How has everyone been? Things are looking good now for Team Juanita and because of an increase in business, I am sometimes having a hard time handling details. That is something I will improve on. We are competing with the numbers from 2007 when we really hit a nice stride and would see many clients each day. What is different is that there are so many quality chicas working on our site that not any one chica is dominating the site like in years past.
I have been working on my Christmas program, where some friends and myself pass out goodies to many kids that may not get much for the Holiday. I will be talking more about that next week and share some stories with you, but for the time being we have set a goal of reaching 250 kids in Tijuana. I have already got several businesses in Tijuana to commit to assist us financially and I hope that more money will turn into a better quality of gift and it will help with our goal of reaching more kids.
Gearing up for Halloween. Halloween tradition at my home is to buy more candy that we could ever give away, and then riding around in a taxi late at night and giving away what we have. After 2 years of Mickey Mouse the lil guy wants to be “Winnie Pooh” this year. Yeah Winnie Pooh is how we say it in Mexico as opposed to Winnie the Pooh in the states. Halloween is a big deal here and many of the adults get into full costume as well. So folks buy your candy now because the retailers have a hard time keeping up with the demand and if you wait too long you won’t have the “quality” candy that I give out. Snickers, Miky Way, Reese Cups, 3 Musketeers, M&M’s, Baby Ruth and Butter Fingers are the staples at my house.
I am not at a liberty to talk yet, but there will be some changes coming to our site soon. You may not notice anything real soon, but I guess they will benefit me the most and that has got me excited. I have a new chica to interview today, and hopefully she will be on the site soon. Diana had to leave but she made a big impact in a short while. New chica Layla made a nice impact on the business out of the gate and I hear she is orally gifted. Hasmir did not work out, but the door is open for her to return at anytime. Osiris will probably be back by the 15th and I know many of you miss her. Divina is still the most popular but on any given day the order of preference is subject to change.
Baseball playoffs start this week. Maybe I will have something to say about that soon. Football is going good and I am enjoying that as well. Hopefully the weather will settle down a little and I will be in a better mood. You all be careful out there and I will be back real soon.