My heart goes out to those that were touched by the senseless bombings in Boston. Certainly it could have been worse, and hopefully it was not worse because of the work of law enforcement and Homeland Security over the last 12 years or so. I immediately thought of my few friends in Boston and then of my friends that are runners. I watched the television for several hours today and I don’t know who said it…maybe President Obama, but someone said that tragedies such as this do not weaken us, but because we are Americans it strengthens us. I do believe that and no matter what are personal differences are, when something like this happens we are all Americans, and we look out for our own. Although I live South of the border, I am and American and am quite moved when someone commits a crime against my Country. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those touched by this tragedy.
Sunday during the day I realized my radio no longer works in Tijuana. I am told it will work once I cross the border, but that is not a whole lot of help. Seems like I will be getting a new radio later this week that will work on both sides of the border and if I understand right, I will get two radios and the first months service for less than I was paying in the USA. Those radios come in handy when communicating with taxis.
Business was again good this past weekend and more than ever before the work is getting spread around among a lot of chicas. With nearly 70 chicas available our team is as strong as ever and still waiting to see what happens when Cindy gets called. I swear she looks like Perla and am just hoping her service will be top shelf like it is with Perla.
I have not visited the US in awhile, but hope to do so this week. Every time I think I may have time, we get some dates scheduled and I put it off. Some day I will hire a secretary again, and I won’t have to be so available. Karina would do it, but she lives so far away and needs to be closer to her children. I’d like to take a vacation and spend a week or 10 days with my son. We will see how things go the next couple of months and who knows maybe his Mom will let him visit.
I’m going to keep this short tonight as I am really tired. I dated this the 16th, but it is really near the end of the day on the 15th. You guys have a good week and I hope to see you soon. Be Safe!