Happy Cinco de Mayo. Most of you know that the 5th of May is not celebrated as a Holiday and just another ploy by the beer companies to get Americans to buy their product. Whatever it means to you, Happy Cinco de Mayo. Some of you are always looking for a reason to drink so there you go.
Once in every 7 years Mothers day is the same day on both sides of the border. It is always the 10th in Mexico and most if not all of Latin America. So I would guess that many of you have plans for that day and just wanted to remind you to get your flower orders in. If I have them by Friday that would be nice.
Carolina is back. I am waiting on pics, but all is well and some of you have been asking. Yessica is temporarily off the site but will be back soon. Can’t find Ingrid with a search light and about to remove her. Not sure what happened but she will be missed. I have several chicas to interview this week, so maybe a star is coming.
Karla has resurfaced with a new phone number so that is good. New chica Chantel is doing great and is staying busy. Not sure how long she will stay as she said she wanted to send $400 to her Mom. Well she made that in her first 2 days, but I am glad she is still working. Jazmin is back today, and Linda is back but seems to never be able to work. Arlet is back and getting lots of attention with her bigger ass.
Got lucky and hit the excacta 10 times in the Kentucky Derby. I spend the day with a good friend that no longer visits Tijuana as much and he is indeed missed. Over the last 15 years my circle of friends has changed to only people that are hobbyists or Tijuana enthusiasts. I still love my old friends but they would not understand or appreciate my line of work. Good friend Maria is still in my circle, but has moved to Arizona and I miss seeing her.
Bought a new computer yesterday, but it is sitting on the floor in the living room. Will hook it up sometime this week. Wife will use this one as she is taking a computer class as long as learning English. Her and the little one (now 3) are fine and seem to enjoy live even though they are living with me. The little one just does not know any better and to some extent I spoil him.
I am amazed at the diversity we offer and how the chicas scheduled are often different from day to day. Barbie is back and has her visa but is not pictured on the site. Brittany is near the end of her pregnancy and thank to you guys she has saved some money. Zulema is also pregnant but has elected not to work during her pregnancy but should be back in July or August. Luz is pregnant and should have new pics to reflect that soon. Cindy will be working a bit longer and also has a visa to visit the US. Sarahi has been doing well and she is doing cim with nearly everyone now. She is one of my favorite chicas and is so pleasant to work with. She along with Angel must be the nicest chicas in the business as they always say “please” and “thank you” when I visit with them.
I hope to see you all soon, and please remember to be careful out there. When you are ready, we will be here.