Going to give a daytime entry a shot. Still glued to the television and learning more about the rescue of the ladies kidnapped in Cleveland. So many questions that we all want answered.
On a personal note, Saturday is the day the girlfriend is suppose to be back and I am cautiously optimistic about that. Cautious because she could possibly not show up and optimistic as I think she is a great fit for me and that we will be happy together. Of course in another 13 years she will be half my age. All the same these last 7 weeks have been strange, and I have more opportunities with the ladies now. I think when you are content with a young lady it changes your level of confidence and then you project more confidence and people around you take notice. I’m not going to over analyze and just accept it without question.
Now you may remember a long time ago, I wrote about my spare bedroom not having electrical outlets, and today that is getting fixed. I hope to have some new outlets in my bedroom as well. It is amazing how many extension chords are running around the floor in my bedroom. Anyway I hope to make some small changes to make this place “family ready”.
On a business level it is just unbelievable with the level of talent we currently offer. Arlet took off and had a great week. Cindy, Megali, Dulce, Tiffany and Kiara are all gaining popularity and to see a different chica getting the most work every week is amazing. Perla and Michel are still doing well, but with these new chicas making some noise, it just means more excellent choices for you guys. Karla will be ready on Friday and does she ever looks good. Look for a review in a few days on Yeiner and Crystal together. They hit a home run on their first at bat.
The Face Book account is coming along and has some 1300 pics up now featuring pics from past parties, and just lots of pics of chicas not on our site. Remember if you cannot join because of discretion, you can make a separate face book just to see our page. Just let me know your face book name so I can let you in. You will like it and that I know for sure.
Well wish me luck. I hope to be back soon and please be careful out there.