10-24-2013 and before…with my apology for being a slow learner
Well folks, only one more week to Halloween. I have the good candy ready for our neighbors. Hope they appreciate it.
The little guys has his Batman costume, and he will most likely hate it, but his attitude will be different when he sees the rewards. Just maybe he will ask to go trick-or-treating on Friday and Saturday as well. He has a birthday in early December, so he has a lot going on right now.
I did not realize this until now, but after checking today in review, we had 6 first time clients on our calendar. Best I can tell they all went home happy, so I hope we made 6 new friends. There are several new guys coming over the weekend as well, so all is looking good here.
Ivon was put on the site this afternoon and within 30 minutes she was scheduled. I am waiting for a friend of Fernanda’s to come aboard and they will work bi together. There are a few others I am waiting for and we will keep looking.
Some folks do not understand that Barbie, Nicole, and Abril are still available. They have all been discovered by folks they do not want seeing their pics. Poor Nicole had her pic passed around her school, so she is happy to work, but not be pictured or mentioned on the site. I doubt those students are reading the blog. 🙂
Rosa called and said she is done as she just got a boyfriend. I wish her the best and of course the door is always open for a return.
I am going to keep this short, and hope you all have a nice and safe weekend. If you are wanting to visit we will be here.
Every year I mention my friend Maria around this time. Her birthday is 10-10 and of course that makes it easy for me to remember. I believe she will be 72 on Thursday. Bless her heart, as she is a great friend and she is missed as she now lives in Phoenix Arizona. I actually met her in Phoenix in 1984.
I want to visit the US to load up on good quality candy for the 31st. Our neighbors deserve only the best. I have to figure out a costume for the little guy who just passed 22 months this week. He has no idea, but I am guessing in November he will be asking if we can go trick-or-treating again. He has his birthday and Xmas both coming in two months, so it will be an exciting time for him.
Just added Amber today. I think she will do well. There are a couple more coming in the next few days, so we may be reloading. Katia is going to Vegas tomorrow, so she will be working there. She wanted to thank everyone for their kindness and helping her survive while in Mexico. I think she will be back, but not sure when.
Football is great this year with some teams doing well that normally do not like the Kansas City Chiefs. The Broncos look like they are from the next era and have no competition. I believe they are a 28 point favorite this week. That is a testament to how good they are and to how bad Jacksonville is. Did not Jacksonville beat Denver as an expansion team in the playoffs? Well don’t look for that to happen this weekend.
Everyone is talking about the Government shut down, but fortunately it has not affected the wait at the border. For awhile this summer it was pretty bad, but things are more in line now.
Chicas are coming and going, but I promise to continue the hunt for nice chicas who will provide GFE. I cannot say enough about Megali as she should have some 10 TER reviews by now, but I think everyone is trying to keep her a secret.
Hope you are liking the new look on the site. The traffic it is bringing is unreal and of course people are staying on the site a bit longer. I am still learning, so have patience with me. I am hoping I can publish this blog as the last time it did not go live and showed up a few days later.
Please take care out there, and I promise to be back soon.