Well I don’t know much, but one thing I do know is it is time to open up Ped West. I cross a lot for a guy that lives in Tijuana and has no family in SoCal. One of my motivation is to exercise. The sidewalks are a lot better in the US than here and they are particularly bad in my neighborhood. I crossed twice yesterday and the first time was about 5:30 and it took almost 20 minutes as a pedestrian and later at 10pm was no line at all. I may go again tomorrow but I don’t need anything. I like to cross late at night after the overnight dates start and I can go to a grocery store and buy a few things.
Has not been much talk about our new pricing that we posted on Monday, but before you panic the prices don’t take effect until July 1. And at that they just returned to the 1997 opening prices. The La Mansion and La Premier still can have huge lines to get rooms even on weekdays and we normally only go during the morning and early afternoon to those places. Here is your link to the prices and you may see that many of them are the same, but there are some changes.
The party was good but I had issues with the microphones and was a bit disappointed by the turn out of ladies. I always fee that the $200 raffle for the chicas that are there before 8pm was a great incentive, but we only had 12 when I did that drawing and another 12 or so that came very late. I will send a letter to the ladies to let them know they can do better. The ladies that did come represented our team well. Valeria had an issue and had to return home and she was getting close to our top 10 as is her friend Dulce. Monica was “on her days” but she still managed to show up with a good attitude and will be available to work today. Kary had kind of been running under the radar but her schedule got a bit busier because of the fiesta.
I have pulled a few ladies off the site, but who knows they could come back. It is strange how many leave and come back.
On a sad note Yovanna passed recently as she had been ill from Covid for awhile. She was about to come back but it was not to be. I loved that chica as she was so sweet, but she had some friends that were not good company and some other friends that were very good people but she took the wrong fork in the road and will be missed. RIP sweetheart.
We have lost 5 chicas that I am aware of since we opened in 1997 and who knows it may be more. I know a few of the ladies mothers and not excited about visiting with any of them about the sudden loss of their daughter. We are not suppose to bury our children before we go and it pains me when the leave early.
Well the NBA and NHL are in their playoffs now and Major League Baseball (the other MLB) is in full swing so they help me pass the time and this new league in football does not have a bad product. Some of those guys will be playing on Sundays in the fall and that is for sure.
Well if you have not figured it out yet, our next fiesta will be Saturday December 3rd. It will be posted plenty early for sure and I think I am going to employee a secretary to send notices to remind the ladies. The men always show up and for whatever it is worth, we did buy more beer, soda and water for this event that we have in maybe 10 years of fiestas.
Well I am ready to go, and hope to have something to write about soon. Be careful out there and when you are ready to visit we will be here.