Well had a little scare when Ana Lucia missed a couple of dates. Come to find out she had a car accident and was jailed for a few days. Now that happens occasionally around here, but with her pretty face I was somewhat surprised. I remember when Malia was working she had a car, no license and was constantly in wrecks, but the police only wanted her phone number. Anyway she is back to work with a busy schedule.
Hope you saw Ashley’s new pics. She is looking better and of course she was always very pretty. Rose swears she will get pics tomorrow at noon and I look forward to seeing those. Rose and Ana Lucia have been great additions and new chica Charlotte got great comments after her first date. Penelope was hospitalized over the weekend but she is out and back to work. Mary went out of town with her Mom but will be back Thursday for a date.
I read a couple of days that we had only average to below average chicas on our site. There is a group of guys that constantly say that but it hurts when is repeated by guys that have no idea what our current stable is like. I have had a few apologize after seeing our site and seeing the quality of the chicas, because they believed what other folks have repeated.
Well the tourney is nearing and Gonzaga qualified tonight. I believe St Mary’s will be invited as well. We were just to busy today for me to watch the games, but I hope to be on top of everything both tomorrow and Thursday. It is a great time of the year for the sports fan.
What is up with all this rain? My poor apartment is freezing where we had the windows open at night last week. I think this is only temporary but will be glad when it warms up a bit. My trash cans were filled with water which made it a bit difficult to take out the trash.
Today was the International Day of the Woman, so I sent several texts out and brought a smile to a few faces. Told a couple of cashiers to have a happy day of the woman so scored a few points there. I did not forget my wife though.
Going to slow down for awhile. Will be back soon and please be careful out there.
March 14, 2016 @ 9:42 pm
Hey Dennis, I like your new website and your chicas are wonderful so I wouldn’t listen to morons who have no idea what they are talking about. Keep up the good service and we will see you on the 19th. Everything is still a go right?