Hello Folks. Hope you are all doing well this Holiday weekend. We are doing great here and I enjoyed the first few days of college football, and looking forward to the start of the NFL as well.
Many of you may remember that I sometimes mention my friend Maria in this thread. Maria is a white lady, and I know that in this blog it would be easy to imagine a Latina. Maria has been my good friend for some 30 years now and we have worked together in both Arizona and California. She is soon to be 72 years old and is as sharp as a tack. I’ve never had a better friend and in our years as friends I believe she has been to 10 Springsteen shows with me and a ton of sporting events. We even watched Notre Dame with the National Championship in the Fiesta Bowl.
Well Maria is moving back to Arizona next weekend and I am going to try and visit her on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. She has a few of my possessions, but believe me I am motivated to see my best friend of 30 years one last time. She is a Hungarian lady and just a tiny tiny thing with the heart of a tiger and no fear at all. Piss her off and she can be a pit bull, but I love her all the same and will do anything I can for her. I just hope I don’t break her when I hug her.
How about this heat? I took 6 showers on Friday and still was not comfortable on Saturday morning when I got up. I know this heat cannot last forever and soon I will be wishing it was warmer. My wife should come in handy in those cold months. I did not find this summer to be that warm until this last week.
Our site is getting a face lift. I don’t know when it will be complete but lots of it is done and who knows when it will be live? I think you will like it and just hope I can stay on top of the new chicas, news and info as I have been the last several years. I am not very skilled, but I do learn and make the changes.
I hope to be back on this site in a few days to report on some changes and news. Have a nice Holiday tomorrow or today (depending of course when you read this). Be safe on the streets and I will see you soon.