during these trying times. We will be here when the time is right for you.


No changes at the border.  Monica has got some excellent comments so far.  Ana Lucia is back!.  Abby, Monica, Ana Lucia, Patricia and Nicole M is a hard group to top.


No changes at the border.  Posted Miriam and Monica on the site yesterday.  Going to the US this morning, but should be back by noon. Will report on the border when I return.  Next interview is Friday.  


No changes at the border.  Crossed into the US around 8:30 last night and took about 30 minutes.  Entering into Mexico at 10:30 was easy.  Will be interviewing today.  New pics posted for Wendolay yesterday.  


No change at the border.  We have a returning lady that will not be mentioned or talked about on our site and I will only reveal that to clients that have used our service before.  


No changes at the border.  


No changes at the border.  Patricia has become one of the top escorts in Tijuana.  I am anxious to get Sarahi going again as she is elite as well.  Johanna is making lots of noise and people are realizing she is special.


No changes at the border.  Interviewing this morning.


No changes at the border.  Still longs lines entering the US. Very busy weekend scheduled.   Johanna, Patricia, and CaSandra are challenging Abby for most requested Tijuana escort. 


No changes at the border but the line is still long to enter the US.


No changes at the border. Crossed into the US at 6pm last night and it took 10 minutes walking. Coming back to Mexico was quick and easy at 7pm.   Interviews scheduled this morning.


No change at the border. Two interviews scheduled tomorrow.  Sarahi and Camila are now on the site.


No change at the border.  Sarahi is on the site now.


No changes at the border.  Sarahi and her friend Camila plan to have pics taken today and hopefully I will get them Saturday afternoon. 


No changes as the border.  Sarahi and Camila are suppose to return to the site and get pics taken Friday.

7-28-20 4pm

Kendall and Kay took new pictures today.  Kendall has hers posted and Kay’s will be posted a little later. 


Crossing is still easy both coming into Mexico and returning to the United States.  Lines are sometimes quite long when returning to the United States.  CaSandra is suppose to return tonight and be ready on Wednesday for work.  Kay is scheduled to get new pictures today. 


No changes at the border entering Mexico.  Returning to the United States as a Pedestrian in not consistent. Does seem that Saturday and Sunday mornings are quick crossings and most nights after 7pm are quick. If I can get a better read on the crossing into the US I will update.  

CaSandra has updated her travel plans and should be available Wednesday and return to Tijuana tomorrow.


No changes at the border.  CaSandra will be available again tomorrow. 


No changes at the border.  Added Cynthia yesterday and Johanna has new pics.


No changes at the border.  Interviewing today.   


Lines were shorter at the border returning to the US yesterday.  CaSandra has left Tijuana but should be back ready for work on Monday.  Karina has new pics.  


No changes at the border.  Interviewed a nice chica today and she could be on the site by Friday.  New pics were added of Sophia and Wendolary recently. 


The reports this morning were crossing into the US in less than 10 minutes all morning.  Not sure what is different, but I am crossing on Wednesday morning and will report. 


Both Saturday and today Sunday the crossing was easy back into the US in the mornings.  Will be interviewing again next week, and Abby is back tomorrow.


Got in line to enter the US at 4:45am and made it at 7:15 this morning.  No issue coming back into Mexico around 10am. Lines into the US have been a lot better after 6pm most nights and mornings on Saturday and Sunday.



No changes at the border.  Mexican Nationals with Tourist Visas cannot enter the US until the end of August and this has been changed I believe 4 times and could easily be pushed back again.


Abby will be back Monday. Victoria is scheduled for new pics.    


No changes at the border.  People are crossing without issues in both directions.  The lines to return can be long however.  Been short at 6pm and later the last few days. 


No changes as the border.  Gia will be back on our site later today with pics from this morning. Abby will become available the next week. 


Got in line to enter the US at 4:40am and got across at 5:30am.  No issues with questions and made it back with no issues around 9:30 but they did take my temperature.  CaSandra has picked up some steam and got more dates than anyone last week.  


Nothing new at the border.  Have added Ashley and Natalia to our site recently.  


No changes at the border.  Dulce is available again.


Dulce returns tomorrow.  I have more interviews in the next few days and there can be some returning superstars on the site soon.

Entered the US around 8:50 last night and there was no line.  Came back to the US around 9:30pm and no questions and no temperature check.  Temperature checking nurses seem to leave around 4 or 5pm. 


No changes at the border and the lines returning to the US were minimal after 6pm last night.  May cross tonight and will include my experience in tomorrow’s update.


No changes at the border.  

Ana Lucia is going to take time off.  I expect her to be back and as always it will not be a secret when she comes back.

Abby, the top escort in the Tijuana market will be out until later this month.

Minerva should be back next week.  

Clarissa should be back very soon. 


No changes at the border.  Hotels are all open.  Many restaurants are open with social distancing rules.  Bars are closed however a few are open that sell food.  Casinos are now open with social distancing rules. 


Happy 4 of July!.   Nothing has changed at the border.  All clients made it on time yesterday as did the chicas.  

More interviews next week. 


Border is still open, however had someone last night that was told “only for essential business”, and was required to buy a 180 day permit.  Those are about $30 or 590 pesos I believe.  It may be wise to be able to answer why you are crossing such as going to see my child who lives in Tijuana with his mother…etc

Ped West is still closed and getting back into the US can be long waits, many times being an hour.

Beer is available around town, but most of the places in downtown are running out of beer.  Hotels have beer available.

Interviewed a lady yesterday, and have 3 more scheduled soon.


Crossed this morning at 5:40am and it took 2 hours and 10 minutes to cross.  Lines seem to be long at all hours but Saturday and Sunday mornings seem to be light.  Victoria is back and I have two more interviews this week. 


Crossed last night into the US.  No issues and the line at 8:15 was less than 5 minutes.  Was back at 10pm and no issue returning to the US.  


I am removing Karla and Reyna today.  Both missed a date this weekend and I have lost contact with them.   They may be back soon or some day but am not sure what happened in either case.

Remember that 5 freeway will close before the Camino de la Plaza off ramp at 9pm to 5am.  North bound traffic will be open during this construction.  Pedestrian crossing will be open 24 hours.


