Thursday is the first day of the Little League World Series. If you get a chance to watch a few games, it is so entertaining. You see the type of sportsmanship that we can be proud of. Unfortunately you don’t have to go far from home to see how people get bent out of shape and show their true colors on a daily basis. It is for the kids, but so many parents are living their youth another time through the play of their children. It is a shame that often we cannot accept that it is for the children and act accordingly. I can assure you that I will be tuned in every day.
Football starts in the next few weeks and as always I look forward to the season. Saturdays I am in front of the television from 8am to 8pm faithfully. Some Saturday it can be later in the evening. When I lived in the states, I would go the the grocery store and buy lunch meat and cheese in the deli, maybe some basked beans….hamburger buns, and potato chips and it would be picnic day all day Saturday and Sunday as well. I may be on a site that updates scores so I can follow 6 to 8 games at a time while I watch games all day on the TV. Probably sounds like punishment to some, but I live for those days.
Seems like we have been adding lots of chicas every week and every day someone else wants to come back and work again. Last night Dayanne called and then asked if I would accept her back. She did nothing wrong and she is so humble when asking me for permission to work. I find this amusing as she is doing me the favor and yet she asks as if she does not know what I will say. I remember the first day she came to my home. Her sister was 18 and already working with me and she was 19 with no experience. Her sister had a room in my house and Dayanne wanted to live there as well. So I had 5 Team Juanita in my home and yet I never slept with one of them. Not that it was offered but you could not help dreaming a little. I think I wanted her sister more. She is now married with children and living life great in the States. Dayanne now has a visa and sometimes crosses to clean homes and shop. At 29 I don’t know how much business she will get with the quality of chicas we offer now. But please believe when she wants to work my website is always available to her. I would probably cry if I saw her on another site.
Divina has disappeared and I can only hope she comes back soon. I know she left for vacation and she should have been pretty well loaded with money as she always did so well. She was the most popular in Tijuana when she left and probably will be again if she returns. Osiris has picked up the slack and is probably the best looking young chica in Tijuana escorting today. I sometimes see on different sites where guys that have no clue to who and what is available talking about how hot other chicas are. Hell this one guy said our Ana Lucia was one of the two hottest escorts in all of Tijuana, yet she was 7th most popular on our site.
These two new chicas Sophia C and Mariana C are getting lots of attention and are on the schedule a lot this week. I am anxious to get reviews. To hear them talk gives me a woody, and leaves me wanting to sample to goods. We have another chica coming this weekend that I think you will like.
I will be back soon. Everyone be careful out there.