I suppose I could have dated this one the 17th, but it is not yet 10pm. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things today, but not sure who much of it is “blog” worthy. Reminds me of the episode on Steinfeld, when Elaine is trying to decide who is “sponge” worthy.
First was the story of a lady who was in the hospital with shrapnel in her body, and a Veteran of Foreign War came to her rescue and among other things he showed her that he had shrapnel in his body and showed her his scar. The lady was so dis-oriented that she does not know whether the guy was a volunteer at the Marathon or if he was just a fan and came to her aid. His name was Tyler and he did a great job of making her more comfortable. Tyler epitomizes the American way and is just one of many that went over and above to help in a time of great need. So Tyler you were a hero before and now again you showed your true colors. Our Country is made up of many Tyler’s and it is people like you that help to make our Country great.
Cell phones again proved their value as many people were using them to video the event and the authorities have many videos to check out in hopes of some clues as to who was involved. I have seen today a video of a bag at the point of the first bomb that most likely was holding a bomb. Cell phones have helped convict criminals, and they have saved lives. Now if we can just not text when driving or even talk on them when driving, then that would be a great service to humanity.
Well it appears the 15 day vacation of my girlfriend is going to be more like 7 weeks. I miss her a ton, but I’m trying to find some positive in all of this. She is definitely worth waiting for. I am hoping I feel the same this time next year.
Well a couple of my favorite Team Juanita chicas are coming back. First Sarahi should be back within the week. I have never been a guy that really likes thin chicas, but Sarahi is just so pretty. When I am riding in the taxi with her I just want to kidnap her. Cindy, who was Cielo a few years ago is back in town as well. She may be Cindy 2 since we just hired a Cindy recently. She is 21 now and has no children. I will probably put her back on the site with her old pics, and she is suppose to get new pics on Thursday. Chicas and their pics don’t always happen as scheduled, but I try. Both are really pretty and will be welcomed back.
You may not believe this, but I hate posting pictures of chicas with their faces covered. I like it about as much as a cbj, and who likes that? It is one reason why I prefer to visit with a chica alone and not have other influences in the room. Not many chicas are going to think to cover their face, but someone always puts that in their heads. Well again the face book page will have more pics and no covered faces and it will only be visible to my friends (clients). If you join, your friends will not be able to see the pics, and that will make it a great tool for our clients to use. It is just getting rolling and I believe we have 17 people on line and two are my neighbors who are no threat to the site. Was in my buddy Alex and the other is his chica friend also named Alex. He plays at our parties usually and she attends often and is a friend to many of our chicas.
Luna sent me an e-mail today and said that she is in New York and to please take her pics down, and so I did. She indicated she will be back, but has no date in mind. Whenever that is she will be welcomed back like many others.
Sometimes I think of all the talent that has come and left and wow have we had some really talented and great ladies over the years. One I miss dearly is Layla, who may be the tiniest chica to ever work with us. Osiris is tiny but I think Layla is even smaller. Arely is another one and I mean the bigger chica that was here in 2009 and we stay in touch. She is in Veracruz and still writes saying she will be back. I know Dulce, Kamala, Nahomy, Monique and Jocelyn would all be in our Team Juanita hall of fame. I doubt many of you remember Xiomara or Veronica, but those are two that lived in my guest rooms for awhile and I miss having them around.
Well please remember the victims of the Boston Marathon and hopefully we will know someday soon what happened and our people will get well. Thanks for stopping by and be very safe out there.