Estrella was added today.  CaSandra took new pics.  Lot of dates this weekend and a lot scheduled the following weekend. 


Reminder that starting Sunday night the 5 freeway South will close at 9pm to 5am for 5 straight nights. North bound traffic will be open as always.  You can exist San Ysidro Blvd and park on San Ysidro Blvd is you like before walking into Mexico.  Have a big weekend again this week but there are ladies available.  


Starting Sunday June 28, 5 freeway will close at 9pm to 5am thought July 2.  They will be completing the freeway into Mexico for scheduled maintenance.You will see no change going North into the US.   I believe you can exit on Dairy Mart  or San Ysidro Blvd to travel down San Ysidro Blvd for parking.   


Lines are still long during the day to return to the US.  Hoping Ped West will re-open soon.


no change at the border.  My interview was cancelled.   Saw an article that say Tijuana will soon be in level Orange.  


Lines have been longer to walk back at San Ysidro most days.  I am hoping that soon Ped West will re-open and have no info about that.  Getting into Mexico is still quite easy.

Interviewing again tomorrow morning. 


Meeting a lady today that worked last in 2012 and was quite popular.  She was named Katia and she must be North of 40 now, but was in her 30’s then.  Hope to have something to report soon.

Border is the same.

Should have another interview in the next few days.

6-16-20 2:30pm

Crossed this morning at 8:10.  Took 70 minutes to enter the US.. No problem when entering Mexico but did take my temperature around 1:30pm.

Rebecca will be on our site shortly and I have another interview tomorrow morning.



Crossed yesterday evening with no problems in either direction.  Am crossing again this morning and will be back in the afternoon or late morning. 

Have another interview Wednesday morning and hope to have a new lady on the site in a few days.


No changes at the border.  I hear more restaurants will be open for dine in today.  Flor can now work overnight as well as daytime. 

6-14-20 3:30pm 

Most bars were closed but I felt they may be open to costumers and keeping their doors closed to give the appearance of being closed. Some of the very small bars were open.  A few restaurants on Rev had dining in available. 


No change at the border.  I understand the bars were closed down last night, but will try to verify that later. 


I guess the bars offered food last night and skirted the shut down by claiming to be restaurants.  Not sure how long this will fly as the city did not sponsor that tactic.  

No changes at the border.

6-12 20 7pm

Bars are open tonight.  Must wear masks and they take your temperature outside before letting anyone in.


checked by the bars and none were open however it appeared that some have cleaning crews getting the places ready.


lots of rumors about bars and restaurants opening today.  I talked to a restaurant owner and he says it is not permitted but is very much aware that some are opening. 

People are saying bars will open at 3pm today, but I cannot believe that.

Interviewed a new lady today and hope to have her on our site next week.


Our webmaster has updated the site and I believe the different categories the chicas fall into are more easily navigated.

Everything is the same at the border.  Another interview scheduled tomorrow.

6-10-20 7’30pm

Johanna is now on the site.  Should do well.


No changes at the border.  I do have an interview this morning.  Was hoping to get pics from the Chica I interviewed on Monday but have seen nothing yet.

Many people seem to believe that bars and restaurants will be opening soon, but have not seen any officials of the city saying that. Does seem like there are more people in the street and I understand some factories have re-opened.  


I crossed last night at 5:15pm and there was no wait and came pack around 7pm.  Entering Mexico there was no temperature check and no one giving out permits. Everyone crossed without showing ID.  I do understand that people are crossing in bigger numbers and there can be waits of close to an hour in the afternoon and late mornings. Not sure about vehicle traffic, but Sentri lines are normally less than 15 minutes. 


No changes at the border.  Interviewed a MILF today that should do very well.  About 5′ tall 105lbs and speaks English well.  Hope to have pics before the weekend. 


Crossed into the US around 5pm with no issue and no line.  Returned around 6pm and there was no one policing the entry for passports, permits or to take temperature.  Will update if anything changes. 


No changes at the border.  Interview with a new chica on Monday morning.  Early reports is that Patricia is a rock star. 

6-4-20 1pm

I hear casinos in Tijuana will not open now until July 2.  


Seems like the pedestrian line at San Ysidro (Ped East) has been long in the mornings recently and slow down around noon or so.  No clue as to when Ped West will open again or when more lanes for vehicle crossing will be opened.

Driving through the Zona Norte yesterday afternoon I saw many people on the streets and a bunch of street girls working. The bars are closed however there are some ladies available in the hotels. 


This morning at 6:30am it took me 1 hour 10 minutes to get into the US.  At noon the line was about 30 minutes.  Getting back was easy and they did check my temperature.  


Border still the same.  Pass in either direction easily. 


Pueblo Amigo is open today and their casino is scheduled to open on June 16.

No changes at the border.  

5-31-20 3pm

No line entering the US as a pedestrian around 1pm and no issue returning to Mexico.  


No changes crossing the last few days. I should be crossing later today and will report.

Looks like restaurants are not opening for dine in until July in Tijuana.  


I did cross in both directions with no issue on foot. Did post Patricia and Flor yesterday.   No changes at the border today.


Will cross to the US shortly and report when I come back.  I expect to be back by noon and will report on my crossing.

5-26-20 5pm

The two that interviewed yesterday should be on the site tomorrow.  One is named Patricia and the other Flor.



Appears that bars will not open until September at the earliest.  Will update when I can confirm this.

No changes at the border.


Had two interviews with two 4’11” chicas.  Should be on the site by Friday.

Nothing changed at the border, still very easy.   Some businesses in Tijuana may open next Monday.  Will be monitoring it and keep the site updated.



No changes at the border.


I may have the re-open date confused and will update when something is more concrete.  Still nothing new at the border and pedestrians get across in less than 15 minutes and often with no wait at all to get back in the US. 


Much was lost with the changing servers for our site.   I still have stuff to add and will get it finished tonight I believe.

The border is open and has been the entire time.  Lines are very quick when leaving as a pedestrian and vary much for vehicle travel.  Ped West is currently closed.   Often, but not always they take your temperature when walking across. Currently Pueblo Amigo, Caesars and Marriott are closed. I believe every other hotel on our site is open and most ladies are working.  As always request any date before 2pm the night before (before 8pm) and on same day dates request overnight by 5pm and earlier dates with a minimum for 4 hours notice.  Most ladies live a long way away and we have no freeway system.

