Yesterday with the addition of Melani C that gives us 12 ladies that have no children. Yet yesterday I had read that we have a bunch of tired MILF’s on our site. It is the classic example of some folks repeating this so much that others believe it. Now granted the clients know the truth, but there is an element of some guys that don’t want to try escorting, and just believe what they hear to somehow rationalize the bar girl experience is better. If you are reading this blog chances are you use our service or at the very least look at our site from time to time.
We brought Ivon back a couple of days ago, and now we have 8 MILF’s on our site. Please understand we have mothers on our site than have not qualified for the industry term such as Gisselle, Katia, Ana Lucia, Kay, Nina, Nicole TJ, Sandra and Tiffany. Now for those that are confused our industry defines a MILF as a provider that is 35 years old or more.
Now one thing that I do differently that others may do is I let any lady that wants to work a chance to work. I can tell you that there have been a few times I really thought a chica did not have much of a chance, but then she gets scheduled and becomes popular. Who am I to tell a lady she cannot work? If she gets no requests than that could show her the competition is tough or that she just is not going to get work. Sometimes a lady will apply and I believe that they get to a point where they ask to work and then find out what it what the job entails. I think that some young ladies think they can turn their head away and spread their legs and they will make money.
I am not so sure I have a team of horny ladies that can hardly wait to see the next guy, but what they do understand is they have to meet the job with enthusiasm. If a lady is pained by this job, guys are going to feel very uncomfortable and that is bad for both the provider and the client and the agency does not want clients leaving with a bad taste in their mouth. We want happy ladies with happy clients so the agency can be happy and we feel that we are doing something good. Sometimes we can forget what we are actually asking the ladies to do and how hard that can be to someone they know nothing about in advance. Bless these ladies for the jobs they do and their approach to each date.
I have had some silly things happen over the years and one of the worst was a new chica was texting on her cell while a client was trying to give her DATY. Now granted I tell ladies not to use their phones, and sometimes it cannot be avoided but I hope we will not have another date like that one. Now at the same time I have had clients make the ladies call me while in the midst of relations just to tell me how good a certain client is giving it to her. I know now that some crazy mother is now going to ask a lady to text me or one of her friends while he is giving her DATY and of course if the client requests that then it is ok.
One thing that is quite simple do understand but maybe you don’t think about is that bad news travels faster than good news. Nearly always a client will tell me when something goes bad. We need to know about that so we can correct mistakes. Although guys sometimes will send thank you letters, and those are always appreciated. Some guys have used our service for 20 years and yet I never know how the lady performed. I have to feel everything is ok if they guy keeps coming back.
Now I am sure many of you remember Michel. She was a fun girl to work with and very popular with our clients. She held the number one ranking in our market for over a year. Once a guy wrote a review on her before she came back to work. He obviously knew here and wrote a bad review and detailed all the things she did not do, and then said I kept repeating with her and none of the 7 times did she ever perform well. I really understand we are all different but why in the hell would you have 7 or more dates with someone that was not performing? When a guy does this you just can’t help feeling like he wants to ruin her reputation so that no one will want to see her and she will be forced to be his girlfriend. Never known this to work however. I just will not understand why a guy write a review on Wednesday and it gets published before Friday when the website clearly stated when she was coming back. Spoiler alert if you see a review on Melani C this week it is fake as she is not in town.
Someday I will write a book with stories about crazy things that have happened. In the meantime thanks for reading and be safe out there. You know people have shorter fuses when it is hot, and try to take the high road. I will be back soon.