Hello everybody. Having quite the busy day today and awaiting pictures of two new chicas. I paired the site down a bit today as some chicas just are no longer answering their phone. They are all welcome to come back, but at this point is best to take them off the site.
Well two of newer chicas have caught on fire. First Rebecca who has been quite busy. I have heard from a few that she is our best MILF and yet another says he would not repeat. Sometimes the info can be confusing, but for sure guys are repeating with her as they really like her and the service she provides. Violetta has only been out a couple of times but I got two “Wows” so hopefully she will continue to gain momentum. Arlet has done great coming back from vacation, and I am quite happy to see that.
I am about to pull Kamala and that is quite embarrassing but I cannot find her with a search light. Perla and Michel are still running neck and neck for top providers in Tijuana. I am still reminded of our great providers of the past like Mia, Dulce, Jocelyn, Monique and Nahomy. I just hope that history continues to repeat itself and we continue to provide the premier chicas of Tijuana. Have had no luck in tracking down the midget, but I have not forgotten her.
Now I don’t know if we have the entire story yet, but sadly a young sex provider was killed on Tuesday morning. I believe she worked at Hong Kong Bar and used the name Brisa. It may have been a murder/suicide as her live in boyfriend was found with two bullets in his head. I believe he has since died. They were an attractive couple and it is such a shame that two lives were terminated so young.
I am working on putting on a benefit poker tournament this summer. I’m not sure if we will get it done, but for sure it won’t be for a lot of money and 50% of all entries will go to the kids and the other 50% will go to crash prizes for the participants. If you are interested shoot me an e-mail and I will let you know if we get it together. Would most likely be a Saturday at noon start.
Everyone have a great weekend. Keep and eye out for a couple new chicas this evening.