Please do not use third party site like orbits, expedia or priceline when ordering as long as the city is on stay at home orders.  Currently that is scheduled to end after June 22.  


I understand Gisselle will be back Friday and Saturday.  She leaves in the evening Sunday.


Our next fiesta will be held on May 9, 2020 at El Torito.  More info will be posted soon.


3 interviews this morning, so hope to have a few more ladies by Friday on our site.  Afrodita comes off suspension on Wednesday.  We had a super week last week and look forwarded to another great week.  Victoria has added some depth to our site and Tiffany is starting to get more attention.  

Penelope says she may be coming back.   


Afrodita is back.  She left quickly last time so if you are interested see her quickly and send me some feedback.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so ladies most likely will work in the day and getting a night date will be difficult, but you can always ask.


I have some pics on a new lady that I interviewed in August of 2019.  Now sure why it took her 6 months to get pics taken but she looks really good and I asked her to meet with me tomorrow as I have no record of our interview….just an old text message from when we met. So before I put her on the site I will get some stats and a name and she should be on the site tomorrow afternoon.   

I do have three interviews tomorrow and a few more ladies to see later this week.  Maybe someone can challenge Abby for top spot as she is running away with the show now with Ana Lucia and Gisselle gone. Of the new ladies Yezca and Alexis are getting lots of calls and Aaron and  Divina have been getting less work but still outstanding.

Remember to get your flower order in if you want to send roses to your favorite lady. 



Ana Lucia is done working now and is leaving Tijuana.  She is not at all sure she will be coming back, but of course we hope she does return.  She has been a delight to work with and is just so nice, as you don’t find that in this business to often.  Whatever she does we want to wish her the best life has to offer and we are grateful for her time with our agency.


Remember you can order flowers here for Valentines Day and have them delivered to your favorite.  Sometimes guys like to add chocolates or a stuffed animal.


Yazmin is back!!!


Happy Birthday Lyly

Kendall and Lyly both have new pics today


Aaron comes back on 1-23-20.  Gisselle last day will be Saturday the 25th.

Currently our team is strong with Superstars



Ana Lucia

Abby (most requested and best reviews)

Leslie (new but good reviews)

Jade T



1-16-20 5:30pm

Just brought Leslie to the party.  We are having trouble keeping up today and have had to turn down dates with our huge number of clients today.  We will have additional drivers next week to combat this most welcomed problem 🙂   Pancho should be back in the next 10 days as well. 


Sheryln and Paty joined our site today.  No more interviews scheduled at this time, but a lady from a few years ago once to return.


Ana Lucia will be leaving February 1 and is not sure when she will return. 

Sylvia S is unsure of when she will be back.  

Juliette did great on her first date.  Remember Gisselle is back Saturday for one week only.  Karla from Chiapas should return in February and still waiting for Yovanna.     


Just posted Juliette and now Dulce wants to come back.  Remember Gisselle is back this Saturday and will work one week. 


Interviewed two new chicas today and hope to have pics by Monday.  May have them Saturday.


Several new chicas added this morning.  Will be updating info on Friday afternoon for some chicas such as Annissette and Jade T.  Also put up new pics of Karla  Because of all the new ladies I am not going to bring 3 girls to the top on Monday the 12th but will do it on Monday the 19th so Reyna, Sandra and Sara V don’t get cheated on their chance to be at the top.  Remember Gisselle will be available on the 17th for one week. 


Should have 4 new chicas on site by Friday and new pics of Karla as well.


Interviewed a couple of ladies today that were in their early 20’s and should do well.  Tried working somewhere else but did not work out.  Hope to have pics by Friday.



Gisselle will be in Tijuana for 1 week starting  Friday the 17th and will work for 1 week only.  Line up your date asap, 


Abby should be back and ready to work on Monday.  

Karla (not the current chica) from Chapis says she will be back in February. 

Yovanna says she will be back soon.



Thank You everyone for being a part of a great year and we look forward to keeping our consistency of keeping our website up to date, our one time performance cannot be any better but we will strive to break our record of 138 straight on time deliveries and of course continue to add new ladies.   And finally I want to say:



Hope you all have a nice and safe Holiday.

Alice was just added and Tiffany is no longer being retired and has new pics.


Abby V is doing overnights now.  Interviewed two new ladies.  Hope to have the pics by Tuesday.


Aaron will be here only 2 weeks and is leaving on the 22nd.  New interviews this week. Be safe for the Holidays.


Thanks to everyone that attended our fiesta last night.  The fiesta was challenging in many areas, but I can honestly say I am so proud to represent our ladies and enjoy the was some take advantage of opportunities our business gives them.  I appreciate so much all the great gentlemen that come to our fiestas and support our business.

One common challenge that always fails me for every party.  If you schedule a date you need to be at the party and leave at 10pm with your chica.  It has never worked when someone leaves the party and expects the lady to show up to his hotel.

Happy Holidays to all.


Claudia was added today.


Marena and Sara C had dates cancel for the 7th so here is an excellent opportunity.   All ready for the fiesta.  Make your room reservations now.

Will be special guests in attendance.  You will be happy you attended.


While waiting for my 10am interview this morning a nice looking young lady arrived 20 minutes early.  I said to my self “Please God let it be this chica” and I am happy to say, he smiled at me.  Afrodita  is now available and is posted today.

Claudia was my 11am interview and she should be on our site soon.

Fiesta is less than two weeks away.


Great weaather for some indoor sports.  Fiesta weekend looks pretty good and some great choices are still available.  Please remember to book your room at least a week in advance as the hotels always fill up when we have a fiesta.


Added a new Jennifer, Maria Jose, and Natasha today and Tammy is back.  Will move then into alphabetical order after the weekend.  Busy weekend but there are still chicas available tomorrow and Sunday.

Still hoping to get new pics from Melissa but will take some at the party if we don’t have any sooner.


Very busy day today, but lots of ladies available tomorrow.  Fiesta is 4 weeks away!


Sasha joined the team today.  We now have 3 personal trainers on our site.  Ana Lucia took new pics and they are posted now.  Lots of dates scheduled for the fiesta weekend. Don’t forget to reserve your room and date quickly.


