Hello Peeps,
Many of you have asked about Spring Fiesta. It is not going to happen this year. Maybe I am jaded, but feel like to many of the ladies don’t come to the parties and those same ladies always ask why they do not have more work. This annoys me more that you may think and if someone says I would like to see a lady and he offers different ladies, I try to call the provider that went to our last fiesta and “reward good behavior”. At this point I feel like I should use that money to travel but have nothing definite planned yet, I do think I will send a group notice that explains my actions and hopefully will get us a good turn our for our December Fiesta which will be the first Saturday in December.
I had a day when I seemed to be struggling with my balance and I referred to it as being dizzy. I think that was a wrong term and the doctors kept asking me if the room was spinning. I seem to be better but I have at least 3 more doctor appointments. I think I am going to have a heart monitor for a few days. I had an ultra sound a few days ago but they are not saying anything. At least they did not keep me and I seem to be normal. For whatever it is worth I decided to not have a Spring Fiesta before I had the balance issue.
One thing that happens way to often is a guy will say who do you suggest and I give a few names and then he gives me a couple. Why can’t guys just tell me who they want. Some girls are working more that others, but many are getting work which is always good. I do have a lady that is working off site. She was out top lady around 2010 and married a client and he since has died. You can ask me for her pictures if you like. She is 36 years old.
The Kentucky Derby is Saturday and their are good races on Friday as well. So tomorrow morning I will be watching the races and Saturday as well. Saturday will have some nice UFC fights and I will be watching them and maybe even wagering on some of them.
Thanks for taking the time to read. Be careful out there and we will be here when you are ready!