Hope everyone is doing well. It is getting cold in Tijuana, but I guess I should be thankful that I am not in Indiana.
Covid 19 is spiking on both sides of the border and I understand we are close to a vaccine being released. I hope that is the case as I of course want to get back to some semblance of normal. Probably for the remainder of my life we will be taking about Pre Covid and Post Covid.
Our presidential election sure has been a topic all over the World and shows like Saturday Night Live really took advantage of that. I suppose comedians all over the World have found humor with our election as well as with Covid 19.
Covid has forced the cancellation of 2 fiestas but we are having a private one for the ladies only. I wonder what the attendance will be like and we have it scheduled for a location that will be closed to the public. I just want the ladies to know that I appreciate what they do. I already spent two thousand on gifts, but if we have a small turnout they can be kept for the following year. I hope to have a Christmas in March (or insert another month) for everyone and I will of course post that on the site with a minimum of 30 days notice and most likely 60 days.
As for our business, Gisselle has left and now Abby is gone for awhile. Monica and Ana Lucia are benefiting from our top 2 ladies leaving. Patricia is an absolute super star but gets overlooked by many. She gets top marks and repeat requests from those that see her. Patty, Vanessa, and Pamela are all doing well among or newer chicas. Pamela has lost her ID and should have it by December 7th (a day we Americans like to get bombed). She can go to Pueblo Amigo and to La Mansion with her school ID but not anywhere else that I am aware of. Tiffany, Divina, Carolina and Karina are getting work and Karina has gained popularity for her last few TER reviews.
College basketball is suppose to start in late November. NCAA football is having to cancel games because of the pandemic, but they are tooling along. I believe the NFL will get though the season but can only hope that players on teams that have no playoff hopes can continue to live within the guidelines. The Masters start today and UFC seems to have a good system in place. I just hope we can continue to make progress.
I promise to stay in good spirits and hope you too can find some way to remain positive. Buying presents has been challenging as some businesses have altered their hours. I like to cross very early and be back by noon, but finding lots of businesses opening at 11am or later and closing earlier as well. I am just dealing with it the best I can.
Thanksgiving is coming up so try to find away to enjoy your family and remember what you do have to be thankful for. I will try and be back soon and be careful out there please.