Camila M was added today.  Marena is back with new pics.  Melani C should be ready in about a week. New pics of Nicole M posted today.


Katherine was added today.  Getting requests for the party weekend, so get your date scheduled.  Audrey has been added as well.


Sarah V was added today and had a couple of nice interviews today. The best team in Tijuana is adding more depth, so keep your eye on the page.


Angelica is back. Wendolay was added today.  I have 3 interviews tomorrow. Always anxious to see who is next. 🙂


Just finished interviewing Audrey.  Very think and weighs around 105lbs I would guess.  She is currently working on another site, and I just want to say that I prefer that any women working multiple sites uses the same name on all sites.  For many reasons some ladies want their name different but I am glad Audrey is ok with that name.  I may have her on the site by Monday.

Another chica is in contact that is very pretty and I interviewed in September and he name will be Valentina. I hope to have pics in less than a week.


Camila P has new pics taken yesterday.  Hopefully Jade will be back on site soon but is still taking dates as are Sarahi and Melissa.


Abby V (Veracruz) will be back in less than two weeks.  Also have 4 interviews scheduled Monday and I hope there is a lottery pic in there.


Very busy schedule this weekend.  Get your requests in early please.  Melani C and Marena have left and should be back early in November.


Just posted new pics of Dulce.  I understand pics are coming shortly for two new chicas.  As always the new chicas will be at the top of the page for a few days and then put back in alphabetical order.


I understand there should be new ladies on our site in the afternoon.  Also just got a message from Nayeli that she wants to work.


Karla just call to say starting to work our overnight special.  I lost Emily for awhile but just got a new number for her today.


Melani C and Sara have sent new pics today and Melani C has decided to extend her stay and will work December 14 as her last day.  Katia is ready to start work on Wednesday 10-9.


Melissa is suppose to get new pics today  She is outstanding but has a hard time getting to the studio in the time that our photographer is open. Posted Karen today.  I did interview two new ladies today and look forward to working with them.


Interviewed a new chica this morning.  24 with no children and was quite attractive.   Hope she can be a superstar.  Cureently Katia is on vacation and plans on being back on the 10th of October.  Sara will start tomorrow Wednesday  and is already here.


Sara will start taking dates on October 2.  Ana will be available this and next weekend.  She does not have a weekday baby sitter that she has confidence in so it may be awhile until she can work weekdays.


Sara had to delay her return but should be here on the 30th.  Will post more when I know.


Ana is back, but not 100% sure of her availability.  Will update her page soon.  Looks like Ivon is gone again. Have a couple of interviews next week and think there could be some interest in those two ladies.


Finally got Grecil’s pics. Had a few interviews this week and expect another young lady with no children soon.


I guess the ladies only called the photographer and never took pics.  I was hoping but it has not happened.  I do have 3 interviews tomorrow morning, so maybe there are going to be other new ladies soon.


Today is Independence day in Mexico, but most ladies are working.   Still waiting on pics of ladies that took pics on Thursday.  Would guess that I will have them on Tuesday if not later today.


Reyna is back.  I am still waiting for pics of two ladies and I have interviews next week as well.  Sara starts work on 9-23.

I am trying to get Melissa in the studio Monday for new pics.  It is a Holiday here so it will be up to the photographer.


3 ladies took pics yesterday. Tiffany C has been posted but I may not receive the other pics until Saturday or Monday.  Please understand they will be posted as soon as I have them.

Nataly is back

Melissa could be back soon.


3 new chicas took pics today.  I believe one works on another site and the other two don’t.  Should be on the site Friday evening.


On this anniversary to the attack on the Twin Towers on 9-11-2001 we ask that you take a moment in memory of the victims and heroes that have have lost their lives or have had their lives changed forever.

I will be interviewing a new lady in the next hour and have a few more line up along with some that I am just waiting for pics.

Melani C told me this morning she is extending her stay into early October.


Kay took new pics today.  Two new ladies have pics scheduled for Thursday.  Am meeting a nice lady tomorrow and she should be very popular.


Ana Lucia took new pics and they are now posted.  I appreciate those that take pics at least 3 times a year and hope you do as well.


Interviewed 3 ladies today that may do well.  Two were shorties and quite attractive.  One has many tattoos.  I can just hope they get their pics taken so they can start next week.  Added a big lady today named Violetta.   She is anxious to work.


Marena comes back today and will be available as early as tomorrow.  No news on Sarah, Irene or Ana Jo’s return but all indicate it will be soon.  Interviewing a new lady today.


Melani C had an overnight cancel tonight.  Will be her only opening until September 8. She charges $400 for overnight.


Melani C has an overnight cancel for Monday 8-26-19 and I am sure that will be filled quickly.


Samantha and Nicole TJ left Tijuana for 2 weeks.  We will put them back on the website when they get back.  Reyna is on suspension until September 17th.  She has performed flawlessly with our clients, but we need better communication with her and now that she has been suspended she says she will have better communication.  We will see.

Mia C may be on the site later today. I am out of the office until late afternoon, so e-mails will be answered later.  Calls will be answered promptly and if not please call back as I could be with another client.

Please understand that I don’t like to advertise services that are not guaranteed so if you see a lady promising service on another site you may find that she does not provide the services listed.  Every chica is GFE on our site.


Looks like Sara and her new breasts will be arriving to TJ on the 24th

Ana Jo called today to see if she can come back but not sure what day yet.

New chica Melani C is bringing a friend as well.  Have not talked to her yet.


Sara with new breasts should be back near the first of September.   Lots of people are reporting rooms in the best hotels sold out for Saturday.   Better get on it today as we have a big weekend coming up.


Just toyed around with the site today.  Have moved new ladies to the top and then the rest are in alphabetical order.  I will move them around such as move a lady at the top of the page from the bottom, but the others will remain in alphabetical order.   Hopefully every chica will at some point be at the top.  Appreciate your patience on this matter.


Dulce is back and should have new pics soon.  Karla is doing very well as is Reyna and Nicole TJ.  Katia and Gisselle are still staying busy and our team is as strong as ever.


