My calendar tells me it is Perla’s birthday. Tried to find of friend of hers to tell he she has not been forgotten.I enjoy putting the birthdays on the calendar so I can surprise chicas in future years. Anyway Perla, where ever you are, you are missed and I will always love you. I am sure our clients join me in wishing you the best life has to offer. She must be about 30 today.
Lea called me today and she has 3 more months of school. She will work Friday and Saturday night overnights and during the day on Sundays for the next few months. Her English is really good now and I believe she will be sending a pic this week and taking some news ones during the week. She is good friends with Anna and I can only hope she would return as well.
Bunny answered the bell on her first opportunity and looks like we have another winner. It is so difficult with the chicas literally taking turns being the most popular. Michel just took over the #1 spot in Tijuana replacing Luz and we have about 6 chicas in the top 8 or 9.
Well college basketball is finished and I hate to see it go. The final game was great even though I lost both my bets on the final game. I had another good year of college basketball following up a great college football season. I would not bet that I will duplicate the last year, but I would bet that I will be trying.
Perception can be a bitch sometimes as I have heard from a few people that sent me letters of apologies as they have read that we are a site of old fat ladies. Some repeatedly say that and other repeat what they hear. Thanks to them for checking out our site full of young spinners. That being said, I just interviewed a chica that is built more like Nancy with 36DD’s and she should have pics this week. I am hoping to get more of Bunny. Grecia is back and has a couple of dates scheduled for the next week. I don’t think she speaks English but she has sent me some texts in English recently.
Remember Megaly? She was the very most popular chica in Tijuana about a year and a half ago. I hear she may be coming back. Who knows, as I don’t even have her number, but was she ever sexy. Her friend Rosa suggested she could be back after the summer as well.
Been battling with TER a little. Someone made up a review of Michel and it did move her to #1 in Tijuana, but was done to discredit her. I sent the guy a message and he swears he saw her, and I think he did, but not since she has returned. Who on this planet rates a chica a 6 in appearance and a 5 in service and sees the chica 3 times. That is his claim that he saw her 3 times. I don’t know about you but I don’t go back and see a movie twice that I did not like the first time.
My Reds are 5-1. I only say that as it may be the last chance to brag about them. Could be a long year in Cincinnati but I love my Reds and will be following them regardless. Hope to get out to see the Toros a few times this year. Ballgames in Tijuana are always good family fun.
Hope to be back soon. Be careful out there and we will be here when you are ready.
April 16, 2016 @ 4:53 am
Happy Birthday to Perla! I hope she is happy!