So Saturday I am on my way to Costco with Pancho when we see a midget walking down the street. Man I want to talk to her as I know that a ton of guys would like to be with a midget. At the same time, I don’t want to be disrespectful and approach a non working chica about working. So we decide to follow about a block behind her and after 3 or 4 blocks we lost her. I get out of the taxi and check every business on the block but nothing. I don’t know what I would have said if I did find her, but believe me I will be keeping my eyes out for her. I have a couple of eyes on the street that will let me know if she shows up in their area.
We need to add a few more to the site and I will be getting on that soon. One chica was going to do well, but she just cannot make it to scheduled interviews. I figure she will stand up one of you guys as well, so what is the point? There is still a really cute think spinner type that is suppose to come in for pics. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for her call.
Then there is Kamala. Contacts me and promises to send new pics and nothing. I make her a nice page and explain who she is to those that are kind of new and she just disappears. Maybe she will show up in a few days.
My wife decided I have a girlfriend today. I was out of the house about 90 minutes with Pancho and said I had lipstick on my lips. I kissed a chica when I greeted her, but really wasn’t worried about being caught. So she did not seem to be mad, just said she was thinking I had a girlfriend. Kind of weird, but there was no ultimatum or anything like that. That is good as I don’t do good with those, but it was more like maybe I had a girlfriend but I am still your wife. I’m not looking for anything “extra” as she is plenty of woman for me. I never disappear for long periods of time and I invite her everywhere, but again it is not like she is pissed or anything.
Half way watched the Jody Arias story last night. I did have enough presence of mind to record it for later viewing. I was fascinated with her story, and of course it is tragic, but it definitely hold my interest. I suppose we will be watching the George Zimmerman story in about 6 months. I wonder how that one will end?
Today my Nextel worked the entire day. Probably won’t work tomorrow, but I can always hope. I hope they get the bugs out of it as I do want to go to the US for 7 to 10 days and it will be quite difficult to be efficient with no consistent radio contact. I’m just holding my breath.
Hope you all had a nice weekend. Be safe and I will see you soon.