I believe I will have new ladies today and will post them as soon as I get the pics.  Both are thin and one I Karla will be quite busy out of the gate. I also interviewed a lady that is a bit big, but should get some attention as she has a beautiful smile, speaks English and has a big ass and breasts.


Had some good interviews today.  One chica I believe good be our next superstar as she speaks English well, is short and maybe 80lbs with 34B’s.  One of our clients took her right as the interviewed her as he was e-mailing while I was interviewing and he said she was great.  Nicole TJ has already made a big splash  and I am excited about our English speaking options.


New pics posted today for Karina and Griselda.  Interviewed two chicas today and should have pics tomorrow.


Tiffany came aboard today.  Kay is back and should take new pics early next week.  Four interviews lined up for Monday.


CaSandra just got pics posted.  Still waiting for a couple of other ladies.  Kay will be back soon.


2 interviews today that went well and expect pics by the weekend.  I have another tomorrow for a lady that is pretty good looking.  Lots of guys in town already for Comic Con.


Xiomara is back.  Nicole TJ is doing real well and maybe be the top chica in requests in a few more days.


Still have lots of ladies available over the weekend.   Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July.


Within 2 minutes of posting Nicole TJ on our site she was scheduled.  Also added Clarissa today and should be a few more very soon.


Waiting for pics of Nicole TJ and Clarissa today.  They have not arrived yet.  Nicole TJ has her tatoos photo shopped but I will have pics I can send with no photo shop to potential clients.


Camila P is back.  Looks like we are going to be busy for the next week so book ahead for the Holiday.


Just visted with Megan this afternoon and she says she has been working at the gym and is thinner and wants to work.  She was 5’8 and 118lbs before and not sure how much thinner she could be, but she has always been a top provider and will definitely make a splash.  Hope to have new pics in less than a week.

Still waiting for pics from a few new chicas.


Still waiting for pics of 4 ladies that have interviewed.  I hope we have them soon but there is always a chance they could have changed their minds about working.

Looking at those pics of Divina makes me want to spend a night or week with her.   After seeing Abby earlier this week I asked her to take new pics as she is looking very nice right now.


Interviewed a couple of English speaking chicas today, 21 and 22 years of age.  I think both will do well here.  Also have another young lady getting pics soon.   I am starting to repeat names so a couple of the new ladies are Nicole TJ and Silvia TJ.  I would think they will be on the site before this weekend.

Sara is leaving Saturday but thinks she will be back near the end of July.


Sometimes things change quickly but right now I have 6 interviews lined up for the next two days.  Samantha is bring a friend and she will be working again.  I interviewed a nice 19 year old last week with no children, but she is graduating high school this week and will take pics later this week.  The team of Gisselle and Sara work bi-sexual tonight.


Posted new pics of Divina this morning.  Have several interview in the early days of next week.    With Gisselle, Grecia, Sara, Melissa and now Divina on our site, it’s anyone’s guess who will get the most attention.  Don’t forget Irene is back as well.


Irene is back, but will only be for a few days.  Not sure on her departure time.  She would love to have a bi-sexual date with Gisselle.


Gisselle is now open for the night of the party.  Sara is doing excellent on all her dates.  Working to ensure lots of chicas are at the party.


Interviewed a new lady today that should do well.  25, no children and favors Ana Lucia with a beautiful smile.   She says she will take pics today. Her name is Sara.

Marena made it back last night and is working today.


Marena will be ready for work on May 31.  She is bringing a friend too!

Grecia has taken over as most requested now as her clients can’t get enough of her.

Ana Jo leaves on Friday.


Camila P says she will be back in a couple of weeks.  Hope she makes it to the fiesta

Interviewing to new chicas tomorrow. Plenty of chicas available for Monday afternoon and night.


Melissa is ready to start back.   Chloe is taking a month off after a surgery but she will attend our fiesta.  Leah will be available Thursday and Friday for dates and even 1 hour dates are possible that day. Still waiting for Divina’s pics.


Our site was hacked on Friday morning and in turn was down 12 hours.  I was pleasantly surprised with the number of dates on Friday despite the site being down.  Thanks for all that called and e-mailed.

Soon we will have as well as as our agency has been Team Juanita for 22 years now.

Some things were lost but first of all Leah is now available daily, and Grecia decided to go public.  Marena will be working Wednesday 5-22-19.

Thanks for all your patience.


Mother’s Day is May 10th in Mexico and many places in the World.  It is a good time to send flowers to your favorite chica.  Melissa will be back soon.


Remember Luz?  She is ready to start working again and will be pictured on the site soon.  She is working as a nurse and has matured a little.  Says she does not drink like she did before but said she wanted me to write, that she is still “the mas puta de todos la putas”  I don’t think that is a stretch.  She hopes to once again be rated #1 in Tijuana.


Leah will be available on Friday 4-19 as well.  She can normally only work Saturdays.


Kya may be coming back soon.

Faby, Divina,  Minerva, and Angeles kind of feel left out.  The last couple of weeks they have been flying under the radar.


Have some new chicas now and a couple more going for photos and new photos.  Plenty of chicas available this weekend.


I have several interviews these next few days so we could have 5 to 10 new chicas by the weekend.  You never know as sometimes you think a chica wants to work and she never gets her pics taken.

Divina says she will take some new pics sometime in April.  Kathy is getting her first work out tonight.  Cleo is still waiting for that first date (I thought when I met her she would be very busy).

Luz wants me to meet a couple of ladies.

Don’t forget our fiesta on June 8….get your room reservations in early as lots of guys were shut out in December.


Yamalet/Nataly is still working.  Not sure exactly what here issue is but it is some kind of outing. She did have new pics taken today.

Added Sasha and Marena yesterday, but should have pics of their friend later today. I believe the friend is better looking that both.  Her name will be Cleo.

I believe Lea/Leah had her pics take yesterday also.

Abby V should be here this week.

Remember to wear green tomorrow.


Really happy to have Gia back.  Also Lea will be back soon as Leah. 🙂


Abby from Veracruz is back next week.  She will be Abby V since we have a new Abby now.


I am hoping to announce our next fiesta soon.  Looking at Saturday June 8 right now.

Have had some pretty chicas ask for interviews recently.  Hoping some of them pan out but you never know until they go to get their pictures taken.


