Happy July amigos. There is so much uncertainty with the corona virus that it is scary. These last few days I keep hearing that more and more people are testing positive and the hospitals are strained again just when we thought we were coming out of this. First of all I am no expert so please don’t look to me for any solutions or numbers. I keep hearing people repeating that the deaths are at a low % and that is good. But we need to slow down the spread as if we let this gets out of control, more cases will lead to more death and a death is a death regardless of the % you put next to this number.
Folks, WEAR A MASK, when out in public. I don’t care if you believe this pandemic is a myth or not. Refusing to wear a mask is disrespectful to everyone around you. Have some responsibility. We set the example for the younger people and as adults if we downplay the importance of facial covering, then we are just sending the wrong message. I have known a few people that have the virus and it is nothing nice. One of my friends was 5’9″ and weighed 174lbs. He has been in a US hospital for more than a month and is now at 142lbs. He may be in the hospital two more months.
I am alarmed to hear about NBA and MLB players being infected just when they were getting ready to compete again. We desperately need sports, but not at any cost. Arizona and Florida are seeing spikes in this virus and that is where baseball is going to be played. Now I turn on sports center to see who tested positive today. I am worried for everyone.
I have got no clue when we will have our next fiesta, but having 100 people in a bar is not responsible right now and this may go into December. I am still hoping to do our Halloween project this year and our “Amigos de Santa” program as well, but nothing if for sure.
Watch fireworks on television or in your backyard. I am not liking this even a little bit but all I can say is be responsible.
I always tell you to be careful but be respectful of everyone and be patient with other people. Make good decisions no matter how bad of decisions you see from others.
I wish you the best and will be back soon I hope.
July 3, 2020 @ 5:59 pm
Be well everyone..this to will past!