Some day maybe I will do a great April Fool’s joke. Won’t be this year or this blog. Not mad about anything and have nothing good to fool you with. I did get my second vaccination shot on Saturday. I feel like I dodged a bullet, but the truth is I did not spend a lot of time outside of the house. I did do some interviews but I wore a mask and went to places that check temperature and just was in and out. I will say this, I don’t think our service is too dangerous, but of course respect anyone that feels like it is the right time. I have read folks say that staying away from DFK is a good prevention. I feel like if you are close enough to a person to DFK that has the virus you stand a good chance to get it. So far we have had good luck, but we all want to get back to normal. I am not going to do anything different just because I had my 2 shots. I am happy that I only had pain after both shots in the area where I was injected.
Today is opening day for MLB ( the other one). I plan to bet baseball all season but in very small amounts. I will be betting NBA in small amounts as well but bigger than my baseball bets. I have been firing at NCAA football (Most don’t even know there are games every week). I am betting pretty big in NHL and sometimes gold and Nascar and also UFC fights. So there is plenty to bet on. My NCAA basketball has been profitable but not too much. Only 3 more games to bet and sorry to see the season go. Hopefully by November the schools will play to packed arenas.
I put Teresa on the site and you may see her on another site. I always suggest that every chica works with the same name on all sites. I wish all sites would use the same name for ladies that work on different sites. I let CaSandra go as she is great in the room, but just cannot be on time. I told her she will help our business best by working with our competition. I have suspended her twice and she begs for another chance, but why reward bad behavior? We have some really top ladies and they don’t want anyone bringing our business down. Nicole has new pictures and she looks pretty damn good. She was once our top chica but things change after time. She has had some good weeks recently and always does a good job. Patricia is still #1, but Monica is challenging her. Jade, Katty and Ana Lucia round out the top 5. Lucia was dong good but she may have lost her phone as I have lost contact with her and may take her off the site this weekend. She is not being punished but I don’t want to tell people I cannot find her, so it may be best. Carolina is rated #1 in Tijuana by TER but probably is # 8 on our site. Ana Lucia will be number 1 in the near future, but is is strange that #1 and #2 in Tijuana would be #5 and #8 on our site. Our team is really deep and I love the nights when we have 15 or more with dates.
Not sure when everyone is going to start coming back, but we can understand if the time is not right for you. We will be here when you are ready and just to be clear we provide GFE every day and every date. Be careful for the pranksters today. Be careful out there every day and We are waiting for you!