Grecia is back.  She does overnights for $400 and other dates for the regular prices.  If you want her pic send a request, but from an e-mail account you have used to schedule a date before.  Otherwise I will not be sending her pictures out.

Angeles decided she wants to use the name Kendall now.

Sylvia is back.  Seems like she looses her phone when guys want her and a few weeks later she has a phone again.  The few guys that have seen her give her great reviews.


Happy March.

Angeles is back.  Lisa has a couple of good reports on her first week back.

Ana Jo had a date canceled tonight so she is still available for overnight and maybe shorter dates as well.


Lisa should be on the site tomorrow.  She was retired for 6 years but is ready to return.  27 with no children and even picked up some English.   Looked pretty good in our interview today.


Kay is back.  Nina is back.   Yamalet decided she will be Nataly now. 🙂

Lots of availability on Sunday and Monday this Holiday weekend.


Yamalet is back today.  She is excellent.

Had to fire a young lady and was so disappointed with her I told her the best way she could help me was to work on another site.  Vanessa was retired quickly but I suspect she will be back.

Got a few orders for roses for Thursday, but you can still order.  Have some more interviews coming up this week.


Vanessa had her first date today and the client says she was ready for more action but she took all he had.  This was from a guy that has seen probably 15 or 20 of our chicas so he is a good reference.

Mary is bringing a friend.  I will be interviewing them on Wednesday, and they will get pics Wednesday as well.  Expect pics to be posted Thursday afternoon.  Both ladies have dates scheduled already.

Abby is getting her first taste tonight.   She looked good when she entered Ticuan.  Hopefully she will also do well.

I still am waiting for pics of an English speaking 20 year old with no children.  I thought she was going Friday, but maybe early next week.


Well seems to be a lot of interest for Mary.  Look forward to working with her.  Just hired a nice chica named Amy that is 20, speaks English and has no children.  To me it is strange that Abby has not been scheduled.  I understand that we have a lot of great chicas, but thought she would get work the first day, but so far she has not.


Put Emily on the site yesterday afternoon.  I have more interviews this week and hope you have some new ladies soon.  Ximena is back, and I found Sylvia after a long time with no contact.  Samantha has moved on but may come back.

Ana Lucia, Kimberly, Katia and Gisselle are getting the bulk of the dates right now.  Karina is sporting green hair now and should have new pics very soon.


Happy New Year.  Angelica is back.  New chica interviewed a few days ago.  Should have pics soon.


Have added Ruby and Divina back on our site.  Still waiting for pics from the 19 year old.


Expecting Marlene and Gia to make a return to our team and be at the fiesta.  There will be a new 19 year old that turned 19 yesterday and she should be there as well.  I believe her name will be Marina.


Should be some surprises at the fiesta.  Looks like we are going to have a lot of chicas and should be fun.


Have interviewed two new chicas and have 3 interviews coming up Wednesday and Thursday.  Gisselle is working again but so far is not pictured on the site.


Keytlin is back. Angeles should be back in less than a week.


Just interviewed a very attractive 18 year old (birthday 5-1-00).  Should have pictures by Wednesday.


New chicas Sandy, Zahory and Grecia V are getting lots of attention.  Grecia is now providing the service the other chicas provide, and has commented that our clients are very nice.  Sandy did her first date today and her client was so happy he says he will schedule her again.   Katia caught on quick but has left for a small vacation.

Seems to be no shortage of excellent choices available and we are seeing more day time clients now that in the past few months.   I thought the heat would stop folks from visiting, but at least our approved hotels have AC. 🙂

Angeles had her baby last week.  She had a boy and did not name him Dennis.


Penelope is back.

Keytlin had her baby.  The little girls if fine….and the baby too.

Have new talent coming soon.

Will be adding a blog entry very soon….maybe even two today.


Maybe some new talent next week.   I will believe it when I see it.


Added Habana today.  She comes highly recommended and is ready immediately.


Ana came back today as did Irene. Maybe Osiris will not be back as she is no longer answering my calls.  Our team has a lot of depth and please don’t get shut out as many do every night.  Make your overnight requests by 5pm and your morning dates before 8pm the day before.   Still more new chicas coming so check our site daily.


Abby is back.  Kimberly will be back Monday.  We have Osiris probably coming back next week with a new name.  Most likely Megali will be working.  Other new chicas interviewing next week.


TS Ivana who was retired by a gentleman for some time, is coming back.  Divina is 5 months pregnant and is scheduling pics and will be working soon.

Abby says she will be available mid month.


Divina is talking about coming to the fiesta.  Vanessa is back.


Chris worked overnight and her client said “amazing”.  That was on her first date so look for her to gain popularity.

Abby should be back soon.

Should be some surprises at the fiesta Saturday.


Interviewed 3 yesterday ages 22-25.  Should have more interviews today and tomorrow.  A chica from 2004 (was 18 then) called today to come back.  None of you will remember her and I may see her tonight.

Hope to see you all next weekend. 🙂


Today is mothers day.  Should have new pics of Keytlin very soon.


Remember this Lily?  She is back and took new pics today.  Should be posted tomorrow.


Ximena and Kimberly are getting lots of attention.  Aaron is back and brought her friend Irene.  Early reports suggest Irene is a superstar as are Ximena and Kimberly.


Interviewing a very nice looking chica tomorrow.  Should do real well.


A chica from the past will be back soon.  She will not be listed on our website and she will only be availble to previous clients of ours.  Will be more info this weekend.


Kenia R is back and will take new fotos soon.  Luz should have new fotos this week.  Hoping Mary will be back by the end of the month.


Happy March!

Luz says she is ready to come back.  Another former #1 rated chica in the Tijuana market back on the team.  New fotos most likely next week.


Minerva was added today. By all accounts she is excellent.

Still waiting on pics of others.


Angelica will be here working until 2-17-18.  Waiting on new pics of a couple chicas that should be popular.


Interviewed a couple of nice chicas with no children Thursday.  They are from Sinaloa.  Speaking of Sinaloa Ana Lucia wants to come back and expect her to be working this weekend.


Isabella has today and tomorrow to work with us as she is off work.

Many interviews today.


Seems to be a problem with e-mail last night.  Surely it will be back to normal soon but if you are not getting a response, please call.

Have two new chicas that are ready to go but I need to visit with them before posting their pics.

Two more scheduled to interview this morning.

Happy Holdays!


Mary has turned down many dates but if you want to see her on the 20th or 21st she may be able to work.  Othewrise after Christmas.


Isabella will be available this week on Thursday as well.

Many new chicas have interviewed this week.   Hopefully will have pics soon.


You may have read about the new border.  You enter through the same gates but now you take a left into an immigration building.  The Mexican immigration are checking to see that you have your passport or pass card now and will issue you a free 7 day permission to enter Mexico. You must keep this on you at all times when you are in Mexico.  A 180 day permit is available for 500 pesos or just around $30.

When you exit that building you will be walking along a path that will lead you to where you are accustomed to being dropped off at the border.  I am going to add pics to illustrate.

001 002

This is the end of the path and you will see yellow taxis line up there.


And then you will see just across the street, the white taxi libres.   These are 3 taxi libre drivers soliciting clients as they near the end of the walk.  Look behind then and you will see a bus in front of a pharmacy.    I don’t believe that bus is going to be there all the time but the pharmacy will.  Just to the right is where our taxi will meet you on your dates.  Here is a picture of that area.

004 005

You can see a white taxi behind the black truck and that is the general area.


Here is the availability on the weekend for the 17 & 18 of July for overnights

Jennifer both days
Samara booked Friday
Marbella both days
Melisa both days
Ashley both days
Helen both days
Brenda both days
Kimberly both days
Samantha both days
Naomy 2 booked Friday
Malia both days
Angel* both days
Chantel booked Friday
CaSandra both days
Arlet both days
Ruby both days
Kenia both days
Jazmin both days
Sarahi booked Saturday
Kendra both days
Karla both days
Nicole both days
Ciria both days
Mimi booked Saturday
Layla both days
Nayeli both days
Luna both days
Maritza both days
Roxy both days
Roxana both days
Araceli both days
Sandra both days
Nancy 2 both days
Blanca both days
Mariela both days
Ivon both days
Allison both days
Yesenia both days
Monse both days
Fanny both days
Renata both Friday
Reina booked Friday
Dolly both days

*denotes $400


Linda TJ just took an offer to be exclusive with a client. The last one lasted 4 years so who knows. If she comes back I will of course announce it here. We wish her and her friend the best.


Going to get pics of Linda/Scarlet and her friend Melisa. Marbella from several years ago is pregnant and want to work. She was most recently Samantha but not the Samantha currently on the site.


Katherine is coming back. I am waiting on pics.

5-20-15 part 2

Linda the virgin who know has one child will be Scarlet and she brought a friend who will be Melisa. Real busy today but hope to interview 4 more tomorrow.


Remember Linda, the virgin? She was Miss Tijuana is 2010. She is coming back. Still hoping to see Helen and I have a couple others that should interview soon. Just got a call from Macys and she wants to work again.


Dulce C will be available all day and night today, Saturday and Sunday. This is a very vary rare occurrence.


Look for a few superstars to return. Yessica is still available but won’t be pictured on the site for a few weeks. Karla from Mexicali is coming to TJ next week and wants to work again. Just heard from Helen and she should get pics tomorrow. Marlene (young tall chica) should be back by the weekend. I have met with a young 18 year old and waiting for her to send pics. Keep checking the blog and the news.


Happy to announce Linda is back. Tonight hope to have the pics of Chantel. I think she will do quite well.


Here is our overnight schedule for March 13 and 14
This list will be updated daily as chicas get scheduled and new ones start.
* denotes $400 for the overnights
others listed are $300 for the night.

Ashley both nights
Sylvia both nights
Ana booked Satruday
Roxy both nights
Samantha both nights
Malia booked both nights
Roxana both nights
Araceli both nights
Alejandra both nights
Montserrat both nights
Hennessey both nights
Naomy 2 booked Saturday
Layla both nights
Ruby both nights
Angelica both nights
Blanca both nights
Mariela both nights
Osiris both nights
Karla both nights
Ivon both nights
Megan both nights *
Allison both nights
Yessenia both nights
Zoe both nights
Monse both nights
Luz booked Saturday
Maritza both nights
Jennifer both nights
Fanny both nights
Brenda both nights
Fernanda both nights
Mimi both nights
Chanel both nights
Brittany both nights
Dulce booked Saturday
Angel booked Friday *
Priscilla both nights
Ingrid both nights
Nayeli both nights
Luna both nights
Roxana both nights
Nancy 2 both nights
Monse both nights
Jennifer both nights
Sarahi booked both nights


Here is our overnight schedule for 12-5 and 12-6

Ashley both nights
Sylvia both nights
Ana both nights
Roxy booked Saturday
Samantha both nights
Marbella both nights
Malia booked Friday
Candy both nights
Roxana both nights
Fatima both nights
Araceli both nights
Sandra both nights
Alejandra booked both nights
Mia both nights
Montessarat both nights
Hennessey both nights
Naomy 2 both nights
Layla both nights
Ruby both nights
Valeria both nights
Nancy 2 both nights
Angelica both nights
Blanca both nights
Mariela both nights
Claudia both nights
Michel both nights *
Danna 1 both nights
Osiris both nights
Arlet both nights
Naomy 1 both nights
Karla both nights
Ivon both nights
Megan booked Saturday*
Allison both nights
Yesennia both nights
Zulema both nights
Zoe both nights
Monse both Friday
Luz both nights
Marriza both nights
Jenny 2 both nights
Jennifer both nights
Fanny both nights
Dayanne both nights
Brenda both nights
Fernanda both nights
Mimi booked Saturday
Camila booked Saturday
Melisa both nights
Sofia both nights
Christina both nights
Yessica both nights
Selena both nights
Esmeralda both nights
Ana both nights
Sarahi booked Saturday
Zoe booked Saturday

* denotes $400


Meeting with Fatima tomorrow. Could be on the site by the afternoon of the 15th. Feliz Grito to everyone.


Here is the schedule for 7-11 and 7-12

Cynthia both nights
Angelica both nights
Blanca both nights
Brittany both nights
Mariella both nights
Karen both nights
Sandra both nights
Tiffany booked both nights
Anahi both nights
Ashley both nights
Claudia both nights
Michel booked Saturday*
Monserratt both nights
Osiris both nights
Danna both nights
Arlet both nights
Sunny both nights
Sylvia both nights
Naomy both nights
Sarahi booked Saturday
Megali booked both nights
Karla both nights
Kiara booked Satuday
Jacqueline both nighs
Ivon booked Friday
Kitty both nights
Megan both nights *
Yessenia both nights
Zuelema booked Saturday
Ruby both nights
Roxy both nights
Nizuara both nights
Monse both nights
Marizza both nights
Maythe both nights
Luz both nights
Lizzeth both nights
Jenny 2 both nights
Jennifer booked Friday
Fanny both nights
Dayanne both nights
Chanel both nights
Brenda both nights
Ingrid booked both nights
Nancy 2 both nights
Lea *

* denotes $400 for overnight


Tiffany has set the world on fire. This is her last week of working during the week. Another teacher should be on the site tonight. Megali is working overnights this week. Bonnie had lost her phone but is scheduled tonight.
Lorena is back and read to roll. Finally was able to get pics of Rubi-2 on our site. Still if you want access to everyone then get on our face book, but you must use our service first.


Met Tiffany today. School teacher on Easter break…should do well and will be available day and night until school starts back on the 28th and then will be weekends only.

Hope to have pics tonight.


We have a new chica not mentioned on the site. If you are our client you may want to request pics as a few have mentioned she may be the hottest to work in quite awhile. If I cannot find that you are our client, you will not get her pics or a chance to see her.


We have one new chica and another that is probably ready later today. Neither will be on the site, and neither will be a TLN chica. If you are our client, you can see their pics and date them. I think you are going to like them.


Layla has been advised to wait a couple of months. She had a tumor removed a couple of months ago and now the doctor thinks she will be ready in mid-May.


Here are the chicas working on March 14 and 15 and their overnight availability

Sunny both nights
Muriella both nights
Monstseratt both nights
Sylvia booked Saturday
Paraiso both nights
Marta booked Saturday
Naomy both nights
Sarahi booked Saturday
Megali booked Saturday
Kiara booked Friday
Karla both nights
Jaqueline both nights
Ivon both nights
Megan both nights *
Melany both nights
Helen both nights
Natia both night
Allison both nights
Nancy both nights
Zulema both nights
Yessenia both nights
Sandra both nights
Roxy booked both nights
Ruby both nights
Nizuara both nights
Pamela both nights
Monse both nights
Michel booked Saturday *
Maythe both nights*
Marizza both nights
Luz both nights
Lizzeth both nights
Jenny 2 both nights
Jennifer both nights
Ivette both nights
Fanny both nights
Dayanne both nights
Chanel both nights
Daniela both nights
Brenda both nights
Arlet both nights
Alina 2 both nights

* $400


Please remember to get your roses order by the 12th.

It appears that Perla is retiring. She has been hinting at it for months, but I understand she is now living with a guy and will not be working. We wish her the best.


Michel is back and ready to work.


With Valentine’s Day coming up please get your order in by the 10th. We can do flowers, candy, stuffed animals or maybe something else if you have an idea we agree to. 🙂

Some new chicas are pictured so we hope to see you soon.


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Marlene is off the site and is one month pregnant. She will continue to work for those that ask for her. I will work on getting pics when she is about 7 months along.


Chantel did great first time out. I’ve taken Sarahi off until I hear from her and Lorena is suppose to be back tomorrow.


Here are the schedules for December 6th and 7th
This list will be updated as the schedule changes

Karla both nights
Katherine both nights
Muriella both nights
Jaqueline both nights
Ivon both nights
Kenya both nights *
Megan both nights*
Vanessa both nights
Helen both nights
Natalia both nights
Allison both nights
Candy both nights
Kitty both nights
Paola both nights
Zulema both nights
Zoe both nights
Sandra both nights
Ruby both nights
Roxy booked Saturday
Rebecca both nights
Perla both nights
Pamela both nights
Nizuara both nights
Naomy both nights
Monse both nights
Michel both nights*
Megali booked Friday
Maythe both nights
Marta both nights
Marlene both nights
Marizza both nights
Luz both nights
Lizzeth both nights
Judith both nights
Jennifer booked Friday
Jenny 2 both nights
Ivette both nights
Fanny both nights
Daniella both nights
Claudia both nights
Chanel both nights
Carolina booked Saturday*
Brenda both nights
Arlet booked Friday
Alina both nights
Candela both nights
Cleopatra both nights
Chantel both nights
Paraiso both nights
Dulce both nights
Kiara both night

* dentotes $400 for the night


I removed a few chicas today, but none were for disciplinary reasons. I just have lost track of them and if I hear back from any one of them they will be back on the site. Not sure what is going on with Sarahi. She indicated she was taking a break, but have not heard from her as well, and will give her another week or so before pulling her page.

Will update this page with the overnight schedule of chicas for December 6 and 7 very soon.


At this moment Pancho is taking pictures of Karla who just returned. I panicked as I lost contact with her, but she returned to Chiapis for a bit. If you know her, then you know she is one fine Mami. And this Mami has no children and and is 21.


I am still struggling, but have updated the blog and will be writing again soon. Just added Ivon today and hope to have some more new chicas up shortly. Still hoping to add a driver or two as the increase in business has on a few occasions caused us to lose opportunities. For example tomorrow night Pancho is taking a group of chicas to an out of town party and only Leo will be working after 9pm. I know you will find this hard to believe, but it is much easier to find a chica for work that a taxi driver I can trust.

Fernanda is doing real well and she will have a friend with us soon. Megali continues to make friends quickly and cannot figure out how so many of you have 5 or more dates with her, yet have not written a review. Kenya is doing great with her new “twins”.


Welcome to the new site. I have been hearing that most of you like it and others that liked the order of the site on the old site, but I will put (New) next to the name of new chicas for about a month. Hope this will help in that respect.

I’m still learning so bear with me please. Kudos to my friend that built the site and has spent many hours assisting me.

I will be blogging again really soon so check over there from time to time.

I’m still getting lots of e-mails on the 


Karla is back on site. Pamela is as well, but will be ready to work on July 29th. Busy week already on our calendar. 7-27-21